Monday, 31 December 2012
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Belgium to Prosecute Church of Scientology
Originally posted by mnql1 on ESMB
Translation of a French article published in the December 28, 2012 edition of the Belgian daily newspaper L'Écho:
Translation of a French article published in the December 28, 2012 edition of the Belgian daily newspaper L'Écho:
Belgium to prosecute Church of Scientology
December 28, 2012
After several years of investigation, the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office has decided to launch court proceedings against the Church of Scientology of Belgium as a "criminal organization." The summonses for this matter were recently sent to the cult.
According to information gathered by our colleagues at the Tijd daily newspaper, the Belgian branch of the American cult and two of its senior officials are also accused of fraud, the illegal practice of medicine, various violations of the privacy protection law, and extortion.
An earlier investigation that began 1997 has been stalled for years and is still with the Council Chamber in Brussels.
The Church of Scientology of Belgium moved from Brussels to Malines (Mechelen) three years ago and has been present in Belgium since 1974.
The Belgian branch of the organization is very active (via myriad "courses" for businesses, exhibitions, marathons, etc.), and it receives logistical and financial support from the cult's European headquarters, which continues to be located in Brussels.
The new investigation by the prosecutor's office mainly revolves around the organization's internal practices. The starting point was a complaint by the regional employment services in Brussels concerning work contracts advertised by the "church" for volunteers and members.
The case landed on the desk of judge Michel Claise, who commissioned searches in April 2008. The documents that were seized allegedly provided evidence of extortion of members, of pseudo-medical practices, and the collection of information of a private nature.
December 28, 2012
After several years of investigation, the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office has decided to launch court proceedings against the Church of Scientology of Belgium as a "criminal organization." The summonses for this matter were recently sent to the cult.
According to information gathered by our colleagues at the Tijd daily newspaper, the Belgian branch of the American cult and two of its senior officials are also accused of fraud, the illegal practice of medicine, various violations of the privacy protection law, and extortion.
An earlier investigation that began 1997 has been stalled for years and is still with the Council Chamber in Brussels.
The Church of Scientology of Belgium moved from Brussels to Malines (Mechelen) three years ago and has been present in Belgium since 1974.
The Belgian branch of the organization is very active (via myriad "courses" for businesses, exhibitions, marathons, etc.), and it receives logistical and financial support from the cult's European headquarters, which continues to be located in Brussels.
The new investigation by the prosecutor's office mainly revolves around the organization's internal practices. The starting point was a complaint by the regional employment services in Brussels concerning work contracts advertised by the "church" for volunteers and members.
The case landed on the desk of judge Michel Claise, who commissioned searches in April 2008. The documents that were seized allegedly provided evidence of extortion of members, of pseudo-medical practices, and the collection of information of a private nature.
Friday, 28 December 2012
E-mails with Steven Manning
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We were on the Sea Org during the summer of 1968. I was 10 years old. My Mum was the chief cook, and often in "liability" for giving food to people who were not supposed to have it. My brother Nick was posted to the engine room, my sister Kay, I can't remember what she did, my sister Bryony was in the nursery and I was a messenger to a man named Dick Lardy, not sure if the surname is correct, as well as being in charge of logging people and supplies on and off the ship. I had a desk directly in front of the gang plank. My shift was twelve hours a day. We joined the Royal Scotsman at Spanish Morocco. My Dad wasn't allowed on board and had to return to London. We were very upset at that. The ship sailed to Tunisia, Bizerta and Corfu where we finally left after an amnesty was granted to families with children a certain age. I find it very difficult to remember and get very emotional when I do remember things. I must have shut so many memories out. Here are the answers to your questions. I'm sorry I can't be more specific but it's the first time I've tried to remember those dark dark days in a long time. Feel free to ask any more questions. You can put my name to all I say.
Kindest regards.
Was it you that was sexually abused or someone else you know of?
I was not
sexually abused. The other kids, especially the boys, used to talk about
one particular girl named Karen Rousseau (not sure if that spelling is
right) who used to have sex with one of the guys on board. Myself and a
few others asked her about it and she ran off in tears saying she
couldn’t talk about it.
Who was the perpetrator?
Who was the perpetrator?
I don’t know
Were you or who ever was involved able to complain about this, or was it hushed up?
Were you or who ever was involved able to complain about this, or was it hushed up?
We didn’t know who to go to for fear of getting into trouble so we didn’t do anything
Did you witness any other types of abuse whilst on the Apollo, are you willing to detail them either under your own name or anonymously?
There was a guy who used to dress as an officer and wore his cap with the peak pulled down his forehead, I think his name was John. Often he would wake the kids up very early in the morning and take us on to the rear deck, make us undress, line us up and hose us down with cold water. It probably lasted five minutes.
Did you witness any other types of abuse whilst on the Apollo, are you willing to detail them either under your own name or anonymously?
There was a guy who used to dress as an officer and wore his cap with the peak pulled down his forehead, I think his name was John. Often he would wake the kids up very early in the morning and take us on to the rear deck, make us undress, line us up and hose us down with cold water. It probably lasted five minutes.
I witnessed
many kids going to the chain locker, I used to listen to them crying for
help through on of the vents on the forward deck. They used to cry out
“please get me the Master at Arms, I know who I really am” I used to
drop sweets down to them.
My sister
Bryony was in the nursery and we were not allowed to go and see her. My
Mum, April who was the cook asked me to go to her as she couldn’t leave
the galley during the day. I remember Bryony crying and holding her arms
up to me to pick her up only to be ushered out by the staff on duty.
How did you finally manage to leave Scientology ?
