Everywhere I go I see this poster, billboarded every which way but loose. This guy, Tom Cruise has a lot to answer for and about the only thing I can at this point agree with Lawrence Wright with is celebrities have a lot to answer for. They have a hell of a lot to answer for, when I see this poster, you have NO idea of the amount of bile that rises up in my throat. Way to go, Katie Holmes!
Tom Cruise should be forced to watch Darth Xanders video footage of the children getting on and off the buses in Clearwater, Florida, then he should be made to fly down to Clearwater, Florida and watch the inhuman way these kids are treated. Take a good look at himself and why Katie did not want Suri growing up in Scientology. Nah, scrap that make him sit for 3 hours without blinking watching the children get on and off the buses in Clearwater, Florida. Get your TRs in Mr. Cruise! The children have to. What, you got a lot of money, that gives you the right to behave like a lunatic? What, your a movie star, gives you the right to preach total crap?WAKE UP, Mr. Criuse, WAKE the F*CK UP!
Attached to everyone of these posters there should be one of these pictures...
...depicting how the kids in scientology are raised. Mr.Role Model of a scientologists, it is almost guaranteed these kids will need a psychiatrist in a few years time, you know the very people you rail against because you are not an authority on the human mind.
TheDarthXander·118 videos
Testimony of Lori Taverna in the Clearwater Hearings - Courtesy of American Buddha
Another thing I've never felt good in Scientology about is the care of children. I have three children and I've always given them my full attention. At the Fort Harrison, they had a -- I never had my children at the Fort Harrison. But it happened to be right downstairs from the Medical officer. So, whenever I would go there, I would glance in and see the children.
Once I heard a child screaming very loudly. I went down just from instinct, you know, and I walked into where they keep the children. There was a toddler, he was all alone. His diaper was falling off and he was screaming. There was no adult there. I just picked him up and, you know, patted him a little bit.
Several times there were other children wandering around fighting with each other, you know, the way children do. It was right next to the parking lot in the back, and -- but they did have a gate there so the children wouldn't go out. But many times I saw them -- they were kind of just left there. I can't say I know exactly how they were cared for, but from what I saw they were dirty. The room Z went into was a mess; there were no sheets on the beds; and there were things thrown all around the room.
As far as education goes, in Scientology for all the years I've been in, there has been a put down of education by Ron Hubbard, by Scientologists. The school system is suppressive. A Scientologist has said to me several times, "You're not sending your kids to college, are you?" And I said, "Of course, I am." And she said, "How could you do that," as if I was committing a crime.
As recently as last week, my daughter has a friend who's a Scientologist -- she was at her house -- and the mother -- Debbie mentioned when she goes to college she's thirteen now. And the mother said, who's a Scientologist, "Debbie, why would you want to go to college?" And she said, "Because I want to learn about this and that." And she said, "Ron Hubbard has the greatest technology in the world. You don't need college; college is a waste of time." She said, "What do you want to learn?" She said, "Well, I want to learn about the business world." She said, "Even if I don't have my own business, I want to be smart so I can understand it." She said, "Ron Hubbard has the greatest business technology and managing/administrative technology there is and you can get it in Scientology. You should be taking your courses and going clear."
So, education is discouraged very much in Scientology. It's a suppressive organization that doesn't really teach you anything. And as long as you have your Scientology training, you're going to make it in the world.
My daughter was in the Sea Org.; she was in there for seven months while I was training here in Clearwater. She had no schooling at all. She said she went to school, I think, three times. She had to work from eight in the morning till ten-thirty at night seven days a week. And they said there was no time for school.
She was told that she would have weekends off in the Sea Org. This never happened. She got Saturday afternoon off for three hours because stats were up. She soon realized that this was not what -- she was in the wrong place. I wasn't there, but she was living with my brother-in-law, so she never actually lived in the quarters with the other children.
My daughter has gone to Scientology schools since she was born, literally. She went to a nursery and, then, she had all her education up until she was eleven years old in a Scientology school. I discovered -- well, guess, she was ten -- up until ten. I discovered when she was ten or eleven that she didn't know math. I felt very negligent. I assumed she's a brilliant girl. She was reading at three years old, very mature. Somehow it came out that she didn't know the two times table. Nothing.
