Sunday, 27 July 2014

Deadly Devotion

Ellie Perkins died because of her devotion to scientology and this docu/commentary bares witness to that. I have always felt a great empathy for this young man as although he killed his Mother , I don't believe it was his fault. Paranoid Schizophrenia is a real illness and cannot be treated by vitamins, but scientologists are taught you must not use psychiatry or psychiatric medicine...a real dilemma for a true believer.

I think this documentary was very generalized probably because of normal human consumption ( ie: the wogs would not understand, the wogs are non Scientologists...L. Ron Hubbard's defamatory phrase, not mine.)

No one that I ever knew would hold the cans up in the air like this is portrayed, maybe that was to make sure people realized they were holding cans...more loosely held resting on your knee, or table would be the norm back in the day.

I would think Jeremy Perkins would have had to have access to the OT 3 level in order to think he could see aliens in the ceiling, maybe he read the internet...enough to turn anyone over the edge if you are a devoted scientologist child and are repeatedly made to do the lower levels of indoctrination.

Daft, I know that now, but when I first came across OT 3 on the internet I was scared to look. I had been out for nearly 40 years and when I plucked up the courage to read it, not only did it ring a few bells, but I laughed harder then I had in ages...LRH talked about Orgs in the space, space orgs...come on...they can't even keep the Orgs on Earth afloat...but they do manage to send people over the edge with their teachings and render young kids paranoid Schizophrenic and adults too.

Over all good documentary, well done Tony Ortega

I would like to know what has happened to Jeremy since?

The Tragic Death of Peaches Geldof



Peaches' name signed in BLOOD with a heroin syringe ... - Daily Mail

How Peaches Geldof was obsessed with the occult and spiritual ...


Introducing the Satanic sex cult that's snaring stars such as Peaches ...

There is more to this than meets the eye... It ain't fucking moving, because there is more to this than meets the eye...a lot more...


Saturday, 26 July 2014

Scientologists to be investigated for workplace harassment in France

Originally posted by mnql1 on ESMB

Translation of a French article posted on July 23, 2014 on the website:
L’Eglise de scientologie visée par une enquête préliminaire pour «harcèlement moral» et «abus de faiblesse»

Church of Scientology object of a preliminary investigation for "psychological harassment" and "abuse of weakness"

by Vincent Vantighem
July 23, 2014

According to our information, the public prosecutor's office in Versailles [capital of France's Yvelines department] launched a preliminary investigation at the beginning of June concerning the Spiritual Association of the Church of Scientology (Celebrity Centre) and several of its members for alleged acts of "psychological harassment" and "abuse of weakness." The investigation was spurred by a complaint filed on June 3 by twelve employees of Arcadia, a company that is based in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône and specializes in conversions of attic space and extensions of houses.

The employees assert that they were subjected to "psychological harassment" during training provided by consultants who, the employees say, are members of the Church of Scientology. "Scientology infiltrated the company for the chief purpose of plundering its resources," says Olivier Morice, the lawyer who is defending the employees.

The Versailles public prosecutor's office confirmed that it "assigned the preliminary investigation to the Assistance and Intervention Unit for Sectarian Abuses" [CAIMADES, a police unit specializing in cult-related cases], which operates under the Central Office for the Repression of Violence against Persons (OCRVP).

The alleged abuses started at the beginning of 2013. "We knew that the president of the company was a Scientologist," says Stéphane, one of the employees (the names have been changed in this article). "He talked all the time about L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. But things really degenerated when he brought in his buddies ..." Consultants were called in to "improve the company's performance" and to provide training to the employees.

"At first, it was for an hour and a half every week. Then it expanded to half a day. Then an entire day," says Julie, another employee. A few weeks later, the trainers stopped hiding the Scientology books from which they took the exercises that were supposed to improve communication between us."

Among these exercises, the ones Julie remembers most are the "Training Routines" that the Church of Scientology frequently uses. "The first one involves staying still for two hours without moving or saying anything while facing another employee," she explains. "Later, we had to read passages from Alice in Wonderland. Then we had to repeat the question 'Do fish swim?' and the answer was: 'Yes, birds fly.'"

Julie, a 27-year-old sales representative, complains that she cracked during so-called "bullbaiting" exercises. "For that one, you had to allow yourself to be insulted for hours without reacting. I couldn't do it, so the trainer demonstrated it to me by violently telling a colleague to give him a blowjob!"

"If we didn't comply with their orders, we were immediately placed on a blacklist," adds Stéphane. "They made life impossible to drive us to leave the company." The 33-page complaint is very detailed and states that, in a year and a half, 25 of the 90 employees dropped out of the company by resignation, dismissal, or contractual termination.

"In addition to the controlling the minds of the employees, the main goal of the Church of Scientology was to rake in money," says lawyer Olivier Morice. For example, Cyrille Pincanon, who was hired as a consultant for the technical teams, was paid 437,531 euros through his company, CYP Conseil, for "improving the quality of construction sites."

Though he is named in the complaint, he denied any proselytizing when 20 Minutes contacted him. "Yes, I carried out a mission that went very well. On my scale of 0 to 110%, I obtained a satisfaction rate of 103%. I can show all the evidence of my work, all the documents ... " But when asked about his alleged membership in the Church of Scientology and its methods, he bristled: "My methods are my business and mine alone. As for the Church of Scientology, I have nothing to say to you about that!"

