The Film Scientology Doesn't Want You to See Money, Mysteries, and Controversies: At the Heart of Scientology
(Argent, mystères et polémiques: au coeur de la scientologie)
A documentary in French, with English subtitles, filmed in Paris, India, Clearwater, and London; first broadcast in France on Sunday, September 2, 2012 on the M6 network program Enquête exclusive ("Exclusive Investigation").
Contents (Part 1):
0:00:00 Opening title
0:00:24 Preview clips
0:02:05 Introduction by host Bernard de La Villardière
0:03:07 Inside the home of a Parisian Scientology family
0:06:15 February 2012: The Paris court of appeal upholds Scientology's October 2009 conviction for organized fraud
0:07:35 Second introduction
0:09:34 Finding the ruin: A Scientology recruiter in Paris
0:23:51 Inside the Academy at the Paris org
0:27:46 The cost of the Bridge to Total Freedom: Interview with Éric Roux, spokesman for Scientology in France
0:30:06 Scientology volunteer ministers led by Marc Arrighi bring "Learning How To Learn" into a school in India
0:37:33 The IAS, demands for donations, and the Debbie Cook email
0:39:36 Éric Roux's salary
0:40:33 The Purification Rundown
Contents (Part 2):
0:00:00 Goldenrod posted on a bulletin board
0:01:52 The RPF
0:02:43 Valeska Paris's confinement on the Freewinds (Australian Lateline TV report)
0:04:55 Scientology Sunday service in Paris (background music: "March from 'Funeral Music for Queen Mary'" by Purcell, aka the theme from "A Clockwork Orange")
0:07:17 Éric Roux travels to Warsaw to complain about France to the OSCE
(Scientology attorney William Walsh on camera at 0:54:25 - 0:54:46; Miviludes General Secretary Hervé Machi on camera at 0:55:28 - 0:55:52)
0:10:22 Interview in Clearwater with Mike Rinder about disconnection, David Miscavige, the Hole, and the state of Scientology (guest starring two brave protesters at 01:04:20 - 01:05:53)
0:21:07 Interview in London with Mark Pinchin and Lord Duncan McNair
0:24:16 Visit to the London org and interview with Mark Pinchin
0:28:11 Conclusion
0:28:56 Closing credits
0:29:06 End
Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against Narconon Arrowhead and Dr. Gerald Wooten
Gary Richardson Narconon Deaths A Trend
October 6, 2012 - The latest death at Narconon Arrowhead in Canadian, Oklahoma happened in July. On Friday, the family of Stacy Murphy filed the lawsuit against the facility."The first time something happens it's an incident," said Gary Richardson, Attorney for Stacy Murphy's parents. "The second time it happens it's a coincidence. The third time it happens, it's a trend. How many deaths have we had there in the last 18 months?"http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MX9Gh1xjYHo
Death of Johny Lewis, Actor, Scientologist Child
The Webpage Scientology Doesn't Want You To See:Above.
Scientologists Protesting Psychiatry:
Johnny Lewis and Scientology's Criminal Behavior
In L. Ron Hubbard World, trouble is normal because money is God.
As I write this article, actor Johnny Lewis is ranked #1 on the STARmeter on the Internet Movie Database Pro version. At #2 is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, currently appearing in #1 the movie Looper with Bruce Willis (who is ranked #19 on the STARmeter).
Unfortunately, the ranking won't help his career, because Johnny Lewis is dead, at age 28.
Lewis died on September 26, 2012 in Los Feliz, California, after terrorizing neighbors, apparently murdering his landlady, 81-year-old Catherine Davis, and mutilating her cat. For days, the news was about Lewis's descent from working actor who dated music superstar Katy Perry to criminal with a continuing drug problem. Then actor Taylor Negron wrote an article describing Davis and how she was beloved in the Hollywood community and suddenly it became clear that Lewis's victim was a beloved Hollywood legend.
Shortly thereafter, ABC News did a report that stated Los Angeles police suspected the street drug 2C-I—known as "smiles"—was to blame. I knew better. I knew it was all Scientology.
Tom Cruise, the most prominent Hollywood Scientologist, whose divorce from his third wife has been a personal public relations nightmare for months, must have cringed when he found out about the Lewis debacle. After all, Cruise's next movie is entitled All You Need Is Kill.
The Hollywood community can be astonishingly interconnected. I met Taylor Negron in the 1980s, when he appeared every Monday night with The Comedy Store Players at the laugh palace on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood. The Players included Robin Williams, Marty Short, Jim Stahl, Lucy Webb, and others, and improv comedy groups were the rage in town at the time. The improv movement at the Comedy Store began via another group headed by actor Larry Anderson, who was a Scientologist for 33 years and starred in Orientation: A Scientology Information Film, which was the first thing screened for prospective Scientologists. The so-called church still owes Anderson $100,000 for services he paid for but did not receive; so far they've refused to pay him, but that's rather normal for Scientology. Larry got into Scientology through myself and Spanky Taylor in 1976 when we met him at a huge party thrown by Paul and Linda McCartney after the "Wings Over America" tour.
It was Taylor who later introduced me to Negron at the Comedy Store, where I also met with Robin Williams to discuss a script of mine. It had been given to him by a mutual friend, Scientologist Jennifer Charm, who was sleeping with Williams though he was married. (Scientology "ethics," I kept discovering over the years, was always a relative term.)
After Lewis's death, Scientology began disavowing any association with him by scrubbing his picture and information off their websites. Obscuring troubled associations has been a practice of Scientology for decades, as I discussed in a previous article about the suicide of Scientologist actress Laura Hippe who, like Lewis, was a failed "product" of Scientology's drug rehabilitation arm, Narconon. Supposedly, his mother Divona used Narconon principles to keep her middle child off drugs. So much for Scientology and Narconon "technology."
I knew Johnny's mother as well as his father Michael, who is an "OT8" (Scientology's top level of supposed spiritual awareness) and runs a Scientology center in the San Fernando Valley whose motto is "We help you get there." Michael is also a screenwriter, as several reporters have noted, but what has been missed is another point of Scientology Hollywood interconnectedness. (And no, I'm not talking about more Narconon-related deaths and lawsuits.)
