Who is Marty Rathbun? Someone that the media thought was a God!,however I don,t! I think he is a jerk! A Scientologist jerk. They are quite familiar.And I do stil have;; family in a cult, from biirth, whaT chance did they stand.?
I have been reading the news and listening to BBC Radio4. There is talk that Tom Cruise is moving to St. Hill Manor.Are you having a laugh? If Tom Cruise moved into L. Ron Hubbards suite at the Manor, LRH would come back from Target 2 and put him in lower conditions. Most likely Liability, celebrity or not. David Mistake must be so desperate. I have never hear anything so rediculous,
In relation to what's going on in the supposed scientology "rebellion" we
are being subjected to in the media, have a look at this that Jeffrey
Augustine wrote... more »
Nothing to do with the McClaughry's blog, but a very interesting thing turned up yesterday of Kim Philby, the spy who was a traitor and got away with it. He was a friend of Miles Copeland, so I think it quite significant to add here.
Sharone Stainforth found some amazing footage of Hubbard in a pretty
obscure place. I clipped out just the part showing Hubbard because I think
it's an amazing glimpse into the real guy - the full-blown intelligence
One day in 1973, Price walked into Hal Puthoff's office, tossed a file on
his desk and said 'You might be interested in these UFO bases.'
My note: Virginia is absolutely correct when she speaks about these mountains... I have not been to the Pyrenees, but I have all told spent 2 and half months in the Picos de Europa mountains in Northern Spain and when those mists roll over, you cannot see a bloody thing and they come upon you from nowhere. Hard even for me to believe, but I cycled those mountains 30+ years ago and got caught in one of those mists. Incredible and bloody cold, but what an experience! Two years ago, I went back and was glad I was in a car, now they have car barriers along the drop, back then they didn't. Almost at the top of the mountain and the mists rolled over...you drive very slowly and all of a sudden you have a blood hound just sitting in the middle of the road...we stare at one another for a few moments and then it is gone into the mist...quite spooky!
Another source of local lore says that people tend to disappear on
that mountain due to all the mists that can sometimes just overtake the
place “and then they get lost and fall off” – humorous, but probably
some truth to that and in the Pat Price/Terry Milner UFO world that
probably only added to the charm of picking it.
Here’s what it looks like –
The scandal of how Britain fritters away billions in foreign
aid - including paying salaries to convicted terrorists who have
murdered hundreds of innocent people - is exposed today by a major MoS
investigation. Among the shocking things uncovered are the salaries
propped up by western aid that lead civil servants in Gaza to queue at
cashpoints every month on payday - even though they haven't had jobs
since 2007 (pictured, left); the £8million presidential palace on the
westbank (bottom right) built by Palestine, which has received
£72million from Britain; the £5.9million give to US think-tank the
Center For Global Development, which has a £12million HQ, the £106,000
given to Abdallah Barghouti, (top centre) and the £605 paid to Amjad
Awad (top right), the Palestinian terrorist, which is funded by British
and European taxpayers.
A British father has been banned from taking his son to a church
after the boy's Muslim mother won a controversial court order preventing
the boy from attending.
of the unaccountability of the secret services, with former MI5 and MI6
officers. Live and open ended discussion programme. The official
Secrets Act has received royal ascent and will become law shortly after
the making of this programme. No one knows how this will work out. This
programme might be the last time consequently that these participants
are not bound to silence. The panel includes spys, a defence journalist,
MI5 member, CIA founder, MPs and MI6 member. Michael Randle and Pat
Pottle, who had recently confessed in a book to assisting a prison
escape by the spy George Blake, were dropped from this programme ('Out
of Bounds', tx. 13/5/1989) after Channel Four was threatened with
contempt of court proceedings.
John Underwood, with;
James Rusbridger
Rt Hon Tony Benn MP
Anthony Cavendish
Miles Copeland
Eddie Chapman
Adela Gooch
From Wikipedia;
first programme of the third series was titled Out of Bounds: "1988 was
the year of the tri-centenary of the Bill of Rights, yet in May 1989,
in the shadowy studio of Channel 4's After Dark programme, a group of
former British and US intelligence agents discussed the merits and evils
of new legislation on official secrets. When this legislation completes
its processes through Parliament such a gathering is likely to become
You have to watch the whole thing, hilariously funny and made me cry a couple times, but wow, very clever, an ex copper friend of mine recommended it...
