Wednesday 21 March 2012

A Childhood in Scientology.

In Scientology-think, children are regarded as the bodies for the next generation:

" It has been been clearly proven that a Thetan is immortal, cannot really experience death nor have it erased by forgetting about it. It is appropriate for the Thetan, who is going to live again, that he urgently try to create something for the future in order to have something to which he can return. Out of this comes the concern about sex. There have to be more bodies for the next life."
L. Ron Hubbard, "The Fundamentals of Thought," page 77  "This is approximately the spiritual state of mind in which a Thetan usually has discovered that his body is dead. His main thought is take up another body. He can do that by finding a small child that he resurrect to life. But normally he goes into a body at the point in time that we describe as the assumption. In most cases, the assumption occurs several minutes after birth. The baby is born,  and then the Thetan takes the baby.That is the usual procedure. But the Thetan has perhaps already been in the area for a long time. How do Thetans behave who find that they suddenly no longer have bodies? The behave like people. They hang around people until they see a  pregnant woman and then follow her along the street."
L. Ron Hubbard: "Have you lived this Life Before?" page 50
How important it is in Scientology to indoctrinate children at an early age to become uncritical fanatics is shown in the following quote:
"Scientology for children could in practice very well be the most important single area in this religion's efforts."
L. Ron Hubbard: "Handbook for Ministers" Kopenhagen 1980 auf Seite 449 "The cases of tomorrow are the cases of children today. Whole civilizations have changed because somebody changed the children."
L. Ron Hubbard: "Techniken für Kinder Prozessing" in "Ability"  Ausgabe 110 aus 1959 (deutsche  Ausgabe)
For the child in question, a childhood in Scientology is the equivalent of no childhood at all. It is more like suiting the child up with a totalitarian system and its often brutal, ruthless regulations and directives. In this case the question could be asked of whether freedom of belief might not have its limits?

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