Thou shalt not, do as thy wilt and be the hole of the law.
Mary Sue Hubbard, Dec. 16, 1969
EXM - 5
Editor's Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commerical purposes.
(Editors notes are in parentheses. Starred words were illegible in the original xerox.)
Date: 5-30-84
John J. Corcoran, County Clerk
By: R. Hart, Deputy
GO 121669 MSH December 16, 1969
(Guardian's Office 121669 Mary Sue Hubbard)
OBSERVATION: The enemy has used the method of infiltration to obtain
information against ourselves as known from incidences in South Africa,
Edinburgh, and Washington, D.C.
The enemy has also 'turned', and used as double agents, staff
members as revealed by Maurice Johnson at Saint Hill and Barbara Peake
in Melbourne.
Further, the enemy has used former disaffected staff members,
Scientologists or relatives of Scientologists in their attacks - Philip
****** and Doug Moon in Australia, Jean Kennedy and Gene van ******* in
South Africa, Michael Purnetta and Mrs. ******* in England, Eleanor
Turner and the former Mrs. Elmo ***** in America and the O'Donnell
family in New Zealand, to name but a few of the outstanding examples.
Although infiltrators and double agents can create more internal
chaos and disorder in an organization, the enemy has been most
successful in their attacks through the use of disaffected staff,
Scientologists or relatives of Scientologists and the biggest gross
error an organization can make as regards its own security is violations
of the HCO (Hubbard Communications Office) Policy Letter of October 27,
1964, "Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and Potential Trouble
The duty of keeping the organization secure belongs in the HCO
Division, both in RAP(?) and Inspections and Reports, but the
Intelligence Bureau has learned through long experience that it cannot
leave this function entirely up to HCO and where it has done so, it has
had to suffer the consequences. Thus this Programme is a vital one.
MAJOR TARGET: To use any and all means to detect any infiltration,
double agent or disaffected staff member, Scientologist or relatives of
Scientologists and by any and all means to render null any potential
**** or harm such have rendered or might render to Scientology and
1. This Programme is to be done by the Assistant Guardian or the Deputy
Assistant Guardian for Intelligence, if this post is held separately.
2. To establish intelligence files on all such persons found to be
infiltrators, double agents, and disaffected staff members,
Scientologists and relatives of Scientologists.
1. To make full use of all files on (in?) the organization to affect
your major target. These include personnel files, Ethics files, Dead
files, Central Files, training files, PROCESSING FILES and requests for
refunds. (Capitalization added. Processing files are the case folders
of everything that is run on a preclear and everything the preclear says
including all of his goals, ARC breaks, Present Time Problems and
Withholds and Missed Withholds. These written records are kept during
the session by the Auditor and are given to the Case Supervisor between
sessions so that the case can be programmed for the next session. Also
if something goes wrong, the Auditor can be sent to cramming and
retrained. They are NOT for the purpose of publicly disclosing the data
in them to hold the pc at bay or to blackmail him later. This is like a
Roman Catholic Priest divulging his parishioners confessions to the
newspaper or the police, or a psychiatrist or doctor doing the same. By
the way the pc was never allowed to look at his own folders, not even
the Ethics Officer. Only the Auditor and the Case Supervisor. This was
a sacred promise made by Hubbard himself.)
2.) To assemble full data by investigation of each person located for
possible use in case of attack or for use in preventing any attack and
to keep files of such. (Once a pc's confidential confessional formulary
is handed over to anyone for any reason other than case supervision or
auditing, you can be sure it will be used by those people for any
purpose at all that they see fit. Once the rules are broken, there are
no more rules. I leave it to your imagination... A formulary is a
book, in this case a collection of case folders, containing prescribed
forms used in the service of a church, in this case auditing routines
and processes and how they were run and the pc's responses to them
including confessions. They are LEGALLY confidential.)
3.) To be alert to usual security precautions and to see that these are
performed by the organization; such as proper locking of the premises,
security of keys, locking of files, the changing of locks if keys have
been lost, proper safes, etc.
4.) To keep off staff (lines and off) org lines any person who has ever
betrayed Scientology or who has threatened to betray or blackmail
Scientology. (With what withholds?)
5.) To ensure the Policy Letter on Physical Healing, Insanity and
Potential Trouble Sources is not violated and to be alert to any
possible violation.
6.) To maintain a good liaison to Ethics and ensure that the Ethics
Officer alerts you to any person who might attack Scientology.
7.) To be alert to any organizational theft or disappearances of records
and files as a possible indication of the presence of an infiltrator or
double agent. Infiltrators are frequently those who have recently
"joined" Scientology and so can be watched. Double agents are usually
detected by natter (low tone covert unconstructive criticism), down
stats (downwardly trending production statistics), disorder in their
areas and no case gain, (NCG, no case gain, means they don't cognite in
session, and they don't get better even in their own estimation.)
8.) To be effective and IMAGINATIVE (capitalization added) in your
collection of data and in your actions to nullify any attack or threat
of attack.
9.) To keep your Assistant Guardian fully advised and the Deputy
Guardian for Intelligence World Wide, who will inform the Guardian World
Wide in such matters.
PRODUCTION TARGET: This is a continuing Programme on which
Projects will be issued from time to time.
Mary Sue Hubbard
(Church of Scientology, Guardian)
I have bolded, italiced and underlined the relevant piece...this was a favorite of Mary Sue Hubbard
"by all and any means" and she meant it, I actually heard her say it, shortly after I had read the article in the News of the World. At the time I thought she might have been talking about my Grand Mother, she could have been talking about anyone, but why in front of me, a scared kid who had just turned 12, un acknowledged, with a Father that had gone AWOL, only I did not know that yet...
I was about to be overboarded for being miserable...only I did not know that yet either...I had been incarcerated in the hold of the Apollo for talking to Greek boys, they did not know English and we did not know Greek...suddenly I am a security risk, an 11 year old security risk, Janis was a 12 year old security risk...what were we...spies come to infiltrate SMERSH...$cientology was the SMERSH...the governments were be despised...the news papers were the be despised...the bankers were the enemies... to be despised...according to Hubbard everyone was a god damned enemy except $cientology...even his most devoted acolytes were enemies if they did not toe the party line. He was a fucking nutter!
A lot of the information in the time track of scientology is's wrong because these people that gave this information were still too stuck on L. Ron Hubbard...disorientated on their journey out...and as you get older you loose track of time. For arguments sake...I thought I had been speaking out for six years, in actuality it has been eight years now...where does time go...? It either speeds up as you get older or you slow down... something I don't really want to talk about but I will because it is IMPORTANT...the peanut incident...this did happen and it did happen whilst I was on board the Apollo...I did not make this up...if only I had...Janis Gillham...someone who will NOT speak out came and got me...mandatory attendance on the upper decks...we laughed because how could this actually be happening...I did not believe it till I saw the blood...and to this day I can see that man with blood all over his bearded face.I ended up in the Crows Nest because of it.
I know you remember the fox skin, but do you remember the Lilac Kaftan? My prized possession to My best friend for her birthday...I know what you did...and believe me...I won't forget it...and neither will David Miscavge...will he?