The spokesperson for the Celebrity Centre, Eric Roux insists that he has never heard of Arcadia, but he admits that the names of the persons who are the object of the employees' complaint "ring a bell." "I have no information about this case," he says. "But at first glance, by intuition, it sounds baseless to me ... "

Presumed innocent, the representatives of the Church of Scientology could be summoned by the CAIMADES unit in September.

20 Minutes attempted to contact the president of Arcadia, but he was not immediately available. 
Translation of a French article posted on July 24, 2014 on the website:
Arcadia: «Ce n’est pas parce que je suis scientologue que mon entreprise l’est»
Arcadia: "Just because I'm a Scientologist does mean my company is a Scientology enterprise"

by Vincent Vantighem
July 24, 2014

Frédéric Langlois, president of Arcadia, is the target of a complaint filed by employees who accuse him of implementing management methods associated with the Church of Scientology. He responded to our questions ...

"Surprised" and "saddened," Frédéric Langlois, the president of Arcadia, learned on Wednesday from 20 Minutes that he is the subject of a complaint filed by twelve of his employees for "psychological harassment" and "abuse of weakness." The employees asserted that they were forced by their president to take training provided, according to them, by Scientologists. The Versailles public prosecutor's office opened a preliminary investigation at the beginning of June.

On Thursday afternoon, Frédéric Langlois agreed to answer questions from 20 Minutes.

Did you know that twelve of your employees had filed a complaint against you and the Church of Scientology for "psychological harassment?"
Until now, I hadn't been informed of the complaint against me. I found out from your article. I don't know the precise details.

Many of your employees say in the complaint that management methods associated with the Church of Scientology were used in your company. Are you a member of the Church of Scientology?
I am a Scientologist. I don't hide it. The persons who know me know this. But there was never any question of practicing Scientology in the company. The fact that we use certain administrative processes for operating a business doesn't make the company a Scientology enterprise.

There are many companies in the world that use L. Ron Hubbard's business processes. That doesn't mean they are Scientology companies.

So you acknowledge that you've used L. Ron Hubbard administrative processes in your company?
Some of them, yes. That's business organization. They're management methods that are taught in schools ...

In their complaint, the employees claimed to have been forced to follow Training Routines that are frequently used by the Church of Scientology, for example, reading passages from "Alice in Wonderland" or taking insults from colleagues. Is this true?
This is exactly why I don't wish to get into details. I don't know what the complaint says. I don't want to answer this question until I understand every aspect of the complaint.

Do you know about the Training Routines method?
Yes, I do. I've applied it myself in my life as a person. I find this very funny. But there was never an intention to implement that here.

According to the employees, Scientologists were also brought in to the company as consultants. Is this correct?
Yes, they are Scientologists. I met them at the church. I have no problem talking about this. I know a lot of people. Some are Scientologists, others aren't. They came and they went.

There are 80 persons in the company. People come, people go ... If I were to use everyone in the church, there would be millions of people here. That's not what this is about.

Twenty employees left your company in a little over a year. Did you say to yourself there's a problem?
Yes, we can't say there's no problem. This is a big issue for me. It's too complicated, too early to identify a determining factor. I have to step back and look.

How is your company faring today?
I will only say that many employees had predicted we wouldn't hold out until June. So there does seem to be an intention behind this.

Do you think the purpose of the complaint is to destroy your company?
This is a bit what I'm feeling today. For what purpose? I don't know.

What is your outlook today?
I'm surprised and saddened. I'm very sad because these are people I trained myself ... I'm waiting to see exactly what their complaint says.

Friday, 25 July 2014


Private Eye  25th july - 7th August.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Quote by Alan Walters

The truth is what it is - not what you want it to be. 

Alan Walter, former scientologist


Quote by Karen de la Carrirre...

Karen de la Carriere told these stories to Lawrence Wright while he was researching his book "Going Clear"[1]and wants them told here at Scientolipedia to be part of the history as an example of what she witnessed to be LRH's deep level of caring for others while developing the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology.


Those who were close to him saw a generous and caring leader who used his gigantic personality to keep his ship, his fleet, his organization, and his religion on track. Karen de la Carriere, a young British auditor, remembers watching Hubbard in his office screaming at one of the crew; when that person left, cowering, Hubbard swiveled in his chair and gave Karen a big wink. “He was in total control,” she realized. “It was all theatrical to create a desired effect.”
Hubbard developed many of the basic Scientology techniques aboard the Apollo. In one instance, Karen was having no luck auditing a wealthy Scientologist with a long drug history, who kept falling asleep during their sessions. Hubbard theorized that theLSD he had taken must still be in his system; perhaps the drugs could be sweated out by putting him to work swabbing the decks. After six weeks, he was a changed man. Karen says that was the beginning of the Scientology drug-treatment program, called the Purification Rundown.
introspection rd