I got very, very upset. I went to the school, and they begged me not to take her out.
They told me that the GO would pounce on her; that was the words that they used.
The Ability School was run -- I don't know the details, but the GO had some authority over the way the school was run. And the people who ran it said, you know, "This would be very bad if a Scientologist took their child out." I said, "I don't care what it looks like. My children -- I want my children to have an education and this is absurd."
I took her out and I put her in public school. She immediately went up to fifth grade math. She was just she's very bright. She was never taught anything in the school. The school was run like a Scientology organization; they had Ethics conditions. The children were also taught about the enemy in the outside world. Scientology children have an attitude that it's the suppressives out there and Scientologists.
They've often said things to my daughter about going into the WOG world. A WOG is someone not in Scientology. And when they heard she was going to public school, they frightened her. They -- my daughter cried for three days because she thought they were going to kill her in public school. And since then, she's out of Scientology. She knows everything that I do now.
But basically, the -- education is totally put down in Scientology.
When I was in Los Angeles recently, visiting my sister, I helped out in a Scientology private school. It was called Renaissance School. I'm not an official teacher, but I was helping because they didn't have anyone. There was a boy there who was nine years old. He had been brought up in the Sea Org.; his parents both were in and he was born in. He -- I understand from the owners of the school that he spent most of his nine years in the Children's RPF. I don't know what that is, but I assume it's the same thing as the adult RPF.
This boy couldn't read one word at nine years old. And I taught him how to read his first word, and I taught him his first sentence. And he just -- he was crying that he could read one sentence. He was nine years old, and he was born in Scientology and sent to Scientology schools.
I also know that the children have a lot of illnesses. I don't know -- I didn't see it, but my sister was there. And the children in the child care org. in Los Angeles -- a friend called my sister and said, "I need help. My son is very ill and I don't know what to do."
My sister went there and her friend's son had a fever and was crying. His job was to be the nanny; he was to watch the younger children and he had a high fever. She went to the Medical officer and she said, "This boy is sick; he needs a doctor." He said, "He's not sick; I examined him. And he's supposed to be on post." He said, "There's nothing wrong with him." He said, "I already know what it is. The children have herpes."
And my sister walked in and she saw infants -- she saw babies on the floor. They had sores all over their face and mouth. And my sister went into a rage. She went in and she said, "I want these children taken care of." And the Medical Officer said, "Well, who are you? What are you doing here?" He said, "As a matter of fact, I won't talk to you anymore." He said, "We don't have any money for a doctor."
So, she said, "Well, you get the money." And then, finally, my sister got so mad, she said, "Well, if you don't do something about these children right now, I'm calling the Board of Health." When she said that, she got a lot of attention: GO people, "Do you realize what you just said?" She was declared PTS, threatening to embarrass or sue Scientology, one of those categories.
The Medical Officer called her -- he said, "You just committed a suppressive act." She said, "No. You committed the suppressive act." She said, "I want these children cared for."
So, I know this goes on. I've seen it. I've seen many sick children in Scientology, and it's looked at that you should be on post. They don't need a doctor.
The Medical officer sometimes acts as a doctor. I've never seen them administer medicine, but it's more neglect than administering. They don't get the proper medical care.
Something I neglected to say: When we first arrived at the Fort Harrison in Clearwater here, you had to get security clearance before you're allowed on the -- to be officially here or to get -- to be on NOTS. It takes about a week. They check your life; they check everything.
And the person in charge was Skip Henson at the time. And you have to get -- read some beginning indoctrination of how to respond if anyone in Clearwater asks you a question. There are certain set answers that you should give if a resident happens to say, "What are you doing here? What happens at the Fort Harrison?"
I don't remember what they are exactly, but it's something to the effect that "If anyone asks you anything, 'I'm here for religious counseling.'" It was something like that, but I can't remember.
When they had rallies, you were told that the mayor was a suppressive person, that the officials in Clearwater were suppressive. They were trying to stop -- stamp out Scientology. We had GO briefings. When they had some sort of rally here, we were instructed. I think the woman's name was Nancy. She was giving the briefing.
MR. LeCHER: Nancy Risi?
