Saturday 7 July 2012

St. Hill Manor July 5th 2012.

Scientology were holding a jousting tournament at St. Hill today, so I thought I'd head on over and have a look.Not much to see except a few streamers in red, white and blue being put up just inside the main entrance. As I was leaving a few cars appeared. The guard in the sentry box just inside the gateway entrance got a bit of a panic on when he saw me coming towards him and tried to hide behind the wall while keeping a close eye on me.

Lots of the usual white vans in the car park, few people about except for the teenage girls putting up the streamers. Down at the second entrance Janet Laveaux could be seen heading up to the Manor, no doubt called upon by the security guard, that damned SP is outside.

Had a look at other places of interest, found Green fields School which I have never been to before, didn't get to see much, but I now know where it is.

Was hunting out the home of Criminon which which according to google maps is a post office box number at the, you've guessed it, East Grinstead Post Office.

The Education and Betterment Center was empty as usual, and no sign of life at the Montessori school..

Blue Birds cafe was doing thriving business as was the Olive Grove, both known Scientology entities of sorts.Nothing quite like a free stress test while you sit down for your afternoon cuppa.

East. Grinstead library had far fewer books in stock of L. Ron Hubbard's applied philosophy which is a bit of a worry, because one presumes they are out on loan and people are actually reading them. All the books that were there were brand new and had never been loaned out.One wonders if they had been replaced with new "tech".

The highlight of my day was finally finding Coopers Wood, the home I lived in prior to joining the Sea Org in 1967.It was exactly where and how I remembered it although there were conifers on the lawn which were not there in my day.Good job I knew where I was going as the sat nav tried to take me in a totally different direction.

Had a chat with a man at the pub where I had lunch, who told me Scientology puts a lot of money into the town in one way or another using their celebrities, nothing I hadn't heard before. He told me he had some Scientology friends but they don't preach to him, and as he's told them, I won't be brainwashed. He also told me a coach load of them go into a shop and try to buy one pack of cigarettes by credit card on Saturday mornings.There's so many of them and they don't like it so tell them they have to buy at least two packs.He said he didn't care about their beliefs as long as "I am not brainwashed", I told him he should care because they brainwash children.

Just another barmy day in East. Grinstead.

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