A strapping crewman named Bruce Welch had what other crew members diagnosed as a nervous breakdown or a psychotic episode. In Scientology terms, he had gone “PTS Type Three.” He had a crush on one of the ship’s young women, and when he learned she was engaged, he went berserk. Welch got a butcher knife from the pantry and threatened to kill Hubbard and other members of the crew. There were no designated security procedures or personnel trained to handle such a case. It took four crewmen to eventually subdue Welch and wrestle him into a cabin in the forecastle, the storage area above the bow, away from most of the crew, where he screamed continuously. There was a metal bed with a mattress, and a metal cabinet, but Welch managed to tear them apart with his bare hands and shove the pieces through the porthole.
A young Australian named Mike Rinder (who would eventually become the church’s chief spokesperson) had just arrived aboard the Apollo and was given the assignment of guarding Welch’s cabin. He sat on a trunk in the hallway, listening to Welch shouting, “Bring the Commodore here! I want the Commodore right now!” Then Welch would yank on the door, which was locked and lashed to the bulkhead with sturdy ropes. Several times, Rinder recalled, Welch beat up other members of the crew when he was escorted to the bathroom or given his meals.
Hubbard saw Welch’s rampage as an opportunity to experiment with the problem of acute mental breakdown. Total silence was enforced on the forecastle deck so that Welch would have nothing to stimulate him. Three times a day, Hubbard would write Welch a note, asking about his well-being. Welch’s response might be, “You’re the devil incarnate. I’m going to enjoy plunging the knife in you.” Hubbard would respond that he understood, and by the way was there any special food that the chef could prepare for him? In this way, Welch’s rage began to subside. He allowed an auditor to visit him each day. After two weeks, the door to Welch’s cabin was unlocked and he emerged, serene and apparently cured.
The Introspection Rundown was issued shortly thereafter.
#658 Reply ...posted by J Swift



Not in this lifetime... and I don't believe in past lives so I guess this is it...had an horrendous nightmare the other night for the first time in ages, not once, but twice in one night and the question is if push comes to shove, would I do what I did in my nightmare to defend us. I don't believe I am capable, but am I?

I believe I am...scary...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

Monday, 21 July 2014

What's the Greatest Good for Scientology's Future?

That people will NEVER get real $cientologists to admit to things because if they do they are liable for jail by wog standards and they will NOT go to jail because they are Superior beings to the likes of you and me, they are beyond reproach as mere mortals, they have lived for centuries, life after life time and if you think some mere wog can come along and say different, you have a big problem on your hands...that IS Standard Tech, it's been going at least since the mid sixties to my knowledge, probably prior to that, try the 50s.

There will NEVER be a world without war, insanity and criminality because England, good old England has just declared $cientology a Religion.

You want war, look at the world today... You want insanity...just look at the $cientologists and You want criminality...look at $cientology's past and present's NOT a pretty picture...the media have put into the spot light Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun and Karen De La Carriere...You are NOT close up and personal with L. Ron Hubbard for roughly 20 years without knowing what YOU are doing...

L. Ron Hubbard was so caring and thoughtful...he put his own Messengers into the hold for daring to talk to Greek boys, boy, what a security risk when you are up against SMERSH...

Sorry #1 karen...can't see you

It's a blur to you isn't high on POWER...and Affluence...sweet dreams...the original Commodores messengers, minus Suzette who probably had to be somewhere else, as always...and of course Terri wasn't there because she was Head Messenger...other fish to learning how to cook the books and of course neither of them went on a Russian submarine...but we did...SMERSH spies...funny thing...don't see Annie Broeker there...but then Marty Rathbun broke her didn't he before she could spill the beans and rice...

this is what happened to the one on the right, sorry I meant Wright of me...

courtesy of The Telegragh... in six years he turned into a God #Karen, a Mesiah, so caring and the purif was I saw it in my very brief interlude on XSO message board, .... Mr. Welch tore up his mattress and threw it out of the porthole, anything he could rip out of the cabin he threw overboard out of the porthole in order to draw attention to the fact that he was being detained...I did NOT bare witness to this because I was NOT there in 1973, however a similar incident happened in nineteen sixty eight. Allegedly they did NOT come out of the incident a totally changed man, they were broken into tiny little pieces, like my Father at Abellund, like Annie Broeker when Marty Rathbun brought her where to run where to hide...I survived $ are still stuck there...

This piece of music is bloody brilliant...I love it...see my post...I cannot and will not ever endorse anyone or anything that promotes Tom Cruise, John Travolta, $cientology or any of the scumbags that support this insidious organization, I know some people don't do it knowingly and that is where I come in to make you aware...then it's up to you...I believe we are in a win win situation. Sir Elton John supports this duo and supported Lady Diana, as I did and still do. I do believe Lady Di spoke quite intimately to Martin Bashir as did Tommy Davis...hahahah Lady Diana was actually lovely, she did a lot to win the love and respect she gained...Tommy Davis...not so much

So Tommy, you want to explain to us why you ain't the spokesman anymore?

Tommy we are in session, please pick up the cans!

You don't like that Xenu guy do you?

Is it the DC 8s? Is it the frozen boxes filled with glycol?

What is it Tommy?

Why can't you explain your religion?

Don't worry Tommy, even LRH could not make wogs understand his religion.

The religion of LRH...Hip Hip Hooray is like trying to have a bowel movement when you are just can't get it out...