You will love it!
Unfortunately, in my era all Scientologists were extremist, this was L. Ron Hubbard, NOT David Miscavige, but L. Ron Hubbard. David Miscavige is a product of L. Ron Hubbard, you can slant it anyway you like but that is the bottom line. Yes, he is a slimy motherfucker, but he is the product of L. Ron Hubbard, Humaniterian (Isn't that just a wonderful afterlife?)
In looking for the reasons behind the Belgian atrocities, we have
to face the fact that the ultimate cause lies in the upbringing of the
killers, writes YASMIN ALIBHAI-BROWN.
ICSA Free Info:%] [ICSAMail:197] Please tell others - NY Monthly Meeting: Born or Raised in a Cultic Group
adult who is drawn into a cultic group has some form of identity in
place, however uncertain it may be. A child born into a cultic
environment is invaded, manipulated, violated, without even the memory
of being its own self, because the child never had its own identity.
The Friday, March 25, 2016 monthly meeting of ICSA’s New York support group will discuss the impact on children of being born or raised in a cultic group.
This presentation continues a series at ICSA’s New York monthly
meetings, including subjects like “Why No One Joins a Cult,” “What
Impact Does Cult Involvement Have on a Member’s Family” and “Why People
Stay, Why People Leave.” These presentations have been developed for
community educational, civic and religious organizations by ICSA’s New
York City Educational Outreach Committee, whose members combine personal
and professional experience.
ICSA's monthly meeting in New York is for families, former members, and
others seeking support; and people who want to work with others to help
victims or educate the public about cult issues.
When: Last Friday of the month, except when noted otherwise: 7 pm – 9 pm. If you are attending for the first time, e-mail ICSA (mail@icsamail.com) to confirm the date of the next meeting.
Where: Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew (United Methodist), 263 W. 86th
St., New York City (Subway stop: #1 train at 86th St. and Broadway,
walk 1 block west).
Today, we bring you a key document that Mike recently obtained from the
National Archives. As far as we can tell, this is the first time that this
almost 100-year-old document has ever been actually made available for
people to see on the internet.
They don't pray! They don't help the homeless, Christians and Catholics do that. The E-meter makes you psycho.And, yes they are trying to take over the world.
My only problem with this video is, that poor Japanese woman is now facing heavy ethics and believe me, she will get it. I can only hope it prompts her to leave.
Authorities in several Florida cities have seen an increase
in emergency calls related to people being slumped over in a stupefied
state as they have overdosed on the dangerous drug known as spice, or
synthetic marijuana. Police in Tampa say that more people than ever
before are overdosing on the drug, as investigators in Clearwater say
they've received dozens of calls for people who have had to be rushed to
the hospital because of suspected spice use. A disturbing photo from
the Clearwater Police Department taken at Crest Lake Park shows two
people slumped over and one person laying on the ground, as it's
suspected they had used Spice.
“The Scientology
question is a fair one,” Eric Andersen said in a comment. “Although
religion should not be a test for office, it helps us understand the ...
A very good friend of mine, greeted me tonight with "Hello, Tom Cruise", what is amazing about him, is he gets it so damned well. Thank you so much, AL.You are fucking awesome, Love you!
You are fucking awesome in ways I cannot explain, but BIG Thankyous!
A couple of days ago someone put this up on youtube, it looks like a family holiday travelling from Cape Town to Durban. At a hotel at 6:11 in the video you can see L. Ron Hubbard. I found it very un-nerving, as he looked just like that when I first met him as a little girl at St. Hill in the 60s. What appears even more remarkable is the shot leaves him, someone jumps in a pool and then moves on to Frankie Howerd, yes, that Frankie Howerd, the comedian, and then he's wearing a bra. Frankie Howerd is on a bill board later in the film footage. The whole thing is rather bizarre...see for yourself...
