Last month a petition was launched to ban Germaine Greer from speaking at a Cardiff University. It was thought that her views on transgender might offend some people who are going through this transition.
Petition urges Cardiff University to cancel Germaine Greer ...
So where does L. Ron Hubbard come up in all of this, you might ask? Here...
in defiance of the British government) and to find the enormous diamond
and gold treasures, which he was convinced that the multi-millionaire
Cecil John Rhodes (after whom Rhodesia was named) had stashed away.
Ron would be the person to know this, since he was certain that he was Cecil Rhodes, in an earlier life from 1853 until 1902. From 1902 to 1911 he was a little boy, who drowned. In 1911 L. Ron Hubbard was born. He was so certain that he had been Rhodes, that, during his stay in Rhodesia, he carried on just as if he was the rightful owner of the country, who had returned. He also liked to sport the kind of hat worn by Rhodes.
Neither the treasure hunt in Rhodesia nor the one in the Mediterranean were any great successes for Ron. In July 1966 he was expelled from Rhodesia as an unwanted person, and he later claimed, to have lost o200,000
in this adventure. During the Mediterranean cruise no gold was found,
either, as far as I know.
However, there have been statements from members of the expedition (f.ex. Hana Eltringham) to the effect that metal detectors gave positive reads where Ron had predicted hidden treasures. However, all the locations were guarded historical ruins. One member (Larry Reeves) claims to have seen a pirates chest full of jewels and ancient gold coins in the ship.
My note: there was a chest, a very large chest brought up from the ocean. There were divers,a hydrolic lift. They were jubilant when they located it and brought it up from the sea. I never saw the contents and do not remember where we were, somewhere in the med. I was a child of 11. Money, money, money ain't it funny, in a rich mans world...
Hubbard was not on holiday, he was on his way to Rhodesia, where Prime
Minister Ian Smith had recently signed a Unilateral Declaration of
Petition urges Cardiff University to cancel Germaine Greer ...
Germaine Greer gives university lecture despite campaign ...
A ban on Germaine Greer would be a threat to universities ...
I have always quite liked Germaine Greer, many views included.
At the moment it seems political correctness has gone the way of so called political religion and the notion that one must never offend, even if it is so abhorent to you because of your own experiences. It seems to me we are constantly being bombarded with 'yeah but, yeah but?' You can always find a 'yeah but,' if you have a difference of opinion. Quite often a difference of opinion is based soley on experience although not always.
Anyway, swiftly moving appears Cardif University isn't the only University that is changing history with its political Oxford college is considering removing an historic statue of Cecil Rhodes
In the news
The campaign to topple Oxford University's Cecil Rhodes statue is too silly for words
A crane prepares to lift the university of Cape Town's statue of Cecil John Rhodes from the ... - 1 day ago
So where does L. Ron Hubbard come up in all of this, you might ask? Here...
Please bare with me, this looks nuts, right, and it is...L. Ron Hubbard and his Scientology creation whilst strung out on drugs believes in past lives and guess who L. Ron Hubbard thought he was in a past life...can you guess?
And here...
A couple of years earlier Ron had carried out another treasure hunt — a one-man expedition of 3-4 months duration in Rhodesia. His double purpose in paying this visit to Rhodesia in the spring of 1966 was to win a country for Scientology (after the "loss" of Australia and at a time when Rhodesia had just made a Unilateral Declaration of IndependenceRon would be the person to know this, since he was certain that he was Cecil Rhodes, in an earlier life from 1853 until 1902. From 1902 to 1911 he was a little boy, who drowned. In 1911 L. Ron Hubbard was born. He was so certain that he had been Rhodes, that, during his stay in Rhodesia, he carried on just as if he was the rightful owner of the country, who had returned. He also liked to sport the kind of hat worn by Rhodes.
Neither the treasure hunt in Rhodesia nor the one in the Mediterranean were any great successes for Ron. In July 1966 he was expelled from Rhodesia as an unwanted person, and he later claimed, to have lost o200,000
However, there have been statements from members of the expedition (f.ex. Hana Eltringham) to the effect that metal detectors gave positive reads where Ron had predicted hidden treasures. However, all the locations were guarded historical ruins. One member (Larry Reeves) claims to have seen a pirates chest full of jewels and ancient gold coins in the ship.
My note: there was a chest, a very large chest brought up from the ocean. There were divers,a hydrolic lift. They were jubilant when they located it and brought it up from the sea. I never saw the contents and do not remember where we were, somewhere in the med. I was a child of 11. Money, money, money ain't it funny, in a rich mans world...
The Past Lives of L. Ron Hubbard | Scientology Racism
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Hubbard believed he was a reincarnation of Cecil Rhodes and liked to sport the kind of hat worn by the founder of Rhodesia. Fortunately, he did not know Rhodes was homosexual. |
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