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Scientologists Lie

I am not going to say a word, I will just leave this here...
Karen de la Carriere told these stories to Lawrence Wright while he was researching his book "Going Clear"[1]and wants them told here at Scientolipedia to be part of the history as an example of what she witnessed to be LRH's deep level of caring for others while developing the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology.


Those who were close to him saw a generous and caring leader who used his gigantic personality to keep his ship, his fleet, his organization, and his religion on track. Karen de la Carriere, a young British auditor, remembers watching Hubbard in his office screaming at one of the crew; when that person left, cowering, Hubbard swiveled in his chair and gave Karen a big wink. “He was in total control,” she realized. “It was all theatrical to create a desired effect.”
Hubbard developed many of the basic Scientology techniques aboard the Apollo. In one instance, Karen was having no luck auditing a wealthy Scientologist with a long drug history, who kept falling asleep during their sessions. Hubbard theorized that theLSD he had taken must still be in his system; perhaps the drugs could be sweated out by putting him to work swabbing the decks. After six weeks, he was a changed man. Karen says that was the beginning of the Scientology drug-treatment program, called the Purification Rundown.
introspection rd

A strapping crewman named Bruce Welch had what other crew members diagnosed as a nervous breakdown or a psychotic episode. In Scientology terms, he had gone “PTS Type Three.” He had a crush on one of the ship’s young women, and when he learned she was engaged, he went berserk. Welch got a butcher knife from the pantry and threatened to kill Hubbard and other members of the crew. There were no designated security procedures or personnel trained to handle such a case. It took four crewmen to eventually subdue Welch and wrestle him into a cabin in the forecastle, the storage area above the bow, away from most of the crew, where he screamed continuously. There was a metal bed with a mattress, and a metal cabinet, but Welch managed to tear them apart with his bare hands and shove the pieces through the porthole.
A young Australian named Mike Rinder (who would eventually become the church’s chief spokesperson) had just arrived aboard the Apollo and was given the assignment of guarding Welch’s cabin. He sat on a trunk in the hallway, listening to Welch shouting, “Bring the Commodore here! I want the Commodore right now!” Then Welch would yank on the door, which was locked and lashed to the bulkhead with sturdy ropes. Several times, Rinder recalled, Welch beat up other members of the crew when he was escorted to the bathroom or given his meals.
Hubbard saw Welch’s rampage as an opportunity to experiment with the problem of acute mental breakdown. Total silence was enforced on the forecastle deck so that Welch would have nothing to stimulate him. Three times a day, Hubbard would write Welch a note, asking about his well-being. Welch’s response might be, “You’re the devil incarnate. I’m going to enjoy plunging the knife in you.” Hubbard would respond that he understood, and by the way was there any special food that the chef could prepare for him? In this way, Welch’s rage began to subside. He allowed an auditor to visit him each day. After two weeks, the door to Welch’s cabin was unlocked and he emerged, serene and apparently cured.
The Introspection Rundown was issued shortly thereafter.

#658 Reply

I have changed my mind, I am going to say something...Appears Mental.

Human Trafficking by the US Church of Scientology

Life in the Sea Org

cross posted from OCMB...

The cadet org was in 3 condemmed victorian houses riddled with roaches. Since the kids did the cleaning and dishwashing every newcomer got diarrhea. Next door to one of the houses, barely 10-12ft away from the windows was aNarcanon drug rehab. At night the kids had to listen to people screaming and crying going through withdrawl just outside their windows. The bed rooms were wall to wall matresses. When the health department eventually got wind and inspected most of the mattresses disappeared. It was a "big flap" as they call it. Something that requires lots of PR to hide the truth. The older kids were put on the ship (a training ship for new recruits. I spent about 2 months on it when I arrived). The ship was a WWII hospital ship. With the kids came the roaches and hair lice. We had to do an all nighter (very common it the sea org) pulling all the matresses out of the berthing spaces on to the deck and spray everything with insecticide. The kids clothes were boiled in water in the steam kettles in the galley and the kids were all lined up to have their hair shampooed and the nits combed out. Oh, what fond memories. This describes my first 3 months in the sea org. that's all I want to write now. Bug PS It wasn't for 5 months before I ever saw my mom again. She went to the ASHO (American St hill org) They do higher level auditing.

Life in the Sea Org 

I joined the Sea Org when I was 12. Why not? It had to be better than where I was. My parents had split up and half of the kids were with my mom and the other half with my dad. We had NOTHING. My parents were not allowed to spend time with us (except Sunday, which was spent doing laundry at the laundry mat before we hit the beach for a few hours of fun - those beach memories are the only GOOD memories I have of that time). Of course, when the Org hit a State of Emergency, even this was revoked and they worked from about 11am to 11pm seven days a week with only an hour or two break for dinner (which was cooked by us kids).

So, who's watching the little ones this whole time? My 10-year-old sister became a nanny for our younger siblings and a few other kids. Watched them by herself at a staff member's apartment each night. Needless to say, none of us went to public school (we'd been pulled out and 'home-schooled'), so getting home at midnight wasn't much of an issue. 

Growing up in the Org

 More children that grew up in Scientology...