Update: I have just watched part 1, Lance is the child and his parents were appearing in a variety show, presumably the Frankie Howerd one. Interesting! As an adult, Lance was in a UK pop band called Prima Donna.
Lance's parents in a performance on stage, very funny for it's time...
Scientologists look back on 22 years of service and look forward to the future at the celebration of the Church of Scientology of Moscow's official ...
The man behind the plan, you focus me between a 60 year old sext telephonist and gay porn, really? How funny that is and apparently there were not any comments on facebook. No comments at all....But we'll have a big shout out to Pete Griffiths...on my blog there were 53 hits from this amazing statement of mine, three of whom I lead there personally...What a waste of time...
Today’s Sunday Times in London contains an excerpt of Lawrence Wright’s epic book, Going Clear, but also this interview of its UK publisher, Humfrey Hunter…
The one-man publisher taking on Goliath
Oliver Thring
Over the years the Church of Scientology has become known as an
enthusiastic and tenacious litigant with expensive lawyers on
That reputation seems to have delayed the publication of Going Clear:
Scientology, Hollywood and the Prison of Belief, Lawrence Wright’s
devastating exposé of the organisation, by three years in this country.
The book had originally been slated for publication here in 2013 by
Transworld, an offshoot of the then publishing giant Random House, whose
Knopf division had printed it in America the same year. But shortly
before the text was due to be released in Britain, Transworld abruptly
pulled it from its schedules after taking “legal advice”.
However, a change in the libel laws later that year saw the
introduction of a “publication on a matter of public interest”, a
reinvigorated defence against an accusation of defamation.
“That change emboldened me to publish,” says Humfrey Hunter, the
owner (and sole employee) of Silvertail Books, who has brought Going
Clear to the British market along with several other books prepared to
criticise scientology.
“I reasoned that in PR terms it would be counterproductive for a
multibillion-dollar organisation like the Church of Scientology to
pursue a small publisher like us.”
At least a decade of critical media coverage and multiple allegations
of human rights abuses at its premises have, it is claimed, severely
reduced the church’s ability to attract new adherents. (The organisation
strenuously denies the claims of abuse.)
Hunter believes that today the church is in a “parlous” state. “Its
membership is down to, at most, 40,000 people worldwide. I probably sell
more books about scientology than there are scientologists in Britain.
The conveyer belt of defectors — the No 2, 3 and 4 in the organisation
have all left in recent years — has done it serious damage,” he says.
Critics point out that the church has had only two leaders: its
founder, L Ron Hubbard, and David Miscavige, who is said to have seized
power from Hubbard’s anointed disciples in 1986. “The church is
effectively his,” says Hunter. “It’s not democratic and he answers to no
Some of scientology’s alleged disregard for human rights could still
be occurring, he believes. “Scientologists believe that a baby possesses
an adult soul, so no age is too young to separate children from their
parents. That, to me, is inhuman and it is still going on today,
including in Britain,” says Hunter.
However, the organisation’s colossal wealth — its property portfolio
alone is estimated to be worth $1.5bn (£1bn) — gives it huge potential
power. Those defectors wishing for its imminent collapse are likely to
be disappointed.
Whilst I don't wholly endorse Lawrence Wright's book, (I have my own copy) I do endorse what Humfrey Hunter says here, bolded -this is still going on today, and yes, right here in Britain.
“Scientologists believe that a baby possesses
an adult soul, so no age is too young to separate children from their
parents. That, to me, is inhuman and it is still going on today,
including in Britain,” says Hunter.
OrgBoat is a new software package that helps you run your company
according to the Hubbard Method of Business Management. It is web based,
free for five or fewer employees, and includes features for running
your HR department according to Scientology policy. The web site for OrgBoat doesn’t mention Scientology, but in social media posts the connection is clear.
L. Ron Hubbard was attending George Washington University in 1932
and became one of the editors of The University Hatchet Monthly Literary
Review together with Paul Linebarger.