MS. TAVERNA: Yes. She gave the briefing. And she said that "If any reporters or anyone comes to you, don't answer any questions about anything. Refer them to me."
We were also instructed -- every time some type of official would come into the Fort Harrison, students were given a little slip or a form: "The Fire Commissioner is coming," or "Some lawyers are going to be here," "Some WOGs are coming," you know, something like this. "Dress a certain way tomorrow because so and so is coming." We always had warning before any type of inspection was done. They would clear up whatever that particular thing was.
MR. LeCHER: A WOG is an outsider, again?
MS. TAVERNA: A WOG is a person who is not. in Scientology, so that's how they refer to someone like that. I think that I covered most of my notes here.
MR. LeCHER: We don't even know where to start, you've said so many startling things. One thing that struck me, though, was herpes. Isn't that a venereal disease?
MS. TAVERNA: There's two types. My sister took the child and paid for it herself; she took the child to the doctor. He was given antibiotics. She said it was a virus-type of herpes rather than a venereal -- they're two different things.
MRS. GARVEY: There are cold sores
MR. CALDERBANK: We used to get
MR. LeCHER: -It was diagnosed, though?
MS. TAVERNA: Yes. It was diagnosed by the doctor.
MR. LeCHER: All right. While you were deeply involved in all these things, did you still believe in the incredible background of L. Ron Hubbard?
Ms. TAVERNA: I believed totally in L. Ron Hubbard until recently. I felt very sorry for him. I felt deep compassion. I felt that I was trying -- I had tried for seventeen years to make the organization sane and I said, "If I feel this way, what must Ron Hubbard be going through?" And I felt a devotion to him to try to make it sane. I felt that he was one of the greatest men that ever, ever lived, and I wanted to help him up until recently.
Even after Clearwater I said, "If Ron Hubbard only knew." As I said, up until recently.
MR. LeCHER: I don't know if I can ask this, but: Generally, what is the ultimate thing you expected with the new breakthrough? Would that be an exhibit of faith? You were looking for this new breakthrough which kept you going, apparently, in this organization.
MR. FLYNN: It would probably be wiser to -
MR.. LeCHER: I will ignore it and forget I asked the question. And I will stick to things that happened in Clearwater. You said there's a cramming hold. What is a cramming hold, what was his name, and where was the office, this cramming hold office?
MS. TAVERNA: What was that
MR. LeCHER: Cramming -
MS. TAVERNA: -- the second word?
MR. LeCHER: Hold.
MR. LeCHER: Cramming office. Where was it and who manned the cramming office?
MS. TAVERNA: The cramming office was right next to where the pool is. You had to go alongside the pool and, then, go in the back. It was in the back of the cabana-type rooms. That's where the cramming was.
MR. LeCHER: Would you know if that still exists?
MS. TAVERNA: Cramming always exists in Scientology in every organization in the world.
MR. LeCkER: Again, for the benefit of those that are new and for the audience: Again, what is cramming?
Ms. TAVERNA: Cramming is the department in Scientology which is correction. If someone doesn't apply the technology properly, if it appears that they have misunderstood words, cramming is supposed to find the misunderstood and handle it so the person can do it correctly.
There's something I want to say about cramming which I forgot to say, if I could just add it.
MR. LeCHER: If it's not -- doesn't have to do with faith or religious ceremony, I want to hear it.
MS. TAVERNA: Yes. This doesn't -- has to do with the treatment of people there by the Cramming officer. I went in there and this is one of my first few visits to cramming there was a woman who was probably about sixty-five years old, she was a NOTS auditor, she was there for training, which is admirable because people who become auditors want to help people. She apparently made some kind of mistake; she was sitting there; she was trembling; she had tears in her eyes.
The Cramming Officer -- his name was Spike Bush who, in my opinion -- never mind. Well, his name is Spike Bush. He was standing there -- he was sitting down, she was in front of him. He was pounding the table. She said, "But" --she was stuttering. She said, "But I thought -- but I thought." He said, "Don't think." He said, "That's your problem, you think." He pounded the table at least six times while he was screaming at the top of his lungs, "Don't think." And I -- okay.