You people need to go on Lermanet .com and our full story is on it . My name is Tommy Gorman and Jennifer Gorman is my wife. I use to help witH OSA a lot and to all I may have been fair gaming and that I would picket at the homes . I am very sorry . I really thought you all were SP's . Jeff would go on and on about it . I just want you to know that i now know I was wrong for doing what OSA told me to do. I wish i was smarter then and never did that at all to you people. Again i am very sorry . To name a couple Peach and Kristy Walker . I would love to talk with you people one day in person or on the Phone . If you never want to then i understand . To you both I am very very Sorry and it was wrong . I get people out of the cult of scientology now . I am a Deprogramer . I am going to be posting somethings about how I am sorry on Lermanet .com very soon . Oh please start going to Factnet .com too .


What happen to me and my wife in the cult of scientology

Suffer ye the little children
“When children become unimportant to a soci­
ety, that society has forfeited it future”. —
Science of Survival
chapter 18
“No child was ever spoiled by affection, by sym­
pathy, by kindness, by understanding, or even
by indulgence” —
Child Dianetics
chapter 3 “To­
wards a Saner World”.
Some of the best raised children I have ever
seen are the children of Scientologists. As long
as the Scientologists were far away from Flag
and the Sea Org.
Some of the worst raised children I have ever
seen are the children of Sea Org members. The
children at the Los Angeles Scientology complex
were so badly handled that they turned into a
gang of juvenile delinquents and created such
bad PR that SO members with children were
banned from the area.
The children of Sea Org members were ne­
glected, mistreated, and malnourished. They
were handled with policy and with ethics. They
turned rabid. Many of them hate Scientology.
The children of Scientologists out in the field
were generally handled with the tech on main­
taining good communication and high ARC and
the granting of beingness. On the whole they
have turned out quite well. Many of them are
enthusiastic Scientologists.
The difference here is the difference between
tech and policy. Those that were handled with
tech did well. Those that were handled with pol­
icy and ethics and flag orders became monsters.
The simplest way to determine whether or not
something works is to observe the products that
it produces.
Link provided... IVY #40  page 44 and 45 from the Pilot
 Discontinued - find all existing issues in PDF format! 

Ken Ogger who was known as the Pilot wrote a lot about scientology
 and had a very tragic end. He was found at the bottom of his swimming
pool with his left hand tied and concrete attached to his feet,whether suicide
or homicide, I don't know, but the product of scientology tech did not work
the way he thought it should...

Meeting Ken Ogger - Article by Heidrun Beer - Mental Training ...

The children in scientology that were handled with scientology

tech tended to stay in much longer, those that were handled

 with Ethics,policy letters and flag orders tended to rebel against the injustice of not being allowed to be children.





Saturday, 19 July 2014

Moron...or is that More Ron...?

Tom Cruise...has a long..........way to and bottle......auditing........Stand Up!.....No.....Sit down in that chair.......sit down in that fucking chair and listen to me......listen good........listen real good......I was 11 years old and I fucking got it, so why can't YOU? 11 years old and I got it...."you will be locked up in a lunatic asylum for telling tall tales" ....I was 11 and scared the same time unbeknown to me Paulette Cooper was going through a similar experience only hers turned into a total nightmare while mine was just an internal nightmare because I stayed silent...NEVER AGAIN....Never Ever Again...It was not just internal, it IS will stay with me for the rest of my life...

New PR man for the Church of Fear

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

What Is Not Spoken About

Very telling, don't you think #1...Karen, every atrocity under the sun spoken about but your step children...are they non existent like Alexander was for so many years of your life...or maybe you are just trying to cover up for them...

Hip, Hip Hooray...

Hip, Hip Hooray...

Hip, Hip Hooray...

Monday, 14 July 2014

Is Scientology a Religion?


Thou shalt not, do as thy wilt and be the hole of the law.

Mary Sue Hubbard, Dec. 16, 1969

EXM - 5
Editor's Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commerical purposes.
(Editors notes are in parentheses. Starred words were illegible in the original xerox.)