This Belson hero who became a millionaire Costa conman also happens to be the Father of one John Alex Wood, Scientologist extraordinaire here in England. Conman Father and conman religion...I'll let you read the story...
War hero turned businessman Leonard Berney died this week aged 95,
but despite liberating Bergen-Belsen he isn't remembered fondly by all -
after running investment scams.
After 20 years of investigations, yes, I did say 20 years of investigations, the Belgium Court throws out the case against Scientology as a criminal organization. Files were lost, boxes and boxes of documents only constitutes an ideology.Fraudulent advertizing is an ideology,lying is an ideology, practising medicine without a license is an ideology, spying is an ideology, covert infiltration is just an ideology and did I mention, lying about it, is also an ideology...here's an ideology for you...
"The purpose of the suit is to
harass and discourage rather than to win. The law can be used very
easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on
the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will
generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If
possible, of course, ruin him utterly."
- L. Ron Hubbard, A MANUAL ON THE
attack Scientology, I never forget it, always even the score. People
attack auditors, or staff, or organisations, or me. I never forget
until the slate is clear."
French court orders continued Scientology probe ... should continue despite a lengthy delay and the disappearance of important legal files in the case. ... legal evidence was also reported missing recently in two other probes into Scientology.
21-year-old fraud case dismissed in France
Translation of an AFP article published in French on April 6, 2010.
Scientology trial in Marseille - 3.5 tons of documents disappeared
Strange Accidents in Court
Paris, France September 21, 1999 Der Standard
Presidential offices in Paris said to have been infiltrated.
Standard correspondent Stefan Braendle from Paris
Probably only Scientologists believe in coincidence: on more than one occasion
in France recently, court documents have disappeared or have been "inadvertently"
destroyed before trials against their group. That also happened shortly before
a trial against seven Scientologists which began yesterday in Marseille.
The charges are of fraud. One of the parties, a doctor by profession, had made
out a check for over 132,000 franks for the so-called "Dianetics"
course. Today he - as are other Scientology "customers" - is demanding
his money back. The proceedings are the second of this kind in France.
They made for headlines two weeks ago when it was learned that not less than 3.5
tons of court documents had wandered into the shredder and had been destroyed -
books, files on adherents, bookkeeping records and two electrometers (with which
Scientologists "measure emotion" of new entrants.
The disappearance of the documents was even stranger than the disappearance of
court documents which had been assembled for years out of a court safe in Paris.
Scientology documents also vanished into thin air in the north French city of
Caen. Add to that a burglary into the office of the director of a parliamentary
sect commission. The public is asking how this could have been possible in
heavily guarded buildings like the National Assembly or the Palace of Justice.
The sect commission is wondering aloud whether certain administrative offices in
the state apparatus could have been "infiltrated by sects."
The presiding judge in Marseille came to the conclusion that the justice
official had destroyed the Scientology material because of a mistake.
The French Scientologists - whose number is estimated at 30,000 - see themselves
as victims of a hue and cry.
The attorney of the accused in Marseille has sought to turn the scandal of the
missing records to his own advantage: in the "general atmosphere of
suspicion," he believes, a trial would not be conceivable because the only
possible result would be an adjournment. That would not be the first delay; the
trial was originally supposed to have taken place in 1995.
Scientology is also the topic of discussion elsewhere in France: according to
the administration's sect commissioner, Alain Vivien, the organization from Los
Angeles [USA] had previously "infiltrated the environment of a former state
president, and this has never been refuted"; by that was meant the
Mitterand era from 1981 to 1995.
Minister of Justice Elisabeth Guigou, who expressed her support for the trial to
begin in spite of any difficulties, stated a few days ago that her impression of
the events was to consider a ban of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology of Belgium and Scientologists everywhere salute today's decision by the 69th Trial
Chamber of the Brussels Criminal Court, which unequivocally rejects the
prosecution's fatally flawed and biased case build on false
Just in case it vanishes, though doubtful it will, it's a coup d'etat as far as Scientology is concerned...