MR. LeCHER: Well, if you want to continue, I did you ever -- after fifteen years, didn't you ever feel like a slave or indentured servant? I mean, you're working for $10.00 a week. And how did you exist and take care of your children?
MS. TAVERNA: No. For all the years that I was in, I never felt like a slave or that I was working for nothing. When I was on staff, I was married at the time -- his is before my divorce so my husband was taking care of the bills. My children came with me when they were young. I always brought them with me and I had them in a nursery. And I always went home by three o'clock in the beginning when my children were little. And I had a home and I had a normal life, not like many Scientologists who had no other income.
And in later years, I worked in a mission, which paid $125.00 a week and I only worked till six o'clock. So, I had other businesses at nights or on the weekends where I would do sales or something like that.
The only time that I have ever felt I was treated not as a human being was at Clearwater in '79. Before that, I felt that it didn't matter if I got $3.00 or $10.00; it had nothing to do with the money at the time. It had to do with just helping to make a better world. It didn't matter.
MR. LeCHER: Okay. You said in Clearwater, when you were here, they were collecting about a million dollars a week, and I think you may have mentioned in one week there was 2.3 million dollars.
MS. TAVERNA: No, I don't know that. I think someone else said that.
MR. LeCHER: All right. Well, a million dollars is a lot of money --
MR. LeCHER: -- a week. Who collected it and was it in cash? And where did you put it? Did it leave the area?
MS. TAVERNA: I don't know anything about the finances. There were -- I know that you -- I know where the money goes. You bring it to the cashier. There's a cashier window.
Scientology in the Orphanage Business... Mr. John Travolta and Mrs. Kelly Preston/ Travolta watch this for three hours without blinking, come on, do it for LRH. HIP, HIP, HOORAY!
As a good friend of mine said "It's disgusting! Put your money where your mouth is Mr. Cruise and do something about it! The same goes for YOU Mr. Travolta!
Basically, Standard Tech is BOLLOCKS!!! Unless of course it is applied standardly and correctly. You must hammer out of existence all non standard tech and apply standard tech correctly,correctly, correctly!
Hammer out of existence all non standard tech and apply correctly!
Scientology just lost it's balls!
I am reading a book at the moment called Jack Reacher, originally called 'One Shot', it has Tom Cruise's face on the cover. Written by Lee Child and an interesting thing is The Independent on Sunday says and I quote"The thing about Lee Child 's books is you can't put the damned things down". end quote.This IS from the Independent on Sunday. Not the Independent on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday or even Saturday, but Sunday.
I acquired this book for a £1 and I was being very generous at the time, I think. It cost £7.99 to buy normally.Why does anyone need Tom Cruise's face on the cover to sell it? Mr. Megalomania,just like his guru, L. Ron Hubbard, celebrity equals CRAP, when will the world understand this? They won't. But never mind, hay,it's ALL virtual reality.
Even Jack Reacher plays the birthday game, is he fictitious, NO, he's real and his name is Tom Cruise...he's also hypnotized, it says so in the book... and IF you believe that, you'll believe anything... Tom Cruise is L. Ron Hubbard incarnate and his followers are Apollo Global management, aren't they Terri?
Good luck with the book about your Mother, she was a real scientologist wasn't she, and sadly her demise was because of her beliefs, but I know you will gloss over that and make her a hero, just like Jack Reacher.
This is part of an e-mail someone sent me a while ago now, I think this is pretty typical of children brought up in scientology, especially typical if their parents were either in the Sea Org or their parents were devoted Hubbardites. There isn't really a great deal of difference between the two.
I decided not to reach to you again after we spoke. I was upset that you did not feel (I thought - may be a misunderstanding from me) the need to apologise for abandoning me as a baby and deciding not to try to contribute to my upbringing. Also you seemed to criticise my mother for a fair amount of the call, and given that she is in a far worse state than you are this seemed unfair on me as a subject for our first discussion. On reflection this upset me and so I decided not to call again.
The person who wrote this is a Sea Org member. A life time member. NO Choice! NO Choices! EVER!
Hope you rot in hell, Phillip Parks, just like your valence, Terril. You are a very,very nasty piece of work, just like YOUR guru, L. Ron Hubbard. Your religion stinks to high heaven!
