Tomorrow brings us the wedding of the year, a fight for 'religious' freedom, it won't be happening in a church though, it will be happening at the London 'Org' (short for organisation) and this has been well organised.
"There is nothing as wild as in the books of man as will probably happen here on earth. And it will happen simply because all of this is so incredible that nobody will even think of stopping it until it is far, far too late." - L.Ron Hubbard
"Somebody some day will say this is illegal. Be sure the Orgs (Scientology) say what is legal or not." - L. Ron Hubbard
Declaration of Lawrence H. Brennan -
You may now kiss the Scientologist
Scientology couple to marry after winning Supreme Court bid to wed in chapel
Scientologists prepare to wed tomorrow
Scientology case couple to marry
Scientology couple who won UK court ruling to marry today
Selling 'FREEDOM' again...
UK Scientology wedding 'to pave way for other couples'
Couple to marry in UK's first ever Scientology wedding
Scientology case couple marrying
Scientology wedding a 'victory'
Well here's a happy wedding and everything is happy ever after, huh!
So sorry to spoil your wedding, but you do NOT fool me. She died because of your stupid fucking beliefs, and the the fact that Marty Rathbun made her return to YOUR ridiculous and bizarre "religion", This could have been Janis, Terri, Claire or myself if I had not escaped. NO get out of jail free card here.
So, what's with all the God stuff.Ha ha ha! PR puff piece for the wogs, press and governments...wouldn't be surprised if a second wedding ceremony is know the one that does all that Hip, Hip Hooraying to the mighty humanitarian LRH.After all, without him, none of this would be humanly possible...
A prayer for total freedom...escaping scientology...
The Times...newspaper...England...
Sorry, could not get this picture in the Times all in one piece, funnily enough, there is someone missing from this picture...Peter Hodkin...Louisa's Father...OSA(Office of Special Affairs...originally Guardians Office run by Mary Sue Hubbard, Jane Kember and Mo Budlong, his predecessor is now dead, David Gaiman, Father of Neil Gaiman, world renowned book writer of creepy books about childhood, well, he should know, he grew up in one of the creepiest worlds that any child could ever possibly know...and that is the world of L. Ron the above names and make your own conclusions...I don't need to...I lived it...
And here is the creepy Father of the bride...
notice...he does not show up here either...
Couple married in UK's first ever Scientology wedding - Ex ...
He is quoted here...
Scientology in the UK Media: Archived news item
scientology in UK - info dump | Why We Protest | Anonymous ...
I am so glad some people in this world are not stupid...
Cult shill article in London Evening Standard - HARPOONS | Why We ...
Peter Hodkin, center, right...OSA...Office of Special Affairs...Old Guardians Office...Is this a wedding or isn't it?
Angie Gilchrist...scientologist Greenfields school
I have met her in East. Grinstead, and guess what? LIAR! As are ALL scientologists!!! "Oh, those poor children, yes I am going to write about them", well come on Angie...we are waiting...with great anticipation...about all those children that ended up in Clearwater, Florida, never to be seen again by their families, you don't fool me now, and you did not fool me then, but you ALL did manage to to fool the Supreme Court in England...HAHAHAHAHaHAHA...Not done...NOT by a long shot...
Greenfields School
Main article: Greenfields School
A private school near East Grinstead uses the Study Technology devised by L. Ron Hubbard, which it licenses from Church-related group Applied Scholastics. Its connection to the Church was examined in 1984 by Mr. Justice Latey, who commented:[34][49]"Scientology as such is not taught as a subject. But all the ambience is of Scientology, and it is plain that the Church exercises a strong influence if not indeed control. (...) The School pays money annually to Scientology."It emerged that most of the staff and governors were Scientologists, and that its Chairman of Trustees had been forced both to step down and remove his son from the school as punishment for speaking to Suppressive Persons.[49][116] At the time, staff were working at charitable rates: an average of 40 pounds per week.[116] In 1994, local paper the Evening Argus reported that the school was hiding all mention of Scientology from its publicity materials.[49] Greenfields is recognised as a charity by the Charity Commission.[116]
Scientology in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greenfields School | Independent Day and Boarding School ...
Helnwein & Scientology, Lies & Treason by Peter Reichelt, 1997 - Page 235
The school is located on the largest piece of property owned by the Scientology organization outside of the USA, the so-called "Advanced Organization" (AO), where Scientology courses up to "Operating Thetan V" are available. That is where Hubbard, from the 1950s to his deportation in the 1960s, successfully brought his Scientology fiction to the people. The youngest Hubbard students at the Greenfield School are three years old, but the oldest only go up to fifteen years. Since it is an elite school for Scientology offspring, it is customary to leave school at the latest between the ages of 12 and 14 to go to the "Sea Org" headquarters in Flag in Clearwater, Florida, in order to "hire on" there as new Sea Org members in the "Sea Org Kids," for instance, or the Estates Project Force (EPF) or in the Commodore Messengers Org (ORG) which at one time served as Ron Hubbard's body guards, and who today are directly subordinate to the current Scientology boss and Hubbard successor, the 5 foot, 2 1/2 inch tall David "DM" Miscavige, who came from the CMO himself and to whom, managed through the RTC, the OSA intelligence agency reports.Helnwein and Scientology: Lies & Treason -
As Katie Holmes bars Suri from Sea Org... the Sussex school whose ... ... in-the-uk/
Debate: As its first official wedding takes place, is Scientology a religion like any ...