                    CASE C420153  DEPT EXH. NO. AAA
                          ADMITTED IN EVIDENCE
                             Date: 5-30-84
                     John J. Corcoran, County Clerk
                          By: R. Hart, Deputy
                             GUARDIAN ORDER
GO 121669 MSH                                        December 16, 1969
(Guardian's Office 121669 Mary Sue Hubbard)
OBSERVATION:  The enemy has used the method of infiltration to obtain
information against ourselves as known from incidences in South Africa,
Edinburgh, and Washington, D.C.
     The enemy has also 'turned', and used as double agents, staff
members as revealed by Maurice Johnson at Saint Hill and Barbara Peake
in Melbourne.
     Further, the enemy has used former disaffected staff members,
Scientologists or relatives of Scientologists in their attacks - Philip
****** and Doug Moon in Australia, Jean Kennedy and Gene van ******* in
South Africa, Michael Purnetta and Mrs. ******* in England, Eleanor
Turner and the former Mrs. Elmo ***** in America and the O'Donnell
family in New Zealand, to name but a few of the outstanding examples.
     Although infiltrators and double agents can create more internal
chaos and disorder in an organization, the enemy has been most
successful in their attacks through the use of disaffected staff,
Scientologists or relatives of Scientologists and the biggest gross
error an organization can make as regards its own security is violations
of the HCO (Hubbard Communications Office) Policy Letter of October 27,
1964, "Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and Potential Trouble
     The duty of keeping the organization secure belongs in the HCO
Division, both in RAP(?) and Inspections and Reports, but the
Intelligence Bureau has learned through long experience that it cannot
leave this function entirely up to HCO and where it has done so, it has
had to suffer the consequences.  Thus this Programme is a vital one.
     MAJOR TARGET: To use any and all means to detect any infiltration,
double agent or disaffected staff member, Scientologist or relatives of
Scientologists and by any and all means to render null any potential
**** or harm such have rendered or might render to Scientology and
1. This Programme is to be done by the Assistant Guardian or the Deputy
Assistant Guardian for Intelligence, if this post is held separately.
2. To establish intelligence files on all such persons found to be
infiltrators, double agents, and disaffected staff members,
Scientologists and relatives of Scientologists.
1.  To make full use of all files on (in?) the organization to affect
your major target.  These include personnel files, Ethics files, Dead
files, Central Files, training files, PROCESSING FILES and requests for
refunds. (Capitalization added.  Processing files are the case folders
of everything that is run on a preclear and everything the preclear says
including all of his goals, ARC breaks, Present Time Problems and
Withholds and Missed Withholds.  These written records are kept during
the session by the Auditor and are given to the Case Supervisor between
sessions so that the case can be programmed for the next session.  Also
if something goes wrong, the Auditor can be sent to cramming and
retrained.  They are NOT for the purpose of publicly disclosing the data
in them to hold the pc at bay or to blackmail him later.  This is like a
Roman Catholic Priest divulging his parishioners confessions to the
newspaper or the police, or a psychiatrist or doctor doing the same.  By
the way the pc was never allowed to look at his own folders, not even
the Ethics Officer.  Only the Auditor and the Case Supervisor.  This was
a sacred promise made by Hubbard himself.)
2.) To assemble full data by investigation of each person located for
possible use in case of attack or for use in preventing any attack and
to keep files of such.  (Once a pc's confidential confessional formulary
is handed over to anyone for any reason other than case supervision or
auditing, you can be sure it will be used by those people for any
purpose at all that they see fit.  Once the rules are broken, there are
no more rules.  I leave it to your imagination...  A formulary is a
book, in this case a collection of case folders, containing prescribed
forms used in the service of a church, in this case auditing routines
and processes and how they were run and the pc's responses to them
including confessions.  They are LEGALLY confidential.)
3.)  To be alert to usual security precautions and to see that these are
performed by the organization; such as proper locking of the premises,
security of keys, locking of files, the changing of locks if keys have
been lost, proper safes, etc.
4.)  To keep off staff (lines and off) org lines any person who has ever
betrayed Scientology or who has threatened to betray or blackmail
Scientology. (With what withholds?)
5.)  To ensure the Policy Letter on Physical Healing, Insanity and
Potential Trouble Sources is not violated and to be alert to any
possible violation.
6.)  To maintain a good liaison to Ethics and ensure that the Ethics
Officer alerts you to any person who might attack Scientology.
7.) To be alert to any organizational theft or disappearances of records
and files as a possible indication of the presence of an infiltrator or
double agent.  Infiltrators are frequently those who have recently
"joined" Scientology and so can be watched.  Double agents are usually
detected by natter (low tone covert unconstructive criticism), down
stats (downwardly trending production statistics), disorder in their
areas and no case gain, (NCG, no case gain, means they don't cognite in
session, and they don't get better even in their own estimation.)
8.)  To be effective and IMAGINATIVE (capitalization added) in your
collection of data and in your actions to nullify any attack or threat
of attack.
9.)  To keep your Assistant Guardian fully advised and the Deputy
Guardian for Intelligence World Wide, who will inform the Guardian World
Wide in such matters.
     PRODUCTION TARGET:  This is a continuing Programme on which
Projects will be issued from time to time.
                                  Mary Sue Hubbard
                                 (Church of Scientology, Guardian) 
I have bolded, italiced and underlined the relevant piece...this was a favorite of Mary Sue Hubbard 
"by all and any means" and she meant it, I actually heard her say it, shortly after I had read the article in the News of the World. At the time I thought she might have been talking about my Grand Mother, she could have been talking about anyone, but why in front of me, a scared kid who had just turned 12, un acknowledged, with a Father that had gone AWOL, only I did not know that yet...

I was about to be overboarded for being miserable...only I did not know that yet either...I had been incarcerated in the hold of the Apollo for talking to Greek boys, they did not know English and we did not know Greek...suddenly I am a security risk, an 11 year old security risk, Janis was a 12 year old security risk...what were we...spies come to infiltrate SMERSH...$cientology was the SMERSH...the governments were be despised...the news papers were the be despised...the bankers were the enemies... to be despised...according to Hubbard everyone was a god damned enemy except $cientology...even his most devoted acolytes were enemies if they did not toe the party line. He was a fucking nutter!