Days before the Lewis news broke, my friend Alex Ben Block at the Hollywood Reporter wrote about the State of California suing two movie producers about an alleged film Ponzi scheme that defrauded elderly investors, among other things. I immediately recognized the name Dror Soref, CEO of Skyline Pictures and the director of the 2009 movie Not Forgotten. (But then, I never forget anything I consider important.) The last time I saw Soref, in the '80s around the same time I was regularly visiting the Comedy Store, he was talking to me about producing a script of mine entitled "Street Song." When he said, "The money for the production is drug money, is that okay?" I walked away. Yes, Soref was a Scientologist at the time; I'd met him at the Celebrity Centre when it was on La Brea Avenue in Hollywood. The other person named in the lawsuit was Michelle Kenen Seward, a buddy of Scientologist actress Kirstie Alley, whom I also wrote about previously for The Morton Report.
After awhile, it can all make your head spin, but here's another connection. A previous movie made by Dror Soref was written by Michael Lewis. That was 1993's The Seventh Coin, whose budget was reported as $900,000 by IMDb, with a box office take of $3.2 million. Hmm.... one wonders what Soref forgot to do right when he made Not Forgotten?
All of which brings me to a simple conclusion, based on my decades-long experience in Scientology, which I usually spell this way — $cientology. It's all about the money, period. It always has been. When someone helps Scientology make money via their celebrity, they're lauded and loved. When they get in trouble, Scientology disappears from their life, running away (as they say back in Texas) like a turpentined dog (the turpentine goes on the offending dog's butt, you can imagine the reaction). When Scientology has a lot of money, they viciously attack anyone who says anything negative about them, and try to destroy them in court if possible. Lately, however, Scientology has had such a string of disasters former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega wrote the round-up article "Scientology's Meltdown" listing all the astonishing negatives.
Sadly, one of those dark stories was the death of Alexander Jentzsch, the 27-year-old son of Scientology’s president, Heber Jentzsch, who was found dead in his in-laws’ Los Angeles home, due to methadone taken while suffering from pneumonia. For those in the know about Scientology, death and youth often seem synonymous, particularly among those at "the top" in the church. I'm reminded of the demise of L. Ron Hubbard's 22-year-old son, Quentin.
To say I'm glad I got out of Scientology (in the 1990s) is the understatement of the last two centuries. If the items cited here give you any indication, you probably won't be surprised to know that I want EVERYONE out of this so-called church which leaves death and destruction in its wake every single day. In Scientology terms, I want the planet "cleared" of Scientology.
If that sounds harsh, ask yourself this. What, exactly, is the value of a philosophy whose highest-ranking members have sons who die in their 20s from criminal behavior and/or drugs, whose most well-known celebrity has a string of failed marriages and bizarre public utterances, and whose founder had a career filled with larceny, black magic, government investigations and convictions, and worldwide condemnation?
In the news now are stories speculating that Tom Cruise might be contemplating leaving Scientology. I hope he does; otherwise he'll go down in flames on that burning, sinking ship. As the New York Post noted, "Hey Tom, your crack is showing!" That "crack" is writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson's already much-lauded new film The Master. I'll be seeing that movie soon, laughing as I recognize the ways Anderson depicted the crazy realities gleaned from Scientology. I'm sure I'll also think about a written miniseries that could tell the real, horrifying tale so much more fully.
But I'll also probably cry a little, thinking of dead sons with great promise who probably would still be with us today, if not for a supposed religion known as Scientology.
The controversial new movie, "The Master," is described as a forbidden look into the life of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology. Author Steve Hassan, of "Freedom of Mind," spoke to the "CBS This Morning: Saturday" co-hosts about the movie and why it's got Scientologists up in arms.
Who's the True Master? The Master',Scientology and the Taming of Two Dogs:
'The Master' and His Subject: Who's Afraid of L. Ron Hubbard?
A Cautionary Tale Here for Everyone:
As “The Master” Nears $10 Mil Box Office, A Real Life Parallel Occurs
Paul Thomas Anderson’s “The Master” is nearing $10 million in limited release, with just about everyone predicting acting awards for its three stars–Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams.But no one could have predicted the real life parallel that’s just occurred in Hollywood, as Scientology raised and educated actor Johnny Lewis — on a hit cable show– this week murdered his landlady and fell to his death. Lewis killed Catherine Davis, 81, who ran a kind of home for screenwriters and actors in Hollywood not far from the massive amount of real estate owned by Scientology including their Celebrity Center.
Since the tragedy, Lewis has been revealed as something of a drug addicted either socio-or psychopath, with arrests, jail time, and a long list of inexplicable crazy-scary altercations. He’s something of a real life Freddie Quell, the nutcase played by Phoenix so deftly in “The Master.” Freddie is completely off his rocker, given to violent outbursts and uncontrollable fits. He’s also a raging alcoholic who mixes up his own concoctions to stay anesthetized.
Freddie, of course, becomes involved with Lancaster Dodd, the charismatic leader of a made up “religion” called The Cause. The Cause has been compared to Scientology, as Dodd is based at least a little on L. Ron Hubbard, the science fiction writer who invented Scientology.
Lewis’s father rose to the high ranks of Scientology, becoming an Operating Thetan 7– or someone trusted enough to be told about aliens and other Scientology mumbo jumbo. Lewis himself took Scientology courses and was featured as a “celebrity Scientologist” until this week. In “The Master,” Freddie becomes the most trusted associate of Dodd until he disappears after one of Dodd’s weirder experiments.
“The Master” is playing in 850 theaters for the time being, and will likely stay in limited release until awards season. The Weinstein Company is following a similar path to its past “literary” releases, which usually catch fire with nominations and then take off. Scientologists are flooding internet message boards claiming the movie is a dud, boring, or a failure–far from the truth, but funny to read.
Questions About Scientology Answered:
I have been using Scientology in raising my children, and it has been very helpful to me. Here are some of the things I have found most useful.
Scientology Assists
Assists are basic tools that one can be useful to help kids with day to day living.
My kids usually give one another an assist called a Contact Assist when they have accidents.
They also give Locational Processing Assists to one another - especially the older children will give it to the younger ones.