Everywhere I go I see this poster, billboarded every which way but loose. This guy, Tom Cruise has a lot to answer for and about the only thing I can at this point agree with Lawrence Wright with is celebrities have a lot to answer for. They have a hell of a lot to answer for, when I see this poster, you have NO idea of the amount of bile that rises up in my throat. Way to go, Katie Holmes!
Tom Cruise should be forced to watch Darth Xanders video footage of the children getting on and off the buses in Clearwater, Florida, then he should be made to fly down to Clearwater, Florida and watch the inhuman way these kids are treated. Take a good look at himself and why Katie did not want Suri growing up in Scientology. Nah, scrap that make him sit for 3 hours without blinking watching the children get on and off the buses in Clearwater, Florida. Get your TRs in Mr. Cruise! The children have to. What, you got a lot of money, that gives you the right to behave like a lunatic? What, your a movie star, gives you the right to preach total crap?WAKE UP, Mr. Criuse, WAKE the F*CK UP!
Attached to everyone of these posters there should be one of these pictures...
...depicting how the kids in scientology are raised. Mr.Role Model of a scientologists, it is almost guaranteed these kids will need a psychiatrist in a few years time, you know the very people you rail against because you are not an authority on the human mind.
TheDarthXander·118 videos
Testimony of Lori Taverna in the Clearwater Hearings - Courtesy of American Buddha
Another thing I've never felt good in Scientology about is the care of children. I have three children and I've always given them my full attention. At the Fort Harrison, they had a -- I never had my children at the Fort Harrison. But it happened to be right downstairs from the Medical officer. So, whenever I would go there, I would glance in and see the children.
Once I heard a child screaming very loudly. I went down just from instinct, you know, and I walked into where they keep the children. There was a toddler, he was all alone. His diaper was falling off and he was screaming. There was no adult there. I just picked him up and, you know, patted him a little bit.
Several times there were other children wandering around fighting with each other, you know, the way children do. It was right next to the parking lot in the back, and -- but they did have a gate there so the children wouldn't go out. But many times I saw them -- they were kind of just left there. I can't say I know exactly how they were cared for, but from what I saw they were dirty. The room Z went into was a mess; there were no sheets on the beds; and there were things thrown all around the room.
As far as education goes, in Scientology for all the years I've been in, there has been a put down of education by Ron Hubbard, by Scientologists. The school system is suppressive. A Scientologist has said to me several times, "You're not sending your kids to college, are you?" And I said, "Of course, I am." And she said, "How could you do that," as if I was committing a crime.
As recently as last week, my daughter has a friend who's a Scientologist -- she was at her house -- and the mother -- Debbie mentioned when she goes to college she's thirteen now. And the mother said, who's a Scientologist, "Debbie, why would you want to go to college?" And she said, "Because I want to learn about this and that." And she said, "Ron Hubbard has the greatest technology in the world. You don't need college; college is a waste of time." She said, "What do you want to learn?" She said, "Well, I want to learn about the business world." She said, "Even if I don't have my own business, I want to be smart so I can understand it." She said, "Ron Hubbard has the greatest business technology and managing/administrative technology there is and you can get it in Scientology. You should be taking your courses and going clear."
So, education is discouraged very much in Scientology. It's a suppressive organization that doesn't really teach you anything. And as long as you have your Scientology training, you're going to make it in the world.
My daughter was in the Sea Org.; she was in there for seven months while I was training here in Clearwater. She had no schooling at all. She said she went to school, I think, three times. She had to work from eight in the morning till ten-thirty at night seven days a week. And they said there was no time for school.
She was told that she would have weekends off in the Sea Org. This never happened. She got Saturday afternoon off for three hours because stats were up. She soon realized that this was not what -- she was in the wrong place. I wasn't there, but she was living with my brother-in-law, so she never actually lived in the quarters with the other children.
My daughter has gone to Scientology schools since she was born, literally. She went to a nursery and, then, she had all her education up until she was eleven years old in a Scientology school. I discovered -- well, guess, she was ten -- up until ten. I discovered when she was ten or eleven that she didn't know math. I felt very negligent. I assumed she's a brilliant girl. She was reading at three years old, very mature. Somehow it came out that she didn't know the two times table. Nothing.