A lot of the information in the time track of scientology is's wrong because these people that gave this information were still too stuck on L. Ron Hubbard...disorientated on their journey out...and as you get older you loose track of time. For arguments sake...I thought I had been speaking out for six years, in actuality it has been eight years now...where does time go...? It either speeds up as you get older or you slow down... something I don't really want to talk about but I will because it is IMPORTANT...the peanut incident...this did happen and it did happen whilst I was on board the Apollo...I did not make this up...if only I had...Janis Gillham...someone who will NOT speak out came and got me...mandatory attendance on the upper decks...we laughed because how could this actually be happening...I did not believe it till I saw the blood...and to this day I can see that man with blood all over his bearded face.I ended up in the Crows Nest because of it.

I know you remember the fox skin, but do you remember the Lilac Kaftan? My prized possession to My best friend for her birthday...I know what you did...and believe me...I won't forget it...and neither will David Miscavge...will he?

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Courage to Stand Up

Courage to Stand Up

It seems odd to think that I started being a "Scientology kid" in 1965, went to DC with my family in '66 looking for LRH, took the "Flight to Freedom" with my family in 1968 (just after Parliament outlawed SCN) and was returned on a charter flight the next day, moved everything lock-stock-and-barrel from NY to CA in '68, then back to NY in '69, then back to CA in '73. Lived at the Manor, long before it was Celeb Center. They wanted some "nice, normal, middle-class, American families" so mine and two others were recruited. We all moved out from NY. I hated school - used to walk there, walk back hide in our room all day, then hide in the hallway when my siblings came home. Mom was on course, Dad was at work. No one had any idea what was going on. I finally begged to join the Sea Org. Jenna's Mom was my CO on the EPF - from her accounts in the book - Bitty would have had to have had her sons at 16? That's how old she was in '73 when she was my CO. I passed everybody else on the EPF and headed to Flag CMO. I was there with Shelly and Clarice, the Gilliams, Annie, and others. Never made it to watch or even CMO IT on watch. I guess I was too good of a slave or at least too much of a think-for-yourself-kind of gal. David Mayo used to make stupid comments - he used to call me "Petunia Pig" said he'd call me "Slenderella" when I lost weight - that was a boost for a 13-year old girl with no family living halfway around the world on a smelly ship. David was a little shrimp - I was 5'7" and 115 lbs (petunia pig?). I guess he was used to the short, pre-pubescent messengers that roamed the place. Shelly was a hoot - with her one split earlobe. She said she'd gotten her hair stuck in an earring on the playground once and it just ripped right out. She had a goofy grin that could just make me laugh and she barely came up to my shoulder.
After a rape, a trial (accusing me of seduction), incarceration in the chain locker and a non-communications order (are you kidding me?) I finally started working my way up the conditions... again. Somewhere in all that, they decided to offload me. I was glad, but had heard horror stories of other kids who'd been offloaded and wasn't going to risk being separated or disconnected from the family I should have never left in the first place. So I did my conditions and had a "cognition" - I was in the wrong 3rd Dynamic. I belonged in the group of "Scientology Kids" not "Sea Org Kids" and so I was offloaded - allowed to communicate with Scientologists, not declared, and in a condition of Non-Existence. Not bad. A dumb 13-year-old girl took 9 months to figure out the trap and used their own nonesense to get myself home.

After the messengers tore through all my belongings, claiming that I stole this from that one and that from the other (whatever... you needed that old gray underwear more than I did, Marcy) - they put me on a plane from South America. I had $8.00 of money that I'd earned and that's it. They took my passport at the gate in Curacao (that was a fun one to explain to the State Department when I had to apply for a new passport a few years ago). I got to LAX with no one there to greet me, bluffed my way back to the Hollywood Inn (the last place I'd lived before I left) and managed to fight off the advances of a disgusting cab driver. When I got to the comm department and talked to the telex guys they'd never even received a communication from Flag - they didn't even know who I was. I went to the lobby and at midnight looked up my parent's phone number in the phone book. My Dad hung up right after I told him where I was - he said "don't move, I'll be right there." He showed up about 20 minutes later from Van Nuys. I think he broke the land speed record. No one from Flag had even bothered to contact my parents (they did ask them about a month earlier if they'd lie and allow Kima Dunleavy to use their address - some IRS issue apparently. They graciously declined. My Mom was an old Ethics Officer from way back - with a Catholic upbringing... she didn't lie.)

When I've shared some of my story (and this is really only a piece of it) I've been called a nutjob. When I read "A Piece of Blue Sky" I relived the attack in Portugal - I was there. When I read Mr. Wright's book, I poured through it and couldn't put it down. Jenna, you are a courageous young woman. You've given me the courage to share my story. Thank-you. I liked your Mom, she was never anything but kind and fair to me - but then, she was a kid just like me.

It's truly ironic - that the "cognition" that got me off Flag, now finds me here. It's time to redefine that dynamic... even though I give no significance to Scientology "tech" it's all complete nonesense... I'm now part of the group of Ex-Scientology Kids. I'm a praying person now. Therein lies the true power. I've been praying for years for Scientology to come tumbling down... so nice to see prayers answered.

David Brear writes about L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology

Friday, 11 July 2014

Narconon Reviews

I first became aware of Narconon as a scientology front group when reading about the cult I grew up in. I then found there was a Narconon based just yards from where I had lived many years ago.To think that this insidious organization had set up shop to recruit vulnerable people with the false hope of getting them off of drugs by turning them into scientologists was a reminder of just how far these people will go to fool society.