Belgian Court Dismisses All Charges in Baseless Case Against the Church of Scientology in Landmark Victory for Religious Freedom
Presiding Judge rules that entire case was a "serious and irremediable breach of the right to a fair trial"
Brussels, Belgium - March 11, 2016 - (Newswire.com)
TheChurch of Scientology of Belgium and Scientologists
everywhere salute today’s decision by the 69th Trial Chamber of the
Brussels Criminal Court, which unequivocally rejects the prosecution’s
fatally flawed and biased case build on false allegations.
The Court categorically and emphatically dismissed all charges
against two Churches of Scientology and eleven individual defendants
while upholding the fundamental human rights of the Church and its
members. The landmark decision rejects the biased charges brought by the
prosecutor against the Church and its officials, and brings 18 years of
religious discrimination fueled by investigative actions taken in bad
faith by the prosecutor in this case to a complete halt. The decision
makes it clear that the evidence does not support the prosecutor’s
biased view of the case against the religion, the Church and its
adherents. Justice and the rule of law have prevailed in Belgium.
Presiding judge Yves Regiment noted that Belgian authorities had
unfairly hounded the Church of Scientology for years stating: “The
entire proceedings are declared inadmissible for a serious and
irremediable breach of the right to a fair trial.”
The Trial Court has reached the same unequivocal conclusion as the Highest Courts in Italy, the United Kingdom and Australia
as well as judicial and administrative bodies in many countries: that
Scientology should not be treated differently than other religions, and
that basing prosecution on religious beliefs is a violation of human
rights. This is the underlying principle that drives the decision and
was ignored by the prosecution in bringing this fatally flawed case.
The Church of Scientology, founded in 1954, has millions of members
in more than 180 countries. It first was established in Belgium in 1974
and sponsors numerous social betterment campaigns, in particular its
drug prevention campaign, its campaign for the betterment of the moral
values beneficial to the individual and his family, its action to end
psychiatric abuses, its human rights education program and its literacy
They even have a red carpet, they also asked me if I wanted to fill in their questionaire, so I did, but I didn't leave my name and address, cos they already know it. Because I hit the website 3 times in the last couple of hours, I think they thought they had a recruit, not bloody likely
I Will Repeat...
"The purpose of the suit is to
harass and discourage rather than to win. The law can be used very
easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on
the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will
generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If
possible, of course, ruin him utterly."
- L. Ron Hubbard, A MANUAL ON THE
This is quite interesting, because I know someone personally that
applied for a job, through an advert in the local paper to work at
Narconon, Hastings. The advert implied the job was a paid one, and there
was no mention of Scientology either. It turned out, it was work as a
volunteer, the woman in question needed paid work and would not have
wasted her time going had the advert been properly presented.
There are thousands and thousands of people worldwide, who have been done over by this cult in all shapes and forms over many, many years. The pressure they put on people is shocking and diabolical and should not be allowed. For a Judge to terminate almost 20 years of investigations on a "technical procedure" is treason to those that have suffered under this regime, I know because I am one of them.
When the "Supreme Court of Justice" in England declared Scientology a place of Worship in London in 2013, that allowed long term Scientologists from birth to marry in a Scientology ORG, not church, I lost the plot. I mean, literally lost the plot...my own stepsister, scientologist from birth worked in the London law Courts for eight whole months just prior to that "Scientology Win". I firmly believe it was called "making amends"(scientology term) for what her SP(Suppressive Person, another scientology term)step sister was doing.And, what was I doing? Informing people about what Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard are really about.
That "Supreme Court of Justice"court ruling was meant to harm me, and me in particular and it very nearly did. But, I am made of stronger stuff, I lived through L. Ron Hubbard's seriously nasty regime and came out the other side, against all the odds.I lived to tell the story, many did not. And, many won't, even though they still live...my own Father, someone I once adored could not even say he was sorry for abandoning me at sea, all in the name of L. Ron Hubbard. And, I still wonder what he took to his grave that was so bad, he could not tell me. When I last spoke to him, he hated LRH so bad, but he would not open up about it.
You may think I am mental when I say this, but I am not, because I thought my Dad was mental when he said "I am James Bond". You just try living with that!