I got very, very upset. I went to the school, and they begged me not to take her out.
They told me that the GO would pounce on her; that was the words that they used.
The Ability School was run -- I don't know the details, but the GO had some authority over the way the school was run. And the people who ran it said, you know, "This would be very bad if a Scientologist took their child out." I said, "I don't care what it looks like. My children -- I want my children to have an education and this is absurd."
I took her out and I put her in public school. She immediately went up to fifth grade math. She was just she's very bright. She was never taught anything in the school. The school was run like a Scientology organization; they had Ethics conditions. The children were also taught about the enemy in the outside world. Scientology children have an attitude that it's the suppressives out there and Scientologists.
They've often said things to my daughter about going into the WOG world. A WOG is someone not in Scientology. And when they heard she was going to public school, they frightened her. They -- my daughter cried for three days because she thought they were going to kill her in public school. And since then, she's out of Scientology. She knows everything that I do now.
But basically, the -- education is totally put down in Scientology.
When I was in Los Angeles recently, visiting my sister, I helped out in a Scientology private school. It was called Renaissance School. I'm not an official teacher, but I was helping because they didn't have anyone. There was a boy there who was nine years old. He had been brought up in the Sea Org.; his parents both were in and he was born in. He -- I understand from the owners of the school that he spent most of his nine years in the Children's RPF. I don't know what that is, but I assume it's the same thing as the adult RPF.
This boy couldn't read one word at nine years old. And I taught him how to read his first word, and I taught him his first sentence. And he just -- he was crying that he could read one sentence. He was nine years old, and he was born in Scientology and sent to Scientology schools.
I also know that the children have a lot of illnesses. I don't know -- I didn't see it, but my sister was there. And the children in the child care org. in Los Angeles -- a friend called my sister and said, "I need help. My son is very ill and I don't know what to do."
My sister went there and her friend's son had a fever and was crying. His job was to be the nanny; he was to watch the younger children and he had a high fever. She went to the Medical officer and she said, "This boy is sick; he needs a doctor." He said, "He's not sick; I examined him. And he's supposed to be on post." He said, "There's nothing wrong with him." He said, "I already know what it is. The children have herpes."
And my sister walked in and she saw infants -- she saw babies on the floor. They had sores all over their face and mouth. And my sister went into a rage. She went in and she said, "I want these children taken care of." And the Medical Officer said, "Well, who are you? What are you doing here?" He said, "As a matter of fact, I won't talk to you anymore." He said, "We don't have any money for a doctor."
So, she said, "Well, you get the money." And then, finally, my sister got so mad, she said, "Well, if you don't do something about these children right now, I'm calling the Board of Health." When she said that, she got a lot of attention: GO people, "Do you realize what you just said?" She was declared PTS, threatening to embarrass or sue Scientology, one of those categories.
The Medical Officer called her -- he said, "You just committed a suppressive act." She said, "No. You committed the suppressive act." She said, "I want these children cared for."
So, I know this goes on. I've seen it. I've seen many sick children in Scientology, and it's looked at that you should be on post. They don't need a doctor.
The Medical officer sometimes acts as a doctor. I've never seen them administer medicine, but it's more neglect than administering. They don't get the proper medical care.
Something I neglected to say: When we first arrived at the Fort Harrison in Clearwater here, you had to get security clearance before you're allowed on the -- to be officially here or to get -- to be on NOTS. It takes about a week. They check your life; they check everything.
And the person in charge was Skip Henson at the time. And you have to get -- read some beginning indoctrination of how to respond if anyone in Clearwater asks you a question. There are certain set answers that you should give if a resident happens to say, "What are you doing here? What happens at the Fort Harrison?"
I don't remember what they are exactly, but it's something to the effect that "If anyone asks you anything, 'I'm here for religious counseling.'" It was something like that, but I can't remember.
When they had rallies, you were told that the mayor was a suppressive person, that the officials in Clearwater were suppressive. They were trying to stop -- stamp out Scientology. We had GO briefings. When they had some sort of rally here, we were instructed. I think the woman's name was Nancy. She was giving the briefing.
MR. LeCHER: Nancy Risi?