I have noticed that the Assists help the kids to get over the little traumas of daily life - falling off a bicycle, having a disagreement with a friend, etc - much faster.
When my oldest son was just 4 years old, he was going through something that I didn't understand. He was angry a lot - and angry with me! I felt I had lost a little friend. I took him to the Scientology Celebrity Center,and he received Introductory Auditing.
After his third session, he told me that when he grew up he wanted to become an Auditor. "So all the bad guys can become good."He had some idea that the auditing was helping him to overcome some big things. He changed right before my eyes, almost, I saw him lose the anger and become the happy child he had been.
The Auditing took less than 12 hours!
Since then he has taken a handful of Scientology courses at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Center and Church of Scientology Los Angeles.
He is now 13 years old and has been a joy to raise.
He's a Church of Scientology Drug Free Marshall and has sworn in over 1,000 other Drug Free Marshalls over the years.
He's a member of the Youth for Human Rights International.
He's volunteered for the International Foundation for Human Rights and Religious Intolerance.
He's participated in beach clean - ups and neighborhood clean-ups sponsored by The Way to Happiness Foundation.
He raised hundreds of dollars for groups like the Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East.
He's a trained tutor for the World Literacy Crusade, and he's tutored a number of other children who were having trouble in their studies.
He recently had his IQ tested, with the Stanford Binet IQ test, and scored 164 - which is considered borderline HIGH Genius.
He is a very helpful young man, and he feels that he CAN help create a better future for this planet.
And he's DOING something about it!
There are lots of things that contribute to the sanity and ability of a child - but I can honestly say that Scientology Technology has made an immense difference in my childs life.
Four Year Old Children Hooked up to E-Meters?
What do Scientologists use the E-meter for?
Plenty of things! The E-meter is most commonly used in auditing. On the lower levels, the PC is audited by an auditor. On the upper OT levels, the PC uses the E-meter to audit himself. But the E-meter is not only used for auditing. It is also used for confessionals, security checks, emotional state tests, and is even used in some Scientology schools to 'assist' struggling students to find which parts of their textbooks are the biggest problem areas.
Oh My God! Oh my God, Indeed!
15. In order to understand how Hubbard directed Scientology throughout its myriad corporations almost up to his death in 1986 and how the authority he created has continued thereafter, one has to understand his foundational policies. Hubbard's policies established all lines of authority, corporate structures and job descriptions in CSI. His policies had seniority over those of others without exception, regardless of corporate or organization positions. His policies were permanently valid unless canceled by Hubbard himself.
16. Hubbard Policy of 13 March 1966, "Orders, Precedence of Personnel, Titles Of," attached hereto as Exhibit 2, states, "The following table gives the precedence ... of orders or directions in Scientology. This table shows what order to follow first and if one below is contrary to one above, follow the upper one." (emphasis added). The first three entries are Board Resolution, Policy signed by Hubbard, Bulletin signed by Hubbard, and so on down the chart. Orders originated and signed by others come after these four. The policy continues, "No order lower on the scale may cancel or set aside an order above it on the scale ... Any written or published order may be canceled by a published order senior to it on the above chart except that, traditionally, board minutes cannot cancel policy letters or bulletins, these being originated or modified by the Executive Director whose powers only are ratified by the board."
17. On 13 August 1967, during the early days of the Sea Project, Hubbard wrote Flag Order #5, "Staff Conduct," attached hereto as Exhibit 3. It states, "The order of importance of ... orders is: (a) Commodore's (Hubbard's) concerns first, (b) others second. Do both. Both are important." This Flag Order was never canceled by Hubbard.
18. In 1978 Hubbard wrote, "The Code of a Sea Org Member," attached hereto as Exhibit 4. It states, "I promise to uphold, forward and carry out Command Intention." This Code was never canceled by Hubbard.
19. Another Hubbard policy of 24 September 1970, "Issues-Types Of," attached hereto as Exhibit 5, clarified the value of various major types of issues: "HCOPL - Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter. Written by LRH only. This is a permanently valid issue of all third dynamic (group), org and administrative technology ... HCOBs - Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins. Written by LRH only. These are the technical issue line. They are valid from first issue unless specifically canceled ... The above are the ... main lines of issue of valid data. They have first priority on mimeo and in distribution." This policy was never canceled by Hubbard.
20. A later CSI Policy Directive #19 of 7 July 1982, "The Integrity of Source," attached hereto as Exhibit 6, stated, "It is hereafter firm Church policy that LRH ISSUES ARE TO BE LEFT INTACT AS ISSUED. No one except LRH may cancel his issues. No one except LRH can revise his issues ..." It was written and issued by the Watchdog Committee, a division of CSI.
21. These Hubbard policies laid an automatic response into Sea Org members and Scientologists - that their first loyalty was to Hubbard as head of the Sea Org and Scientology, not to the Commanding Officer of their own organization and even less so to their direct organization superior. This loyalty remains so into the present. Current and former Scientologists would all say that they would follow Hubbard's orders or a Commodore's Messenger's orders rather than that of their Commanding Officer, attached hereto as Exhibit 7.
MISREPRESENTATIONS AND CONCEALMENTS IN DECLARATION OF DAVID MISCAVIGE. Misrepresentation That Criminal Acts Done in the Past Were Aberrational Acts By The Discredited And Defunct Guardian Office Rather Than Mandated By Hubbard's Policy.
22. David Miscavige ("Miscavige"), in his February 17, 1994 declaration filed herein, misdirects the attention of this Court by misrepresenting that criminal acts done in the past were aberrational acts by the discredited and defunct Guardian Office ("GO") and concealing that such criminal acts were, and still are, mandated by Hubbard's policy. (Miscavige declaration, pages 19 and 26). He also said (page 39), "... the only reason that the Youngs feel safe enough to make their outrageously false allegations of bad conduct and harassment against the Church and me is because they know there will be no "Fair Game" retaliation, thanks to my kicking out the GO and putting a permanent end to their abuses." (Miscavige declaration, page 39).
23. Miscavige's claims are false. The defunct GO is the wrong direction to look for blame and the wrong source to focus it on.