I am not opposed to people being helped to get off of drugs, however I am opposed to people being willfully mislead, and I am also very much opposed to people being turned into scientologists without them even realising it.

The below website is run by volunteers and there to help people make an informed choice when deciding to get help for their loved ones with a drug addiction. Drug addiction is a terrible thing and causes much harm to both the addict and their loved ones, the same kind of thing applies to being a member of a cult, it causes harm to both the cult member and their loved ones. One could say, scientology auditing is as much as a fix for scientologists as heroin is to the addict.

One could also ask why it was that L. Ron Hubbard was a drug addict, considering how scientology is a supposed authority on getting people off of drugs?

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Think of a Cat...

What colour is it?

They shit in every body's garden but their own...that is a scientologist...

This was my family...once upon a time...short lived because of L. Ron Hubbard.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Scientology Children

Ignore, Ignore, Ignore...she will give up and go away...NO she will NOT...

She will NOT go away...EVER!

I hope it is black thorn and I hope it sticks and causes the pain I was put through as an 11 year old child...I have a half sister who is still in to this day, three children, all in...never knowing anything else...that IS pain...they believe this shit...yet none of them ever met LRH, not one of them met him even once...that is blind faith...

Arnie Lerma Interviewed by Bert Leahy

As usual Arnie says it like it is...

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Why I Left...

LRH himself said to me personally..."your family do not matter, you are part of this group now". He was irritated that I was worried why I had not heard from my 1st stepmother. I now know chances are she had NOT received my letters because they contained "ENTHETA" = Bad News...if you are a are NOT allowed to hear that.In other words ALL your letters are read before being fore warded. happened every single day in this day I find it very hard to talk about was torture...Goran, with a couple of dots above the O was the most ardent Master at Arms...rattled his baton around the walls and doors of the Apollo every morning "Muster on the Poop Deck"..Muster on the Poop Deck...The Deck of Holy Shit! The deck that thrust your sins into the deep, sometimes blind folded , sometimes hands tied but the MAA and the Warrant Officer thought this was great! What fun! If it ain't fun, it ain't $cientology!

The MAA (Master at Arms) later in life hung himself...and why do you think he did that? He bought into it when he became the MAA on the Apollo, later in life, He realised what he had's not a pretty's actually a gruesome picture...he is one of very few people that I can actually forgive...strange as that might be...I wish to God he had not hung himself, but I understand why he did...if he had just apologized...he would have had my backing.

Ah...and that brings me back to David Deitch...locked in some caged cattle stalls on the Apollo...he was a good man, one of their prized auditors and yet here he was locked up. That was the last time I saw him. I later learnt he had checked into a hotel in Corfu and left all his belongings behind and was never seen again.So was this before or after I saw him locked up on the Apollo?

And...shortly afterwards someone is missing...NO names mentioned, but thought went overboard...look at the swell from the aft deck on a ship when at sea...those propellers one could survive that...

Thought control...or for real...what I do know is...they (the scientologists) loved scaring little girls into silence and it worked for years, but NOT any more... 

John McMasters being punished repeatedly for actually caring...his arm in a sling after being overboarded yet again...

The little girl locked in the chain locker...just 4/5 years old.

The woman brought up on the decks on LRHs birthday, filthy, bedraggled and dazed...

Pushing peanuts around the decks with your nose...

Being sent to the crows nest...

Being locked in the hold in Liability for talking to Greek boys...

Not being allowed to speak to my own Father because he was a Suppressive Person...they locked him in a cupboard under the stairs at Abellund, Denmark.

Being sec checked...all of this and I was only 11 years old...

johannesburg security check -

And they call it religion...

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Knowledge Report - Spies, Lies and the Eternity Prize

I first came across Mark Bunker, when he had video footage of 'The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard' on his website, I was there when that video was shot, not by Mark Bunker but by Grenada TV.I kept an eye on his website and watched video of other ex Commodore's Messengers over the years after I had left the Sea Org. It was mind numbing, this atrocity had carried on for years and years. Mary Sue Hubbard had been convicted and sent to prison, along with 10 other executive scientologists, but it was still going on. L. Ron Hubbard had been convicted in France of Fraud in absentia and yet it was still going on...and on and on and this day. How can that be?
I met Mark Bunker in 2008 in London at a protest and I wasn't sure he was quite what I expected and I wasn't sure what he thought of me...

When Mark Bunker started putting pod casts of his interviews up of freezoners and obvious still scientologists I was livid, what the hell was he doing? I thought is he trying to destroy me...because that is what scientologists do and they do it with relish, I learnt that very early in life, I was just 11 years old and nothing has changed...but I also realised that if you are going to tell the $cientology story you have to tell all of it...the good, the bad and the ugly. Most of it is very, very least from my point of view...but if you are a serious documentarian then you have to have an unbiased viewpoint to record...unfortunately I do not have that attribute because I lived it first hand and it can NEVER paint a pretty picture because it wasn't...

I still support Mark Bunker, because if anyone can show exactly what $cientology is, he can...