Couple hail victory over 'inequality' as they become first to walk down the aisle in a British Church of Scientology ...
Scientology couple who won Supreme Court get married in London
VIDEO: Scientology couple wed in London
In other news...
France: Scientology aiming to build a blacklist of judges
Translation of a French article published in the February 20, 2014 edition (issue 2572) of the weekly newsmagazine Le Nouvel Observateur (snapshot below; text available online at this link: Des scientologues chez les magistrats)
Scientology seeking names of judges
by Marie Lemonnier
Le Nouvel Observateur, issue 2572, February 20, 2014, page 77

Photo caption: Scientologists demonstrating against "the stigmatization of religious movements"
L. Ron Hubbard's disciples are "convinced" that the reason French courts have repeatedly convicted them, as in October 2013 for "organized fraud," is that French judges are "biased." However, "You can't recuse a judge, based on a suspicion," admits Eric Roux, spokesman for the Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre in Paris. As a result, "the octopus" is now trying to wrap its tentacles around the National Magistrates' School (Ecole nationale de la magistrature - ENM), which has, for more than fifteen years, offered judges voluntary training sessions about the dangers of cults.
The Scientologists exhausted every available recourse before France's Commission for Access to Administrative Documents (Commission d'accès aux documents administratifs - CADA) in the hope of obtaining not only all of ENM's course files and distributed materials on the subject of cults since 1998, but also the names of the trainers and of the judges who attended! The goal is clear: to compile a blacklist of judges that the Scientologists consider "tainted" for the purpose of invalidating these judges' decisions in cases involving the church.
"They also tried to attend our training sessions, but we refused; these courses are not public. They even gathered in front of the school, and we had to station a security officer," says Xavier Ronsin, director of the ENM. "But Scientology's allegations are pure fantasy; we are a secular republican school, not an anti-Church-of-Scientology indoctrination mill. No pressure group can impose its choices on us. One has to wonder why they feel so concerned about these courses!"
On December 23, 2013, for the first time, the Paris Administrative Court granted the Church of Scientology the right to obtain the course materials, but not the lists of names of speakers and participants because of privacy protection rules. Dissatisfied, "Scientology will now take the matter to the Council of State (Conseil d'Etat)," said François Jacquot, the attorney for the Celebrity Centre. The standoff continues.
by Marie Lemonnier
Le Nouvel Observateur, issue 2572, February 20, 2014, page 77
Photo caption: Scientologists demonstrating against "the stigmatization of religious movements"
L. Ron Hubbard's disciples are "convinced" that the reason French courts have repeatedly convicted them, as in October 2013 for "organized fraud," is that French judges are "biased." However, "You can't recuse a judge, based on a suspicion," admits Eric Roux, spokesman for the Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre in Paris. As a result, "the octopus" is now trying to wrap its tentacles around the National Magistrates' School (Ecole nationale de la magistrature - ENM), which has, for more than fifteen years, offered judges voluntary training sessions about the dangers of cults.
The Scientologists exhausted every available recourse before France's Commission for Access to Administrative Documents (Commission d'accès aux documents administratifs - CADA) in the hope of obtaining not only all of ENM's course files and distributed materials on the subject of cults since 1998, but also the names of the trainers and of the judges who attended! The goal is clear: to compile a blacklist of judges that the Scientologists consider "tainted" for the purpose of invalidating these judges' decisions in cases involving the church.
"They also tried to attend our training sessions, but we refused; these courses are not public. They even gathered in front of the school, and we had to station a security officer," says Xavier Ronsin, director of the ENM. "But Scientology's allegations are pure fantasy; we are a secular republican school, not an anti-Church-of-Scientology indoctrination mill. No pressure group can impose its choices on us. One has to wonder why they feel so concerned about these courses!"
On December 23, 2013, for the first time, the Paris Administrative Court granted the Church of Scientology the right to obtain the course materials, but not the lists of names of speakers and participants because of privacy protection rules. Dissatisfied, "Scientology will now take the matter to the Council of State (Conseil d'Etat)," said François Jacquot, the attorney for the Celebrity Centre. The standoff continues.
Related article by Jonny Jacobsen, May 24, 2012: Scientology is arguing that the magistrate who prepared the organised fraud case against it was “indoctrinated”: the latest in a series of bids to get its conviction overturned.
Snapshot of the February 20, 2014 edition (issue 2572) of Le Nouvel Observateur, page 77: