Dear Readers,
I am going to throw a load of links your way, please join me in reading this, if you are interested...
I came across this on Arnie Lerma's website here...
History: COINTELPRO, MK Ultra, Red Squads, & the Stasi ... MK Ultra experiments conducted on American and Canadian citizens by the CIA, as well ...... A May 2015 column by journalist Tom Engelhardt examined some recurring patterns ...... March 23, 2013 entry in the “Police State Amerika News” section of this website.
7 Jan 2015 - Part IV Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the U.S. Military & Boy Scouts (TBD) .... His pictures are Satanic and uses many Monarch Programming themes in his photo shoots. .... 3 January 2015 | Updated: 13:47 EST, 4 January 2015 ..... It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed ...
In his book The Game Player, CIA agent Miles Copeland tries to politely
address the subject of the CIA's playing dirty mandate without revealing
still classified documents on the matter.
I am going to throw a load of links your way, please join me in reading this, if you are interested...
I came across this on Arnie Lerma's website here...
Clarification the relationship between the OTO, Scientology ...
Scarlet and the Beast
This could take a while, before the next link...please bear with me...and if you haven't got the stomach for this then please see this...The Process Church of the Final Judgment and the Manson ...
and this...
Probe of 'Son of Sam' Terror Cult Documents Satanic ...
If you know about the TRs...(Scientology training routines, which they practise on young children) read this from the Medical Journal... ... cinations/
In my hunt for various things, I have come across this from the BBC, which you may not have heard before...Ruthless Adventure...the lives of L. Ron Hubbard...
Kenneth Anger and Marjorie Cameron discuss Scientology ...
The way how the Gangs talkers work, manipulating people to harm others, you can see how easy it is to deceive, poison, corrupt people into committing a crime against an innocent person, impersonating an authority figure. Legislation of new Laws against this Co-intelpro tactics that destroy lives, originated initially by FBI, we the people have to make it happen, in one way or another. The awakening is already happening....
What is “Gang Stalking?” | Fight "Gang Stalking"
Part I; Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and U.S. Presidents | TABU ...
MK Ultra | TRUTH TALK NEWS with Howard Nema
Playing Dirty – The Real Version (not the Omar Garrison propaganda version): Hubbard and the CIA
mcclaughry at The McClaughry's Blog - 1 day ago