MS. TAVERNA: Yes. She gave the briefing. And she said that "If any reporters or anyone comes to you, don't answer any questions about anything. Refer them to me."
We were also instructed -- every time some type of official would come into the Fort Harrison, students were given a little slip or a form: "The Fire Commissioner is coming," or "Some lawyers are going to be here," "Some WOGs are coming," you know, something like this. "Dress a certain way tomorrow because so and so is coming." We always had warning before any type of inspection was done. They would clear up whatever that particular thing was.
MR. LeCHER: A WOG is an outsider, again?
MS. TAVERNA: A WOG is a person who is not. in Scientology, so that's how they refer to someone like that. I think that I covered most of my notes here.
MR. LeCHER: We don't even know where to start, you've said so many startling things. One thing that struck me, though, was herpes. Isn't that a venereal disease?
MS. TAVERNA: There's two types. My sister took the child and paid for it herself; she took the child to the doctor. He was given antibiotics. She said it was a virus-type of herpes rather than a venereal -- they're two different things.
MRS. GARVEY: There are cold sores
MR. CALDERBANK: We used to get
MR. LeCHER: -It was diagnosed, though?
MS. TAVERNA: Yes. It was diagnosed by the doctor.
MR. LeCHER: All right. While you were deeply involved in all these things, did you still believe in the incredible background of L. Ron Hubbard?
Ms. TAVERNA: I believed totally in L. Ron Hubbard until recently. I felt very sorry for him. I felt deep compassion. I felt that I was trying -- I had tried for seventeen years to make the organization sane and I said, "If I feel this way, what must Ron Hubbard be going through?" And I felt a devotion to him to try to make it sane. I felt that he was one of the greatest men that ever, ever lived, and I wanted to help him up until recently.
Even after Clearwater I said, "If Ron Hubbard only knew." As I said, up until recently.
MR. LeCHER: I don't know if I can ask this, but: Generally, what is the ultimate thing you expected with the new breakthrough? Would that be an exhibit of faith? You were looking for this new breakthrough which kept you going, apparently, in this organization.
MR. FLYNN: It would probably be wiser to -
MR.. LeCHER: I will ignore it and forget I asked the question. And I will stick to things that happened in Clearwater. You said there's a cramming hold. What is a cramming hold, what was his name, and where was the office, this cramming hold office?
MS. TAVERNA: What was that
MR. LeCHER: Cramming -
MS. TAVERNA: -- the second word?
MR. LeCHER: Hold.
MR. LeCHER: Cramming office. Where was it and who manned the cramming office?
MS. TAVERNA: The cramming office was right next to where the pool is. You had to go alongside the pool and, then, go in the back. It was in the back of the cabana-type rooms. That's where the cramming was.
MR. LeCHER: Would you know if that still exists?
MS. TAVERNA: Cramming always exists in Scientology in every organization in the world.
MR. LeCkER: Again, for the benefit of those that are new and for the audience: Again, what is cramming?
Ms. TAVERNA: Cramming is the department in Scientology which is correction. If someone doesn't apply the technology properly, if it appears that they have misunderstood words, cramming is supposed to find the misunderstood and handle it so the person can do it correctly.
There's something I want to say about cramming which I forgot to say, if I could just add it.
MR. LeCHER: If it's not -- doesn't have to do with faith or religious ceremony, I want to hear it.
MS. TAVERNA: Yes. This doesn't -- has to do with the treatment of people there by the Cramming officer. I went in there and this is one of my first few visits to cramming there was a woman who was probably about sixty-five years old, she was a NOTS auditor, she was there for training, which is admirable because people who become auditors want to help people. She apparently made some kind of mistake; she was sitting there; she was trembling; she had tears in her eyes.
The Cramming Officer -- his name was Spike Bush who, in my opinion -- never mind. Well, his name is Spike Bush. He was standing there -- he was sitting down, she was in front of him. He was pounding the table. She said, "But" --she was stuttering. She said, "But I thought -- but I thought." He said, "Don't think." He said, "That's your problem, you think." He pounded the table at least six times while he was screaming at the top of his lungs, "Don't think." And I -- okay.
MR. LeCHER: Well, if you want to continue, I did you ever -- after fifteen years, didn't you ever feel like a slave or indentured servant? I mean, you're working for $10.00 a week. And how did you exist and take care of your children?
MS. TAVERNA: No. For all the years that I was in, I never felt like a slave or that I was working for nothing. When I was on staff, I was married at the time -- his is before my divorce so my husband was taking care of the bills. My children came with me when they were young. I always brought them with me and I had them in a nursery. And I always went home by three o'clock in the beginning when my children were little. And I had a home and I had a normal life, not like many Scientologists who had no other income.
And in later years, I worked in a mission, which paid $125.00 a week and I only worked till six o'clock. So, I had other businesses at nights or on the weekends where I would do sales or something like that.
The only time that I have ever felt I was treated not as a human being was at Clearwater in '79. Before that, I felt that it didn't matter if I got $3.00 or $10.00; it had nothing to do with the money at the time. It had to do with just helping to make a better world. It didn't matter.
MR. LeCHER: Okay. You said in Clearwater, when you were here, they were collecting about a million dollars a week, and I think you may have mentioned in one week there was 2.3 million dollars.
MS. TAVERNA: No, I don't know that. I think someone else said that.
MR. LeCHER: All right. Well, a million dollars is a lot of money --
MR. LeCHER: -- a week. Who collected it and was it in cash? And where did you put it? Did it leave the area?
MS. TAVERNA: I don't know anything about the finances. There were -- I know that you -- I know where the money goes. You bring it to the cashier. There's a cashier window.
Scientology in the Orphanage Business... Mr. John Travolta and Mrs. Kelly Preston/ Travolta watch this for three hours without blinking, come on, do it for LRH. HIP, HIP, HOORAY!
As a good friend of mine said "It's disgusting! Put your money where your mouth is Mr. Cruise and do something about it! The same goes for YOU Mr. Travolta!
Basically, Standard Tech is BOLLOCKS!!! Unless of course it is applied standardly and correctly. You must hammer out of existence all non standard tech and apply standard tech correctly,correctly, correctly!
Hammer out of existence all non standard tech and apply correctly!
Scientology just lost it's balls!
I am reading a book at the moment called Jack Reacher, originally called 'One Shot', it has Tom Cruise's face on the cover. Written by Lee Child and an interesting thing is The Independent on Sunday says and I quote"The thing about Lee Child 's books is you can't put the damned things down". end quote.This IS from the Independent on Sunday. Not the Independent on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday or even Saturday, but Sunday.
I acquired this book for a £1 and I was being very generous at the time, I think. It cost £7.99 to buy normally.Why does anyone need Tom Cruise's face on the cover to sell it? Mr. Megalomania,just like his guru, L. Ron Hubbard, celebrity equals CRAP, when will the world understand this? They won't. But never mind, hay,it's ALL virtual reality.
Even Jack Reacher plays the birthday game, is he fictitious, NO, he's real and his name is Tom Cruise...he's also hypnotized, it says so in the book... and IF you believe that, you'll believe anything... Tom Cruise is L. Ron Hubbard incarnate and his followers are Apollo Global management, aren't they Terri?
Good luck with the book about your Mother, she was a real scientologist wasn't she, and sadly her demise was because of her beliefs, but I know you will gloss over that and make her a hero, just like Jack Reacher.
This is part of an e-mail someone sent me a while ago now, I think this is pretty typical of children brought up in scientology, especially typical if their parents were either in the Sea Org or their parents were devoted Hubbardites. There isn't really a great deal of difference between the two.
I decided not to reach to you again after we spoke. I was upset that you did not feel (I thought - may be a misunderstanding from me) the need to apologise for abandoning me as a baby and deciding not to try to contribute to my upbringing. Also you seemed to criticise my mother for a fair amount of the call, and given that she is in a far worse state than you are this seemed unfair on me as a subject for our first discussion. On reflection this upset me and so I decided not to call again.
The person who wrote this is a Sea Org member. A life time member. NO Choice! NO Choices! EVER!
Hope you rot in hell, Phillip Parks, just like your valence, Terril. You are a very,very nasty piece of work, just like YOUR guru, L. Ron Hubbard. Your religion stinks to high heaven!
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