24. To look in the right direction and at the right source, one must go to Hubbard's own policies.
25. In a taped lecture in June 1952, "The Journal of Scientology, Issue 18-G," attached hereto as Exhibit 8, pages 1 and 2, Hubbard said, "The only way you can control people is to lie to them ... When you find an individual is lying to you, you know that the individual is trying to control you. That is the mechanism of control.....Not "is going to", but "is lying to you." This taped lecture was never canceled by Hubbard.
30. Miscavige brought up Hubbard's policy on the "FAIR GAME LAW" in his February
17, 1994 declaration attached hereto, page 39, saying there would be no "Fair Game" retaliation on Vaughn and Stacy Young who, like my husband and me, are speaking out about CSI. This is false.
31. The first Hubbard policy on "Fair Game" was printed 1st March 1965, "JUSTICE SUPPRESSIVE ACTS SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS THE FAIR GAME LAW," attached herein as Exhibit 13. It states: "By FAIR GAME is meant, without rights for self, possessions or position, and no Scientologist may be brought before a Committee of Evidence or punished for any action taken against a Suppressive Person or Group during the period that person or group is "fair game ... Such Suppressive Acts include ... Ist degree murder, arson, disintegration of persons or belongings not guilty of suppressive acts (emphasis added)..." Hubbard thus gave Scientologists carte blanche to commit criminal acts against anyone declared a suppressive person. Despite Scientologists' protestations that the policy does not exist or never existed, I was a student at Saint Hill Manor, England in late 1965 when I was required to study it.
32. These Hubbard policies are not philosophical. They are functional; they are the guide to how CSI and RTC operate, how the GO operated, and how its successor, Office of Special Affairs ("OSA"), a division of CSI, operates.
33. After the policy's distribution, there was so much media and public outcry against it, that Hubbard revised it and deleted the underlined phrase above. The most recent revision, Hubbard Policy of 23 December 1965 revised 8 January 1991, "SUPPRESSIVE ACTS SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS," attached hereto as Exhibit 14, bears little similarity to the earliest 1 March 1965 edition.
34. A further Hubbard policy ordered upper level OT graduates to commit criminal acts on suppressive persons. It is, "O.T. REGULATIONS," of 30 September 1966, attached hereto as Exhibit 15. It states, "No Operating Thetan may engage in a suppressive action against any person, state or country in the absence of an ... Ethics Order labeling the person, state or country suppressive. Such orders must be obtained beforehand." This policy was never canceled by Hubbard.
35. A later Hubbard policy of 18 October 1967, "PENALTIES FOR LOWER CONDITIONS," attached hereto as Exhibit 16, states: "SP Order. Fair Game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed." This policy was never canceled by Hubbard.
36. The action of declaring people suppressive persons still continues in all Scientology Organizations.
37. Scientologists argue interminably that Hubbard's "Fair Game" policy was canceled in 1968 and again later, that it never existed, that because it doesn't appear in the 1991 policy manuals it doesn't exist, and more. A review of "Fair Game" cancellations shows this is false.
38. Hubbard policy of 21 October 1968, "CANCELLATION OF FAIR GAME," attached hereto as Exhibit 17, a key policy quoted by Scientologists as purportedly canceling "FAIR GAME," in fact upholds the "Fair Game" treatment of suppressive persons with criminal acts. It states, "The practice of declaring people FAIR GAME will cease. FAIR GAME may not appear on any Ethics Order. It causes bad public relations. This P/L does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP" (emphasis added). This meant that a declared suppressive person or SP was still subject to the practice and acts ordered by "Fair Game." He just was not labeled "Fair Game" anymore.
39. An affidavit written by Hubbard on March 1976, attached hereto as Exhibit 18, though claimed by Scientologists to cancel "FAIR GAME," fails to do so.
40. An 8 June 1979, order titled, "DECLARE," attached hereto as Exhibit 19, quotes Hubbard's "Fair Game" policy of 23 December 1965 and the words "THE FAIR GAME LAW." This was well after any Hubbard "cancellations."
Hamburg Symposium 03-2010 - Hana Whitfield on L Ron Hubbards Abuses
Tony Ortega goes Clear:
David Love Candid Talk about PTSD and Adam Holland Disconnection
Whistleblower Links Georgia Narconon To Scientology
October 3, 2012 - Lucas Catton told Flesicher he knows the Narconon drug treatment program better than almost anyone. He went through it as a student, and then rose to be become president of the Flagship Arrowhead facility in Oklahoma. "Is it what it pretends to be? Absolutely not," said Catton. "Narconon is, essentially it is Scientology."
State Law Could Change After Channel 2 Narconon Investigation
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C-GndhPMQMScientology Lite in Somerset, England:2012
This to me is another of those freezoner groups.I met a young person this weekend in Somerset who had been invited to join Landmark, at first they seemed really nice, then in came the hard sell followed by what they could only describe as 'very scary'.
RogerB on exscientologist message board had this to say;
7th March 2011, 08:54 AM
The prior history of "Landmark Forum" is that it did "derive" from $cn.
It's rather convoluted, but Werner Erhart took the $cn Communication Course tech level stuff and created the movement known as "Est."
Werner was actually a powerhouse, upstat "Div 6" entry level public dissemination-type person in the San Fransisco area. Typical with the "church," is shat upon its best producers . . . and getting pissed, Werner took off to do "his own thing."
He set up "Est" . . . . there is a lot of conjecture of the whys and whats of what happened next.
Est flourished, it became quite a colossal enterprise, and all it was pitching was basically the "HAS Course level stuff of TRs 0-9"
The bad news is that some practitioners of Est, running their own franchises and versions of "Est" perverted the basic materials to be applied in an abusive manner such that the doctrine was introduced that "anyone had to be able to experience anything" in order to be "free." and so, women on course had to be willing to be grouped or otherwise humiliated by idiot males in order to get "case gain." Etc., etc.:duh: :grouch:
It became a classic example of aberrated human conduct run amok due to being given license.
Such was the eventual outcry (and law suits) against his stupid shit, Est reformed, renamed and rebranded itself . . . it is now known as "Landmark Forum."
I have attended some of their events to see WTF.
In essence, my observation is that it is the same old, same old of folks wanting to tell you what to believe and what is true for you . . . and they are into making money.
Landmark Forum is a money making, career making enterprise for the individuals involved, just like the Dale Carnegie enterprise nowadays . . . these cats have some info they believe is valuable . . . but, Landmark Forum, stemming from the heritage of the operation, they tend to be applying a lot of the pressure selling tech of $cn to get their "stats."
And while they do use all the tricks of "creating in you the need to buy their stuff" . . . . they do not imprison you as the Cof$ does . . . though they will access, trigger and/or otherwise "masterfully" mess with your own feelings of need, ruin and considerations of needing the information they create in you the need to have to have :eyeroll:
Realize Landmark Forum is the outcome of a long history of use of "mind manipulation skills" a la Cof$.
It's rather convoluted, but Werner Erhart took the $cn Communication Course tech level stuff and created the movement known as "Est."
Werner was actually a powerhouse, upstat "Div 6" entry level public dissemination-type person in the San Fransisco area. Typical with the "church," is shat upon its best producers . . . and getting pissed, Werner took off to do "his own thing."
He set up "Est" . . . . there is a lot of conjecture of the whys and whats of what happened next.
Est flourished, it became quite a colossal enterprise, and all it was pitching was basically the "HAS Course level stuff of TRs 0-9"
The bad news is that some practitioners of Est, running their own franchises and versions of "Est" perverted the basic materials to be applied in an abusive manner such that the doctrine was introduced that "anyone had to be able to experience anything" in order to be "free." and so, women on course had to be willing to be grouped or otherwise humiliated by idiot males in order to get "case gain." Etc., etc.:duh: :grouch:
It became a classic example of aberrated human conduct run amok due to being given license.
Such was the eventual outcry (and law suits) against his stupid shit, Est reformed, renamed and rebranded itself . . . it is now known as "Landmark Forum."
I have attended some of their events to see WTF.
In essence, my observation is that it is the same old, same old of folks wanting to tell you what to believe and what is true for you . . . and they are into making money.
Landmark Forum is a money making, career making enterprise for the individuals involved, just like the Dale Carnegie enterprise nowadays . . . these cats have some info they believe is valuable . . . but, Landmark Forum, stemming from the heritage of the operation, they tend to be applying a lot of the pressure selling tech of $cn to get their "stats."
And while they do use all the tricks of "creating in you the need to buy their stuff" . . . . they do not imprison you as the Cof$ does . . . though they will access, trigger and/or otherwise "masterfully" mess with your own feelings of need, ruin and considerations of needing the information they create in you the need to have to have :eyeroll:
Realize Landmark Forum is the outcome of a long history of use of "mind manipulation skills" a la Cof$.
Tory Magoo on Landmark:
My (Scary, Destructive) Brush With Scientology Light
http://www.xojane.com/newagey/landmark-forum-cultScientology Escapes FTC Probe While Sketchers Pay 40 Million for 'False Hope'
Money, Mysteries, and Controversies: At the Heart of Scientology
(Argent, mystères et polémiques: au coeur de la scientologie)
A documentary in French, with English subtitles, filmed in Paris, India, Clearwater, and London; first broadcast in France on Sunday, September 2, 2012 on the M6 network program Enquête exclusive ("Exclusive Investigation").
It's back in two parts on rutube - A Must See
http://rutube.ru/video/c39ea3f4f2535ed7a2db3b71a5b34eb1/ Spaciba
Annoyingly the above film has been removed due to copyright violations, I say annoyingly because this is the type of film I would like to see a lot more of. It showed how Scientologists draw people into their orgs, how they find a way of enticing them to buy a book, a video.It showed how they home in on a young woman's vulnerabilities. It showed how children are brought up on stupid "touch assists", it showed how scientologists through their "vulture ministers"laughingly called Volunteer Ministers go into third world countries and entice governments through Scientology's literacy programmes and "way to happiness booklets". It showed how Scientology can get the Police Force in Columbia to put their Police Officers through Scientology courses and not only in Columbia. It showed how Mike Rinder is followed by the very PIs that he has in the past set up to follow other people. It showed the court case in France and the pickets by Scientologists afterwards and how they(the Scientologists) think they are being persecuted for religious beliefs that include the excessive use of 'niacin' and spending hours in a sauna, daily for weeks, sometimes months. it showed how the Scientologists attend human rights conferences to persuade the powers that be that Scientologists rights of religious freedom are being breached, fortunately in France they are not buying it.It showed Scientology's Narconon, supposed drug rehabilitation volunteers out on the streets during the Olympics in London handing out their "say no to drugs, say yes to life" booklets. The same man, Mark Pinchin, who was interviewed spied on me and my friends in London whilst we were picketing in Tottenham Court Road:But apparently they don't follow anyone or spy on them.He was with a Lord MacNair in the film above:
Here is Mark Pinchin: The Director of Special Affairs. Is that the same as the Office of Special Affairs, as in OSA, what used to be the Guardians Office till the FBI raided them and sent 11 Scientologists to prison, including L. Ron Hubbard's own wife, Mary Sue Hubbard.Saner planet?, the planet has become very insane since Scientology's inception.http://www.xenu.net/archive/go/ops/go732/go732.htm
He then sent a young girl to follow me when I went off on my own to hand out fliers further up the road.Whilst talking to someone on the phone, she photographed me.
Mark Pinchin goes to seminars on 'How to Deal with Hate Crime':
I wonder how he intends to deal with me, because I hate crime and Scientology is a criminal organization.
Maria Pia Gardini has sadly died, Rest in Peace, Maria.
Countdown to Eternity
Pat Broeker Spied on for ALL Eternity
Gerry Armstrong Persecuted for ALL Eternity
In 1970 a police agency of the French Government conducted an investigation into Scientology and concluded, “this sect, under the pretext of ‘freeing humans’ is nothing in reality but a vast enterprise to extract the maximum amount of money from its adepts by (use of) pseudo-scientific theories, by (use of) ‘auditions’ and ‘stage settings’ (lit. to ‘create a theatrical scene’) pushed to extremes ( a machine to detect lies, its own particular phraseology. . . . ), to estrange adepts from their families and to exercise a kind of blackmail against persons who do not wish to continue with his sect. (Exhibit 500-HHHHH) From the evidence presented to this court in 1984, at the very least, similar conclusions can be drawn. In addition to violating and abusing its own members civil-rights, the organization over the years with its “Fair Game” doctrine has harassed and abused those persons not in the Church whom it perceives as enemies. The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and the bizarre combination seems to be a reflection of its founder LRH.
The evidence portrays a man who has been virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history, background, and achievements. The writings and documents in evidence additionally reflect his egoism, greed, avarice, lust for power, and vindictiveness and aggressiveness against persons perceived by him to be disloyal or hostile. At the same time it appears that he is charismatic and highly capable of motivating, organizing, controlling, manipulating, and inspiring his adherents. He has been referred to during this trial as a “genius,” a “revered person,” a man who was “viewed by his followers with awe.” Obviously, he is and has been a very complex person, and that complexity is further reflected in his alter ego, the Church of Scientology.
Black PR from Independent Factions of Scientology on Gerry Armstrong:
A few years ago now, when I first got on the internet, I read a little about Gerry Armstrong, then I found myself all over the place, my old friend Janis told me Gerry Armstrong was a "complete arsehole", so I forgot about him for a while, but he kept cropping up and I found I had to keep reading about him and the more I read the more I thought this guy Isn't an arsehole, he's telling the truth!The trouble is when someone is up close and personal with L. Ron Hubbard for most of their formative years whilst growing up it is difficult to see how badly abused they were, the final trigger for me was when she said "I believe Hana Eltringham, but not Jesse Prince" She couldn't really refute that because of course we both knew Hana, but I didn't know Jesse Prince, just like I didn't know Gerry Armstrong but I felt he was a force for truth and truth is something I hold very dear because there was NO truth in Scientology. I called Scientology the "scum of the earth", when I said it I meant it and I stick by that statement today.Interestingly, I read somewhere recently that Mike Rinder told Independents not to take any notice of Hana Eltringham because she also took money to shut up. Thank GOD she never did shut up.
When I made the realization that the smile that kept me going whilst locked down in the hold of the ship Apollo was in fact my jailer, I kinda lost the plot for a while. When I wrote out my Liability formula, they kept ripping it up and told me to start again. I had to admit to being a security risk, which I was NOT, I succumbed in the end for fear of being left down in the hold on my own.Janis had sailed through with flying colours, but then she would, wouldn't she, she had been indoctrinated since the age of four.
Dental hygienist wins $348,000 from boss who forced her to quit after demanding she take Scientology classes
This isn't the first time something like this has happened;
11. In 1984, I experienced a disaster with a CSI front group, Sterling Management Systems, ("SMS"). SMS promoted Hubbard's business management policies to doctors, dentists and chiropractors as a way to way to expand their business and double their income. SMS claimed no connection to CSI though its consultants, including myself, knew otherwise. The despicable treatment I saw meted out to two decent dentists in a San Bernadino clinic, and to me and my superior, by Sterling staff and by Scientologists, shocked me so deeply that I left CSI. Both dentists paid for expensive SMS consultants to introduce Hubbard's management techniques into their practice, train their employees and double their income by year's end.
12. The dentists were pushed to buy a CSI auditing package for nearly $1,000 an hour, with a minimum of 25 hours, for each dentist. They saw their budget overextend and put a stop on the check. On the same day the dentists heard one of their SMS consultants, who touted no connection between SMS and CSI, talk about the transgressions they had divulged to their auditors in confidential priest-penitent auditing sessions. The same day, one dentist's wife also bought home a pack of critical CSI news articles from the public library.
This is How to become a Clam - You just need Benzedrine to start a Religion
Back to Basics:
Scientology Roots – Chapter Thirty-Three: The New Front Man
Re: Marty Rathbun Speaks:
Some of us can talk bullshit some of the time, and yet others of us can talk it ALL of the time:
These were the people that came after Marty:
These were the people that came came after Paulette Cooper:
And, slightly earlier than that, my Grand Mother went to the News of the World with this:
One of my Aunt's, not Zandra, commented and said at that time My Grand Mother was considered Enemy No 1.My Grandmother at that time was considered by L. Ron Hubbard and MY own Father as a SUPPRESSIVE PERSON, IE: 1.1 on the tone scale,to put it bluntly, characterized as the same as Adolf Hitler. She sure as hell may have not been a Saint, but she was NOT in any definition a Adolph Hitler.
A definition of Suppressive Person at that time under L. Ron Hubbard was "An enemy of ALL life and Mankind".
L. Ron Hubbard was talking about MY Grand Mother who went to the News of the World and spoke out about L. Ron Hubbard, a charlatan and a scam artist.
Following that story and subsequent public outcry, the cult has now stopped the process of "disconnection" - the way in which followers were told to write to the friends and families saying they would have nothing more to do with them unless they took up Scientology.
I wrote the article after speaking to such a family. And a very distressing story it was.
Mrs. Anne Stainforth had received a letter from Zandra, her 18-year- old daughter, who had become a Scientologist and gone to work as a clerk at the cult's headquarters, Saint Hill Manor, near East Grinstead, Sussex.
The letter said: "This is to inform you that unless you have some training and processing I will disconnect from you as I feel that you are invalidative of me and Scientology.
"I am willing to help you in any way if you want, but until then I am not going to communicate with you or accept any communication from you.
"I am doing this of my own free will and for my own betterment, Love Zandra."
Mrs. Stainforth was shocked. So was her elder daughter Maureen, who received a similar letter.
They did not feel that Zandra was likely to write that sort of letter of her own free will. They suspected that she had been urged to write them by somebody at Saint Hill Manor. So they brought them to us.
I went to Saint Hill Manor. And there I saw copies of similar letters pinned on an office notice board. The originals had been sent to relatives and friends of Scientologists all over the world. Since then I have discovered many cases of families split by "disconnection."
But the Scientologists and Lafayette Ron Hubbard, their rich American founder, refused to discuss this with me. So did Zandra and her brother, Michael, who had also become a Scientologist.
And, 43 years later my Auntie Zandra says"she gained a lot in the cult of Hubbard, which has enhanced her life to this day, and MY Father is dwindling into a tarot card reading, Alasteir Crowley type of life, which leaves him in a ZOMBIE world of faked belief! I have got the DEVIL under control, yeah, right!
FAITH - What a strange word!
Michael and Zandra Stainforth, I suggest YOU both start setting the world right on the subject of L. Ron Hubbard, and also YOU Janis and Terri Gillham.
One day, and, I hope it will be soon, Scientology will be NO MORE, then and only then, will I be able to rest in PEACE!
I don't give a shit who said it, who did it, they , both MarySue and L. Ron Hubbard were both megalomaniacs, they cared not a jot for anyone including their own children, it was make money, make more money and continue to make more money to put in the banks in Lichtenstein for WHAT?
I am really, really sorry, but YOU have asked for this and boy are YOU going to get it.WHEN are YOU going to tell the truth about HUBBARD? WHEN?
Right from the off you wanted me to do this privately, we ain't doing private, you must get that by now, this is upfront and personal, MY ENTIRE family was RUINED! YOUR entire FAMILY WAS RUINED and YOU can't speak about it? And YOU can't speak about it because YOUR Father runs a f**king vitamin factory? Really?NAH! I ain't f**king buying it.
Do YOU remember when we were locked up in the HOLD? DO YOU FUCKING REMEMBER? I Know YOU do! YOU choose to ignore it!
YOU really want other children to grow up the same way YOU did? Thousands of other kids grow up the way YOU did? Because of? YOU can't deal with it, and YOU will not negate YOUR life?
I have listened to you, I have tried very hard to understand but I cannot and will not condone this way of thinking. It was the only time I was locked up, and it was more than enough, I KNOW this happened to YOU more than once, IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN REPEATEDLY TO OTHER CHILDREN?
I saw one of these today, Sunday 30th of September 2012, for real, just like all those years ago on the ship.
The CORFU caper: Operation Sheepskin and Operation Gladio – Welcome to the REAL Scientology
Scientology's Fight for Apartheid:
"You see? De master tell da police what to do!"
Religious Cloaking
American Greed - Reed Slatkin
This is old now, but well worth watching. Ordained as a Minister of Scientology having been in Scientology since his teens, he then found a way to make money and steel it from other Scientologists including celebrities.Interesting comments from one scientologist who describes Reed Slatkin as a "monster", the same man says "the church does not punish people". He's in for a bit of a shock one day!
While Scientology leaves devastation and human wreckage in it's wake, one has to rise above all the insanity and remember to laugh. Here's a post by #Karen that was just the ticket.
Someone on another thread mentioned Suppressive Person levels 1, 2, 3 etc. and I wanted to be flippant and cover once again the TYPES of SP "Suppressive Person" because it is good for a laugh.
We can all use a laugh now and again.
In the never - never land of the "Church" of Scientology the Word "SP" has taken on "a whole new meaning"
and whole new sub-divisions.
This has slowly occurred over the last 2 decades. There is no textbook policy on any of this it is just "made up" by the Church as Time Marches on.....LOL.
FLIP-FLOP SPs. These are Suppressive persons, who the Church want back in the Church. Highly Embarrassed that their Top echelon RTC ("Religious Technology Center") staff members have fled to join Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder, the Church sent out "Missions" to recover them. Namely Hansuili Stahli, Marion Pouw and Mike Sutter. Now, for anyone who renounces Marty and Mike ~~ BAM they can be UNDECLARED and in a matter of hours a Suppressive person can become an UN-SUPPRESSIVE PERSON. ROFL !
TAME SPs. These are people who have been declared SP, run to do their A to E steps and even give the CHURCH Money $$$$ to get back in good standing !
They even do spying for OSA as "amends" They do not talk to Bitter Defrocked Apostates, or other SPs, they keep their nose clean and pray on bended knee that they will get their eligibility to become advanced Spiritual Beings !
INT BASE SPs. As far back as the issued of "Blown for a Good" Marc Headley a few years ago revealed how most of Senior Management at INT Base had been declared SPs. They cannot leave the base. Most of them cannot leave SP hole, they are doing massive "Amends" programs for their wicked evil deeds against David Miscavige! Even though they are "SPs", they may not communicate with other SPs.
BOARDERLINE SPs A Boarderline Sp is one who is REFUSING to give new money to the Church, refusing to buy more books, Cds, refusing to attend more INT events and IAS events. They sometimes furtively read the Internet and read all these stories and do not confess and sometimes furtively pick up the phone and call someone like me. This is Boarderline SP !
VERBAL SPs These SPs are so confidential that it is a secretly disclosed at the Ethics Office, sometimes, nothing is shown in writing. The
Ethics officer" says "so and so is an SP," "so and so has gone over to the dark side" "so and so has been in touch with squirrels and apostates" "so and so is disaffected and reading the internet" 'so and so is refusing to un-friend these ex-scientologists on Facebook" so now they are verbally declared "SP."
OVERNIGHT SP I made this up and it caught on fast when I posted it.... After serving in the Church for decades, yes, with slave labor, almost no pay, no day off, and enduring all the punishments etc. the Church who apparently with all their advanced spiritual qualities , could not even *DETECT* an SP,
determines that someone who was in the flock for the previous 25-50 years was a Suppressive Person all along !!!!!!
Rolling on the Floor Laughing.
The declare of "Suppressive Person" has been nothing but a "TOOL" ~~ a political tool to label a disaffected person or a whistle blower so as to separate connection between 2 people so that the wisened up person is unable to reveal to the dupe what is really going on.
It is meaningless as a label, but it does keep a certain amount of Kool-aid drinkers toeing the line.
A huge number of people watched the Alexander Jentzsch enforced disconnection from me and saw to what lengths the "Church" would go to separate a mother and son...even in death, denying a last look before cremation.
This is "Church" performance against a so-called "Suppressive Person" SP.
Let's Continue.
GOOD SP Good SPs keep it all "under the radar". They are not doing the A to E steps, but they are not speaking out either. If they post on the Boards, they do it anonymously. Overall, they do not make waves, do not talk to the media, and are nice and sweet. No combativeness on the Church, they do not ask for refunds even of unused pre-paid "donations."
BAD SP These are troublemakers ! They post on the boards and blogs overtly using their own names....They talk to media. They reveal the abuses and atrocities. They influence others. They get deluged with Emails from those "on the fence' and "under the radar". They are a continuous headache for the "good repute" of Scientology Inc.
PROVISIONAL SPS This is a relatively new invention of Radical Scientology Inc. It means You are already a Suppressive person, but it will not be broadcast if you toe the line and abide by the behaviour modification. And if you dare not be "good" voila ! the declaration of your Suppressive Person status will become more widespread. So you see, it is not a matter of whether you are, or not a suppressive person, it is merely a political tool, and the degree of broadcast of your SP declare is used as a threat to keep you in line !
NEGOTIABLE SP This is a marketable commodity based on money. Does money $$$$ make you a Suppressive person or a non-suppressive person ? For Years and Years at "Int events" the flock were told how bad, evil, predatory the IRS was. The IRS was the devil incarnate. No one screamed the "Church" had sunk to depths of SPness as the IRS !
So how did the IRS flip from being a Deep SP to a good *FRIENDLY* agency ?
$$$$$$$$ Baby, $$$$$$ Show me the money !!!
501C3 Tax exemption makes a deep SP enemy Government Agency NO LONGER an SP. Overnight. Just like that !
Does Money $$$$$ make you SP or not SP ????
a LARGE BIG BIG DONATION CAN UN-SP you in a New York Minute ! Giving a bunch of loot to the coffers means you were :::ahem:::not SP after all !

There was a time when SPs were mostly EXTERNAL. Out there. Psychiatry, Psychology, The World Bankers, the Rockerfellers, the Freemasons, the Vatican, the media, the press, CBS, 60 minutes, ABC TV, NBC TV, the FBI, the IRS, the AMA, the Governments of the world, especially Germany, Eli Lilli and all the pharmaceutical companies, journalists and authors that wrote books and articles on Scientology, Intelligence agencies of the world, and on and on.
But DM’s Cult in recent decades has indeed turned inward.
The new breed of SPs are Long term ex staff members, Sea Org members, Veterans. Especially those who have served decades.
Especially those who have worked for peanuts with SLEEP DEPRIVATION and hard labor.
Especially those who have been punched, beaten and assaulted by Miscavige.
Only a year and a half ago ago Miscavige told John Brousseau (escapee) how GOLD staff up there were a bunch of worthless criminals not worthy of the food they were given or the bed they had to lie on.
True story.
Ahhhhhhh the World of the “Church” of Scientology. Truth is stranger than fiction.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Acknowledgement to my dear Friend Jeff Hawkins who originally toyed with
the various Types of SP and had me laughing out loud as we talked on the phone of the various
Suppressive Person definitions...
The declare of "Suppressive Person" has been nothing but a "TOOL" ~~ a political tool to label a disaffected person or a whistle blower so as to separate connection between 2 people so that the wisened up person is unable to reveal to the dupe what is really going on.
It is meaningless as a label, but it does keep a certain amount of Kool-aid drinkers toeing the line.
A huge number of people watched the Alexander Jentzsch enforced disconnection from me and saw to what lengths the "Church" would go to separate a mother and son...even in death, denying a last look before cremation.
This is "Church" performance against a so-called "Suppressive Person" SP.
Let's Continue.
GOOD SP Good SPs keep it all "under the radar". They are not doing the A to E steps, but they are not speaking out either. If they post on the Boards, they do it anonymously. Overall, they do not make waves, do not talk to the media, and are nice and sweet. No combativeness on the Church, they do not ask for refunds even of unused pre-paid "donations."
BAD SP These are troublemakers ! They post on the boards and blogs overtly using their own names....They talk to media. They reveal the abuses and atrocities. They influence others. They get deluged with Emails from those "on the fence' and "under the radar". They are a continuous headache for the "good repute" of Scientology Inc.
PROVISIONAL SPS This is a relatively new invention of Radical Scientology Inc. It means You are already a Suppressive person, but it will not be broadcast if you toe the line and abide by the behaviour modification. And if you dare not be "good" voila ! the declaration of your Suppressive Person status will become more widespread. So you see, it is not a matter of whether you are, or not a suppressive person, it is merely a political tool, and the degree of broadcast of your SP declare is used as a threat to keep you in line !
NEGOTIABLE SP This is a marketable commodity based on money. Does money $$$$ make you a Suppressive person or a non-suppressive person ? For Years and Years at "Int events" the flock were told how bad, evil, predatory the IRS was. The IRS was the devil incarnate. No one screamed the "Church" had sunk to depths of SPness as the IRS !
So how did the IRS flip from being a Deep SP to a good *FRIENDLY* agency ?
$$$$$$$$ Baby, $$$$$$ Show me the money !!!
501C3 Tax exemption makes a deep SP enemy Government Agency NO LONGER an SP. Overnight. Just like that !
Does Money $$$$$ make you SP or not SP ????
a LARGE BIG BIG DONATION CAN UN-SP you in a New York Minute ! Giving a bunch of loot to the coffers means you were :::ahem:::not SP after all !
There was a time when SPs were mostly EXTERNAL. Out there. Psychiatry, Psychology, The World Bankers, the Rockerfellers, the Freemasons, the Vatican, the media, the press, CBS, 60 minutes, ABC TV, NBC TV, the FBI, the IRS, the AMA, the Governments of the world, especially Germany, Eli Lilli and all the pharmaceutical companies, journalists and authors that wrote books and articles on Scientology, Intelligence agencies of the world, and on and on.
But DM’s Cult in recent decades has indeed turned inward.
The new breed of SPs are Long term ex staff members, Sea Org members, Veterans. Especially those who have served decades.
Especially those who have worked for peanuts with SLEEP DEPRIVATION and hard labor.
Especially those who have been punched, beaten and assaulted by Miscavige.
Only a year and a half ago ago Miscavige told John Brousseau (escapee) how GOLD staff up there were a bunch of worthless criminals not worthy of the food they were given or the bed they had to lie on.
True story.
Ahhhhhhh the World of the “Church” of Scientology. Truth is stranger than fiction.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Acknowledgement to my dear Friend Jeff Hawkins who originally toyed with
the various Types of SP and had me laughing out loud as we talked on the phone of the various
Suppressive Person definitions...