I was persuaded to get back into Scientology in the early1980s by my sister Kay who was then working at the office in Tottenham Court Road, London. I was doing a study course downstairs one Friday. I used to attend about four days a week. As we were packing up about 10pm the course supervisor notified me that I had to stay longer and finish as I had missed some nights. I explained that our daughter had died recently in a cot death, hence the missed sessions, and I wished to get back home as my wife was not well. He shouted at me that I had to stay. I shouted back that I was leaving. He then told me I was not leaving. At this point rage took over and I upended the study table and warned him not to threaten me. By this time four of five guys had been sent downstairs and were blocking the door to the staircase in an attempt to keep me there. I was angry and in no mood to kept against my will. Walking out the front door was a release. I felt fantastic in the knowledge I would never return.
Were you disconnected from family and what kind of insights did you realise from your experiences?
I was never disconnected from my family
One other question, are you on the decks in the Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard documentary?
No, I wasn’t in that piece of footage
On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 9:44 PM, steve manning <> wrote:
Hi Sharone,
First, about Karen Rousseau. She was about my age which would be 10 or 11 years old. She was a plump girl with blonde hair usually in a pony tail. I always remember her in a red skirt and white top. I think, but I'm not sure, she had a brother on board. One of the boys that talked about her and sex with an older man was a lad named Tyler Turley. Again this is going back a long time but it's what comes to my mind and it's what I remember. There was another lad older than us, he was about 14, who also used to talk about Karen and sex but I can't remember his name. He was tall thin and had blonde hair. I think Karen was at one time in the chain locker, I remember her calls up the vent, (this is making me very tearful, I'm crying more at remembering this than when my Dad died two weeks ago)
The hosing down took place on the poop deck at the back end of the ship.
I've been trying to remember the bastards name but I can't. He was
always in blue uniform and looked like an officer from the gestapo with
his cap tilted down over his face and a dead pan expression. He often
held a clip board. (how I'd love to meet him now, I'd put that hose
around his neck and choke the fucking life out of him). I told you in my
last email my anger had subsided. It hasn't.
My Mother. Her name was April and she was the chief cook. She died in
2007. May she rest forever in peace. She may have entered her surname as
Strawson-Sykes, or Sykes. She was partnered to but never married to
Darrell Strawson-Sykes, who also joined the Royal Scotsman at the same
time we did. It was a strange affair with my Dad and Darrell living in
the same house with my Mum and all the kids. Darrell was really into
Scientology and apparently knew L.R.H. well. (perhaps your checks will
reveal more) My Dad was skeptical about it all but went along with it.
He was refused entry onto the ship because he failed the sec check. I
don't know what the real reason was but that's what we were told.
As far as I know my brother and neither of my sisters were put in the
chain locker. My brother Nick however was put to work in the forward
lower deck chambers chipping off rust with a hammer. I think he spent a
couple of days there. I remember him telling me about it.
At the time of being on the ship my hair would have been a light mousey
colour. I don't have any photos of that time. I was on board when we
crashed into another ship. Their front hit our rear one night and all
hell broke loose. I forget which port we were in but I do remember
L.R.H. shouting orders from one of the upper decks.
You know Sharone, I would never have remembered half this stuff if you
had never asked the questions. I thought I'd locked it all away never to
come back to haunt me. It's taken me one and a half hours to write this
mail, fighting back tears and trying to push back the memories I know
are there that are coming at me like an unstoppable tide. It's making me
feel very bad and at the same time making me feel strong for
remembering and facing up. I will stand up to any and all of them.
Kindest regards to you.
Kindest regards to you.
Just to re-cap, Darrell Strawson Sykes was my step father and it was him
who got us into Scientology and eventually onto the Sea Org. I've tried
to remember who his cronies were nothing is coming to me. He always
told us he knew Ron Hubbard personally and that he was instrumental in
setting up the original personality test.
Some names I remember,
Neville Chamberlain, Norman
Starkey, Otto and Robin Roos, Ron Pook [ my mother was put into
liability for giving him food he shouldn't have had] Libby Berry, Thor
We used to go to Saint Hill quite regularly and I got to
know Arthur Hubbard well. We used to play behind the canteen and also on
the building site which is now the castle. I often asked him about his
dad but he always said he was not allowed to talk about him. I met
Quentin a few times but as he was a bit older than us we were never
You know something Sharone, I find it so difficult to remember much
about those times. When I put my mind to it all I see is a white hollow
with nothing inside. It's frightening that such a large part of my
childhood, although an unhappy one, seems to be wiped out.
If I do remember anything else I'll write it down and mail you.
Subject: UNFORTUNATEY...I was on the Sea Org with LRH in 1968
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 13:21:55 +0700
Message-ID: <8a4rpo lu="lu""">
I was twelve years old and witnessed children younger than myself being thrown into the chain locker ( a room for storing the anchor while at sea) for days on end until they persuaded the ethics officer that they were not enemies. Physical abuse of children was rife. Cold water hose-downs on the deck at six in the morning was a common practice. Working twelve hour days for little or no money. Sleeping in over crowded dormitories with strange adults led to sexual abuse. And all this in the good name of Scientology. If any of you sick fucks who are in the business today can explain why this happened to me, especially while "God" himself was on board, I'll be happy to know. Until then I'll continue to smear the name of Scientology, and all that goes with it, with the shit and contempt it deserves. If anyone would like more info. on the life and abuse that went on on the evil ship as it sailed around the Mediterranean, I'll be happy to enlighten you.
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 13:21:55 +0700
Message-ID: <8a4rpo lu="lu""">
I was twelve years old and witnessed children younger than myself being thrown into the chain locker ( a room for storing the anchor while at sea) for days on end until they persuaded the ethics officer that they were not enemies. Physical abuse of children was rife. Cold water hose-downs on the deck at six in the morning was a common practice. Working twelve hour days for little or no money. Sleeping in over crowded dormitories with strange adults led to sexual abuse. And all this in the good name of Scientology. If any of you sick fucks who are in the business today can explain why this happened to me, especially while "God" himself was on board, I'll be happy to know. Until then I'll continue to smear the name of Scientology, and all that goes with it, with the shit and contempt it deserves. If anyone would like more info. on the life and abuse that went on on the evil ship as it sailed around the Mediterranean, I'll be happy to enlighten you.
I originally saw the above on alt religion scientology.
The following mention Darrell Sykes.
These are two of the several Independent groups in the UK. If you want help in opening a group contact Joyce Barnes, OT Committee UK, Avalon, Cranston Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3HG. If you're a field auditor contact Darrell Sykes, Auditors Association Universal.
Suppressive Persons List
Bob Ainsworth
Armorel Allen
Mick Alpin
Val Alpin
Dora Atack
John Atack
Brian Auker
Unni Auker
Chris Barnes
Joyce Barnes
Vince Barnes
Eric Ballard
Vicky Ballard
Mitch Beedie
Julian Bell
Horag Bellmaine
Carmen Biggs
Ron Biggs
Steve Bisby
A Boland
K Boland
Mohamed Bouderba
Maurice Broad
Andrew Brown
Michelle Brown
Terry Brown
Mauricio Cattarossi
Neville Chamberlain
Fiona Cowe
Joanne Dancer
Bill Devlin
Nicky Devlin
Gary Earle
Diana Fearon
George Fearon
Sue Fisher
Philip Gardiner
Alan Groothius
George Hanson
Yaron Hillel
Ralph Hilton
Thelma Hodges
Jay Hurwitz
Pan Hurwitz
Kim Hutton
Peter Impey
Margaret Jennings
Irene Kaye
Steve Kaye
Jenny Lansdale
Harinder Lawley
Mike Lawley
Ron Lawley
Debbie Leighton
Noella Milner
Colin Mills
Emma Mitchell
Tony Moss
Iris Palfreyman
Marie-Sylvie Patterson
Bevan Preece
Phyllis Preece
Adrian Ribolla
Frankie Robinson
Steve Robinson
Manuel Rodriquez
Martin Ruston
Adrienne Scott
Helen Silcock
Peter Silcock
Don SummonS
Mel Slnith
Maryon Stewart
Darrell Sykes
Linda Tedman
Patrick Tedman
Peter J Webb
Barrie Weller
Heather Wray
Mike Wray
Return to England In September relief came. Darrel Sykes came out to relieve me, and I returned to London and a job. For I became a HASI staff member, at 37 Fitzroy Street, near Tottenham Court Road in London (long term goal).
A little postscript
I told earlier of my six months in Dublin where the organisation was in very bad shape, and I cried out for a replacement for me every time I sent my weekly reports to Jack Parkhouse and Ron. Although I did get some (apparently ineffectual) auditing in two intensives when I was there, the period was never looked at in auditing afterwards. That is to say until some months ago, when I was run on what was called R3X (extended form of Dianetics, incident running). That was a surprise. I realised two things which astonished me. The first was that Jack Parkhouse had hired me while I had absolutely no qualifications to do anything I was expected to do some hundreds of miles away from any help. I did have an idea of the theory of how you did teaching by agreement, and in six months, managed to refine that work to something quite satisfactory. But I had absolutely no management experience, or idea how to take an organisation that was more or less on the rocks and turn it round to a success. I also had no experience in handling juniors of whom I had two very faithful people. The other things I realised was my complete lack of curiosity, which was noticeable when I came back to London. I worked at HASI, which had direct control and contact with Dublin, but I never so much as thought of inquiring how things were going, and I have no idea whether the organisation finally folded up under Darrel Sykes, or under someone who followed him.
More on children caught up in ridiculous belief systems that cause abuse.
I originally saw the above on alt religion scientology.
The following mention Darrell Sykes.
UK: The OT Committee London, chaired by NOTs OT Julian Bell, will be opening an Academy in the near future. They have the materials, the staff and the students - they're just finding suitable premises. East Grinstead already has a Foundation Academy with a Flag-trained supervisor. The emphasis is on training and co-auditing at affordable prices, in an ARCful environment.These are two of the several Independent groups in the UK. If you want help in opening a group contact Joyce Barnes, OT Committee UK, Avalon, Cranston Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3HG. If you're a field auditor contact Darrell Sykes, Auditors Association Universal.
Suppressive Persons List
Independent Scientologists ( partial list )
John AblettBob Ainsworth
Armorel Allen
Mick Alpin
Val Alpin
Dora Atack
John Atack
Brian Auker
Unni Auker
Chris Barnes
Joyce Barnes
Vince Barnes
Eric Ballard
Vicky Ballard
Mitch Beedie
Julian Bell
Horag Bellmaine
Carmen Biggs
Ron Biggs
Steve Bisby
A Boland
K Boland
Mohamed Bouderba
Maurice Broad
Andrew Brown
Michelle Brown
Terry Brown
Mauricio Cattarossi
Neville Chamberlain
Fiona Cowe
Joanne Dancer
Bill Devlin
Nicky Devlin
Gary Earle
Diana Fearon
George Fearon
Sue Fisher
Philip Gardiner
Alan Groothius
George Hanson
Yaron Hillel
Ralph Hilton
Thelma Hodges
Jay Hurwitz
Pan Hurwitz
Kim Hutton
Peter Impey
Margaret Jennings
Irene Kaye
Steve Kaye
Jenny Lansdale
Harinder Lawley
Mike Lawley
Ron Lawley
Debbie Leighton
Noella Milner
Colin Mills
Emma Mitchell
Tony Moss
Iris Palfreyman
Marie-Sylvie Patterson
Bevan Preece
Phyllis Preece
Adrian Ribolla
Frankie Robinson
Steve Robinson
Manuel Rodriquez
Martin Ruston
Adrienne Scott
Helen Silcock
Peter Silcock
Don SummonS
Mel Slnith
Maryon Stewart
Darrell Sykes
Linda Tedman
Patrick Tedman
Peter J Webb
Barrie Weller
Heather Wray
Mike Wray
Return to England In September relief came. Darrel Sykes came out to relieve me, and I returned to London and a job. For I became a HASI staff member, at 37 Fitzroy Street, near Tottenham Court Road in London (long term goal).
A little postscript
I told earlier of my six months in Dublin where the organisation was in very bad shape, and I cried out for a replacement for me every time I sent my weekly reports to Jack Parkhouse and Ron. Although I did get some (apparently ineffectual) auditing in two intensives when I was there, the period was never looked at in auditing afterwards. That is to say until some months ago, when I was run on what was called R3X (extended form of Dianetics, incident running). That was a surprise. I realised two things which astonished me. The first was that Jack Parkhouse had hired me while I had absolutely no qualifications to do anything I was expected to do some hundreds of miles away from any help. I did have an idea of the theory of how you did teaching by agreement, and in six months, managed to refine that work to something quite satisfactory. But I had absolutely no management experience, or idea how to take an organisation that was more or less on the rocks and turn it round to a success. I also had no experience in handling juniors of whom I had two very faithful people. The other things I realised was my complete lack of curiosity, which was noticeable when I came back to London. I worked at HASI, which had direct control and contact with Dublin, but I never so much as thought of inquiring how things were going, and I have no idea whether the organisation finally folded up under Darrel Sykes, or under someone who followed him.
More on children caught up in ridiculous belief systems that cause abuse.
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
The Cult in Your Backyard
This was a conference held in East. Grinstead in October of this year, I was meant to attend, but due to the date being changed having already booked the original time off, I was unable to attend.
I decided not to put this on my blog as I thought it was rubbish for the most part, I still do.
Both, Pete Griffiths and John Mcghee afterwards when they visited me said, I would not believe the sort of day they had, had. I do! And, I really do wish I could have been there.
However...I wasn't and many things have niggled me ever since, in fact many things have niggled me since Dublin, but there you go.
I predicted earlier on this year with a meeting with Bonnie Woods that Stephen Jones spends far too much time with freezoners and Indies and I was concerned by this, I still am.I feel he could be drawn back in by these hard core scientologists which they are.
I came across a post on ESMB a few days ago by Stephen that seemed to be saying he hoped that Louisa Hodkin was granted her wish to allow weddings to take place in the London Victoria Street branch of scientology organization. This is a corporate organization, not a church, or chapel, I tried to reply to this but suddenly my computer went down. I cannot find the post now so I am airing my concerns here.This is the same man that thinks Mike Rinder is half human, please, please, please do not insult my intelligence.
If Mike Rinder was even half human he would come clean or even become "clear" on Lisa McPherson and many other things.
So anyway without further ado here is the cult in your backyard, and believe me it is in your backyard...
Vicky Bollard - "I am unbrainwashable" Yeah right!
I decided not to put this on my blog as I thought it was rubbish for the most part, I still do.
Both, Pete Griffiths and John Mcghee afterwards when they visited me said, I would not believe the sort of day they had, had. I do! And, I really do wish I could have been there.
However...I wasn't and many things have niggled me ever since, in fact many things have niggled me since Dublin, but there you go.
I predicted earlier on this year with a meeting with Bonnie Woods that Stephen Jones spends far too much time with freezoners and Indies and I was concerned by this, I still am.I feel he could be drawn back in by these hard core scientologists which they are.
I came across a post on ESMB a few days ago by Stephen that seemed to be saying he hoped that Louisa Hodkin was granted her wish to allow weddings to take place in the London Victoria Street branch of scientology organization. This is a corporate organization, not a church, or chapel, I tried to reply to this but suddenly my computer went down. I cannot find the post now so I am airing my concerns here.This is the same man that thinks Mike Rinder is half human, please, please, please do not insult my intelligence.
If Mike Rinder was even half human he would come clean or even become "clear" on Lisa McPherson and many other things.
So anyway without further ado here is the cult in your backyard, and believe me it is in your backyard...
Vicky Bollard - "I am unbrainwashable" Yeah right!
Scientology's Children Imprisoned
Imprisoning Children
Like most marriages in the Sea Org, when my father moved up the org board, he was coerced into divorcing my mother. I was fifteen at the time and it was a huge loss.Shortly thereafter I got into trouble and was assigned to the RPF.
I was sixteen when I was in the RPF and I had lots of company! There were about 40 minors at the time in the PAC RPF, all of whom were unjustly assigned. But I was a good student. I was a good worker, as most minors were. I spent 2 years in the RPF! Many kids spent much more time in the "R" as it was called.
A key injustice of the RPF (besides being there at all), is that if you're a minor you have no choice but to do the program. You cannot leave the Sea Org, as your parents are in the Sea Org.
So, this is false IMPRISONMENT of CHILDREN. This is Final Solution #2: If you can’t kill them when they are a fetus, imprison them when they are a child.
I remember one occasion where a young man who worked in the same org as me announced at the dinner table, "I don't like RPFers because they're f__k-ups."
One month later, he was in the RPF, and one month after that, he blew.
Kids didn't have the luxury of escaping/blowing. Children toiled doing the same labor as adults from 6:00 AM 'till 5:00 PM. And, same as adults, any kind of infraction was immediately punished by running laps or doing push-ups, or worse yet, getting assigned to the RPF's RPF, where one slaved in "Rat's Alley" all day and well into the night.
I suddenly found myself there, and I remember being covered with the horrific smell of rotten food slime. And I do mean covered! I thought, "What the hell am I doing here?" But, then again, I had no choice.
In the RPF there is absolutely no time off and no liberties (read my other article on the RPF in this site). There were no exceptions for children. In fact, as we were smaller, some children were brutalized by some adults (there was a small group of people in the RPF with their share of psychotic tendencies).
At 5 PM we had dinner and "redemption" time and lights out at 11 PM. This was tough but we got some auditing and I did experience gains from auditing despite the fact that I needed more rest and food. Despite the fact that I did not want to be there. Despite the fact that I saw very little of my mom and dad. Despite the fact that the RPF I/C was a total Nazi, and despite the fact that I had been unjustly assigned to the RPF in the first place. And despite the fact that no child should be forced to do hard labor.
The application of actual Scientology gave me some very big wins on the RPF. Those were the last wins I had with Scientology during my career in the Sea Org, however.
Unbelievably, life would get even worse than my 2 years in the PAC RPF.
Like I said though, unbelievably, the Sea Org would get far worse.
At the Int Ranch, kids worked for most of the day. Parents had very little time with their kids. It was mainly hygiene-time on Sunday mornings. But kids (from ages 4 on up), spent their nights in dorms at the ranch.
Many kids missed their mothers greatly and were restimulated in this environment. It was militaristic in that there were musters like at Gold, and kids would have to do heavy MEST work without a choice.
Sea Org children never had a choice to be there at all. This violates the very core of Scientology and the philosophy of self-determinism.
As does Flag Order 3905.
If your blood isn’t running cold by now consider this: There was an instance when Justin Miscavige and Matt Price accidentally injured a staff member at the Ranch and Miscavige assigned them the condition of "Child."
This was considered far worse than Confusion. (Goes to show you how he felt about children). In his book, Science of Survival, LRH explained what a low-toned person does to the second dynamic:
At the tone level of Covert Hostility you can expect: "Use of children for sadistic purposes"
At the tone level of Anger you can expect "Brutal treatment of children"
"At 1.5 we enter the band of brutal treatment of children, heavy corporal punishment, the forcing of the child into a mold with pain, breaking his dramatizations, upset about his noise or clutter.
"At 1.1 on the Tone Scale there may be two reactions to children. There may be an actual and immediate desire for children as a manifestation of sex, but we also may have the use of children for sadistic purposes. And we may find both of these in the same individual. We have a long-term general neglect of children, with an occasional sporadic interest in them. We have very little thought for the child's future or the culture in which the child will grow up." -- LRH, Science of Survival
And there’s more:
"It is notable, as one glances down this column, that an interest in children includes not only in the bearing of the child, but in the child's well-being, happiness, mental state, education and general future. We may have a person on the 1.1 level who seems very anxious to produce a child. Very possibly this person is following an engram command to have children. Once the child is born, we may have, in this 1.1 bracket, an interest in it as a plaything, or a curiosity. But following this, we get general neglect and thoughtlessness about the child and no feeling whatsoever about the child's future or any effort to build one for it. We get careless familial actions, such as promiscuity, which will tear to pieces the family security upon which this child's future depends. Along this band, the child is considered a thing, a possession.
"A half a tone above this, in the anger band, the child is a target for the dramatizations which the individual does not dare execute against grown-ups in the environment -- a last-ditch effort to be in command of something. Here we have domination of the child with a constant warping of its character.
"The whole future of the race depends upon its attitude towards children..." -- L. Ron Hubbard, Science of Survival
Call it what it is: Human Trafficking
In about 1996, the Cadet Org and the Int Ranch were disbanded and all children were suddenly and ruthlessly sent thousands of miles away to be posted in orgs. The point being that, hundreds of children were robbed of a childhood, their families, and in most cases, their education.I have been making this argument for years. I refuse to accept Miscavige’s medieval prohibitions which redefine a “child” as a criminal act punishable by Comm Ev and banishment.
I’d love to hear Tommy Davis -- that wicked and braying jack ass -- trying to hee-haw out some kind of an “acceptable truth” designed whitewash his boss’s felonious behavior. He can’t tell the real truth because that is punished in the “church.”
Written by Arthur Doyle
Affidavit of Howard Schomer:
7. My tenure on board the Apollo and later in Clearwater overlapped the period that Tonja Burden was in Scientology. I
was familiar with Tonja because I had a young daughter, Valerie, who
was also a Commodore Messenger and who was very good friends with
Tonja throughout this period.
8. When I first joined Scientology many representations were made to me which I later learned were untrue and outright lies. They included the fact that the Church of Scientology was a law-abiding, non-profit and benevolent organization. The Church was founded by LRH who claimed he was a highly accomplished individual; I was later told that LRH was a war hero, had several degrees from institutions of higher learning, had cured himself of crippling wounds and blindness with his technology. I later learned these were all falsehoods. LRH had developed an elaborate technology and, in order to learn this "technology" or "tech", one had to go through a process known as "auditing" [handwritten: , and "training."]
9. During auditing, a person is told to reveal to his "auditor" all of his innermost personal secrets. The "preclear" (or person undergoing auditing) is connected to an "E Meter" or a galvanic skin response meter which is similar to a primitive lie detector. Through the use of this machine, the veracity of the "preclear's" responses are tested. The "preclear" pays for these sessions, which I did, as well as paying for the sessions of my daughter, Valerie, prior to joining the Sea Org. Each "preclear" is told that the auditing
sessions are strictly confidential and similar to a priest/penitent
relationship. The trust in one's auditor and the confidentiality of
the sessions was a critical element for me and one which I believe
in. I later learned that auditing is not confidential and that
frequently members auditing files [handwritten: folders] are culled
for sensitive information to be used to blackmail or intimidate a
person who threatens the Organization in any way. This includes
attempting to leave the Organization. I personally was present when
members of the Guardian's Office would "cull" files and look for
sensitive information. Many of my B-1 friends related stories of
culling auditing files to me.
10. When I first joined the Sea org I was told that we were an elite group or the "creme de la creme". We were the most important members of Scientology, the most dedicated on the planet and, as such, were treated with the "red carpet". I soon learned very differently once I boarded the Apollo. This was the period of time that Tonja Burden was also aboard the Apollo or Flag.
11. It was clear on Flag that everything was controlled and run by LRH, known as the Commodore. His wife, Mary Sue Hubbard (hereinafter referred to as "MSH"), was the Deputy Commodore and, as second in command, her word and orders had the same potency and importance as LRH. MSH also controlled the branch of Scientology known as the Guardian's Office. They were
responsible for most of the criminal activity, intimidation and
harassive tactics perpetrated by the Scientology Organization.
12. I quickly learned that the life aboard the ship was run in a very military-like fashion with none of the ceremonies of benevolence that one would expect from a church. At the top of the hierarchy was LRH and every member of the Sea Org worked for his benefit and at his command.
13. The conditions aboard the Apollo were generally deplorable. The [handwritten: most] quarters were cramped and damp. They were roach infested. [handwritten: some] Married couples were assigned to cabins in the aft end of the ship. There was little privacy, the walls were paper thin, and the food was both inadequate and atrocious. By contrast, the berthing areas for LRH and MSH were plush, immaculately clean and stately. Both LRH and MSH were aware of the apparent filthy conditions on board the remainder of the ship. Everyone worked extremely long hours, including the children, and there was little time for sleep and virtually no time for recreation. Conditions for those in the Rehabilitation Projects Force (hereinafter referred to as "RPF") were even worse.
14. When I first boarded the Apollo, I was told that children had to be at least 12 years of age to come on board. My daughter, Valerie, was only 10 and, therefore, I placed her
in the care of another Scientology family. The rule later changed and
at age 10 1/2 years, Valerie came aboard the ship in November 1972
when the Cadet Org was formed. At almost the same time, I was
transferred to ASHO and, thus, we were further separated until I
re-boarded the Apollo in March 1973.
15. When I first joined the Sea Org and later aboard the Apollo, I was told that Valerie would receive an education and that we would remain a close family unit. Valerie received no formal education aboard the Apollo and when we later moved to land base in Clearwater, she was allowed to attend school only because it was mandatory under the laws of the State of Florida.
16. On board the Apollo, Valerie became a Messenger, first for MSH and later a Commodore Messenger for LRH. She became good friends with Tonja Burden since they were both Commodore Messengers. The Messengers served as personal servants for both LRH and MSH. They were all [handwritten: ("all" replaced with "mostly")] young girls who worked very hard and saw to every whim and fancy of LRH and MSH. They would be responsible for every detail in the lives of LRH, including grooming, the running of messages and developing plans to be carried out worldwide. Later at land base, I heard they were involved in the coding and decoding of telexes to the Scientology Organizations and LRH worldwide.
17. While on board the Apollo, we often worked for 12-14 hours a day and longer, if necessary, if our "stats" were
down. The pay for this work was approximately
per week. When I later worked for ASI (Author Services, Inc.), I
received approximately
gross or
net a week. From this pay was [handwritten: I had to pay] subtracted
money for room, board and medical expenses.
18. We received very little medical or dental care. On board the Apollo, there was never any doctor or dentist.
19. As I previously explained, life in Scientology was military-like and for any infraction of a rule, one could be sent to the EPF or RPF. I spent a large amount of time [handwritten: 3 months] in the RPF and my daughter, Valerie, was in both the EPF and RPF when she was a mere 11 years old. Both the EPF and RPF were like prison. While in the EPF, Valerie was forced to work long hours washing clothes [handwritten: and cleaning cabins]. We barely had a chance to see each other because of the long hours and in order to get any liberty to see Valerie I had to petition MSH.
20. The RPF was even worse than the EPF. The slightest infraction or decrease in productivity could result in a messenger appearing and ordering you to the RPF. The RPF came into existence in January 1974 and all crew aboard the Apollo lived in constant fear of being sent there. While in the RPF I had virtually no time [handwritten: not allowed] to see Valerie since I was working the whole time. [handwritten: , and the rules of the RPF.]
21. Life in the RPF was despicable and degrading. You lost all sense of self-esteem, freedom and human dignity. It was a world unto itself and you felt like a leper or a member of the caste "The Untouchables". You could not speak to other crew members unless you were spoken to and you had to "run" everywhere. The conditions were even worse than on board the regular quarters, damp, cold and, again, roach infested. The food was substandard and members of the RPF only ate after others had eaten. Often there was little leftover food. Members of the RPF were forced to wear black boiler suits. We slept very little everyday and awoke each morning to swab the decks. We were allowed 30 seconds to shower and had to be up and ready in the morning within 15 minutes. There was supposed to be time for study and auditing, but this rarely occurred, [handwritten: except in the RPF where it was the only way to get out, was to complete a training & auditing program given to you.]
22. While on board the Apollo and later in Clearwater, we were trained to lie to customs and government officials. I had first-hand knowledge of this because one of my positions aboard the Apollo from March 1974 to November 1975 was as the equipment, road manager and advance man for the "Apollo Troupe Org" which was an entertainment group, [handwritten: and I dealt first hand with them.]
23. When the Apollo docked in a foreign port, members of the entertainment troupe would perform in the various ports. As advance man, I was specifically told not to disclose that we
were a Scientology ship, but rather told to tell "shore stories". We
stated that we were a part of an international management corporation
and if confronted with any connection to Scientology, we stated they
were merely a client of ours.
24. This deception continued when we moved to land base and first brought property in Clearwater. We moved there under the guise of being "The United Churches of Florida". We never stated we were the Church of Scientology. The land in Florida was bought by a sham corporation, the Southern Land Development Corporation and leased to United Churches of Florida. Later the lies we had perpetrated leaked out and they learned that we were, in fact, the Church of Scientology and had moved there under false pretenses.
25. Once we moved to the land base, I became the head of RAM (Records, Assets and Materiel) at Flag in December of 1975 which was a part of FSO (Flag Service Org). As head of RAM, I was responsible for all insurance [for] buildings [handwritten: + auto, etc.] and banking for the entire Flag Land Base [handwritten: except the FBO & SOR (item?)]. I handled [handwritten: the accounting for] all money disbursements and remained at Flag in Florida from December 1975 to march 1982, when I was sent to ASI (Author Services, Inc.) in Los Angeles, California.
26. As head of treasury and later at ASI, it became readily apparent to me who was controlling all assets for the Church.
All Scientology monies worldwide were controlled by LRH and then
second in command MSH while she remained Deputy Commodore. While at
ASI, LRH remained in control with Pat and Anne Broeker and then David
Miscavige in the chain of command.
27. When I first arrived at Flag in 1975, FSO was an internal part of the Church of Scientology of California (CSC), as were every other Scientology group which were all controlled by LRH. In early 1981, the sham "corporate sort out" occurred to protect the Scientology assets and LRH from investigations by the IRS, FBI or other governmental agencies. This "sort out" was deliberately perpetrated to shield LRH and the enormous assets.
28. New organizations like FSO, CSI, CS Estates Org and CSC [handwritten: existing corp.] were incorporated to hold assets. They were merely sham corporations and were exclusively controlled by LRH through a chain of command. Any management and corporate officers were mere figureheads and each person still reported through the same channels and had no independent decision-making as to the Church's assets.
29. The purpose of the corporate "sort out" was to prevent the government from getting any of the assets. I had many conversations with other top level scientologists, including Mike Rinder, Sam Licciardi, Wendell and Ellen Reynolds and
Jeannie Williamson that we were to hide LRH's assets and we were
primarily to shield LRH from "inurement", in other words, from
liability for taxes or tax fraud.
30. During my years in Scientology, I became aware of the criminal operations that were going on through the Guardians Office (G.O.) I knew from friends in the G.O., and first-hand, that they had been gathering data and harassing people pursuant to the "Fair Game Doctrine". I knew of specific individuals who had been attacked, including Mayor Cazares of Clearwater.
31. After I escaped from Scientology in December of 1982, I learned about G.O. harassment after a person left the group. I know that anyone could be declared a "suppressive person" and, in fact, even though the Church denies it, I have been called a "suppressive person" by scientologists to my face. I know this makes me subject to the "Fair Game Doctrine" and it is very frightening.
32. During the period 1974-1977, [handwritten: as well as the rest of my tenure in the Sea Org] I know it was almost impossible to leave the Organization and the only [handwritten: sure] way to leave was to escape. All kinds of threats would be made and an individual would be subject to "Sec Checks" (Security Checks). I myself was subject to two horrible such "Sec Checks" where I was deprived of sleep, food, water, and toilet facilities. I was punched, spat upon, threatened, intimidated and completely
humiliated as a human being. In order to leave, people were forced to
sign releases against their will as I was. There was no choice in
signing the releases because you were [handwritten: threatened to be]
imprisoned and threatened with criminal "frame ups" and possible
33. The organization also threatened individuals with massive bills and debts which were all fraudulent. At the time, I did not know that the debts were unenforceable and I was frightened that I could be [handwritten: responsible for these debts] imprisoned if I left Scientology without paying these debts. I, myself, had sent bills to individuals for debts incurred, including a $200,000 bill to Jim Isaacson when I worked at ASI. It was ironic that the Organization could control us through fear by alleging debts which they claimed we had incurred when, in fact, we had worked endless days with little pay and inadequate housing and food. Such was the intimidation and fear they wielded over everyone.
34. All of the policies of harassment, fear, intimidation, threats were all created by LRH who directed the enforcement through MSH and the entire chain of command. Both LRH and MSH were aware of the policies and their perpetration because they, in fact, ordered them into operation and oversaw their completion. These policies were all in operation during Tonja Burden's tenure in Scientology and permeated every aspect of the Organization.
Researchers always must be cautious in accepting as fact the account of a single person, but I heard similar stories about the condition of children's facilities in Scientology's child care program on the other side of the American continent -- Los Angeles, California. The person who related the account had occasion to visit the children's facility (called the Cadet Org) in the late 1970s or early 1980s, and she saw an infant who was the child of a man she knew. This child, she stated: was very, very ill and she was laying in a urine soaked crib and she was -- she just had her diaper on.... She had lots of like little fruit flies and gnats on her body and she had been so ill that she had tremendous amounts of mucous plugging her nose and her eyes were, like, welded shut with mucous and I, I just snapped in my head (Kent Interview with Pat, 1997: 34).
Children and Teens on the RPF
Numerous indicators point to the probability that teenagers and pre-teens are subject to the RPF program. These indicators include: accounts from several former adult members; an internal Scientology document that refers to a children's RPF program; a reporter's account in a newspaper article; and television footage that apparently shows teenagers on the RPF program in Los Angeles unloading from a bus.1. Accounts About Children and Teens from Former Adult Members
Two adults who had been in the RPF on the Apollo reported that they knew of a pre-teen who was in the program. Monica Pignotti stated that a twelve year old girl was in the RPF during the same time that she was (Kent Interview with Pignotti, 1997: 30). Likewise, Dale related that he saw an eleven-year old girl (whom he knew) on the Apollo's RPF after he himself had been in it (Kent Interview with Dale, 1997: 4). An additional account of a child on the RPF came from Pat, who insisted that she knew a six-year-old (whom she named) who went into the program in Los Angeles because he was "out 2-D" -- Scientology's term for either sexual problems or family difficulties (Kent Interview with Pat, 1997a: 32). Finally, a former Sea-Org member who uses the pseudonym "Steve Jebson" posted on the alt.religion.scientology newsgroup that he had "personal knowledge" about a twelve or thirteen year old boy being assigned to the RPF's RPF in Los Angeles (Jebson, 1997).2. References to Children on the RPF in a Scientology Document
This testimonial evidence identifies that children and teenagers were in various RPF programs with adults. An internal Scientology document, however, indicates that Hubbard had established a special RPF for children and subsequent Scientologists in leadership positions reinitiated the program (presumably after it had lapsed for some reason). The available document is a poor-quality photocopy written by Nedra Cohee in 1989, who was working with the program for Sea Org children called the Cadet Org. Cohee's stated purpose for producing the letter was that s/he felt the "need to re-institute the Children's RPF..." (Cohee, 1989). As background to the request for renewing the program, the author discussed its history:In 1976 when the Commodore [i.e., Hubbard] re-established the Cadet Org, he also included the childrens [sic] RPF as apart [sic] of this .... In 1986-87 when myself and [another person] put back in the advices concerning the Cadet org, the re-instituting of the Childrens [sic] RPF was very instrumental as one of the successful actions done which 10X'd [knocked out?] the Cadet Org at that time .... The Childrens [sic] RPF was run per the FO's [sic: Flag Orders, which are similar to Sea Org policy letters] on the Childrens [sic] RPF (3434 series) ... (Cohee, 1989).If this passage is accurate, then Hubbard himself established the Children's RPF in 1976, and policies exist about its operation in the Flag Order 3434 Series dedicated to the RPF in general.
The one page letter or memo also provides insight into the lives of children in and associated with the Cadet Organization. Cohee wrote that there were "several Cadets and blown Cadets [i.e., runaways] who need to go to the children's RPF." While most of the Cadets were improving and "producing," "a very small percentage are enturbulative [i.e., disruptive] sources and are sabotaging efforts to set the scene right." One boy (named in the text) was a special problem, and:
he needs to be moved off everyone's lines [i.e., taken out of the organization's daily operations] and put into the Children's [sic] RPF. [He] recently took a razor blade and cut X's in his skin up and down both arms. He is psychotic in PT [present time] and needs close supervision (Cohee, 1989).In summary, some of the children in the Cadet Org were disruptive to the point of running away, and one obviously troubled youth was self-mutilating. Cohee's response, however, was to advise that the boy should receive close supervision in the Children's RPF program, but never recommended professional counseling or other professional assistance for him.
3. Television and Newspaper Accounts of Teenagers on the RPF
Additional evidence that a Children's RPF operated in or near Los Angeles appeared in an unlikely source -- an August, 1989 news broadcast from television station KOCO in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The news broadcast (of which I have a video copy) was the first in a series on Scientology's Narconon program -- a reputed drug rehabilitation program that had begun to operate on an Indian reservation near Newkirk, Oklahoma. (Apparently the series ran in August 1989, but the television station was unable to provide me with an exact date. The announcer refers to events, however, that led me to conclude that it ran on August 21.) In one segment, reporter Larry Blunt was on the sidewalk presumably near the main Scientology complex in Los Angeles, having just completed an interview with Scientology Linda [sic: Leisa] Goodman. The camera moved around to a scene unfolding across the street and some distance away, and Blunt offered the following commentary about what was captured on film:Shortly after that exchange [with Goodman], a Scientology bus loaded with young people dressed in black pulled up. They jogged into the Scientology complex. A recent defector of [sic: from] Scientology told me they were from the Church's Rehabilitation Project Force. They were found to be a problem, and need an attitude adjustment (KOTO, 1989).This film segment is over in a matter of seconds, but viewers are able to count at least thirteen teens (two or more who appear to be females), all wearing dark suits (with short sleeves and short pants). Of course, the dark uniforms and the jogging requirement are standard for people assigned to the RPF. While the Scientology organization may insist that adults in the RPF program are there willingly, it is difficult to imagine this justification (or excuse) applying to teens whose presumed ages would suggest that they should be under the care of parents or guardians.
A final indicator that teens are RPF inmates comes form a 1984 newspaper article published in the Clearwater Sun:
The young man -- by all appearances a teen-ager -- crouched on the dark, narrow stairway as he scrubbed the sixth-floor landing in the former Fort Harrison Hotel, the 'flag Land Base' headquarters of the Church of Scientology.
'Are you in RPF?' queried a reporter.
'Sir?' he asked quietly, peering up from his work. 'Are you in RPF?'
'Yes sir I am.'
RPF is the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF), which, depending on who is speaking, is either a businessman's approach to improving an employee's lagging job performance or a form of punishment for Scientologists who are banished to serve penance for their misdeeds and 'bat thoughts.'
Two others -- adult men who, like the youth, were dressed in blue shorts and faded blue shirts -- worked two floors below, also cleaning the stairs. They spoke not a word. Former Scientologists say that those in RPF 'are not to speak unless spoken to.'
Those who have spent time in the RPF at the Fort Harrison tell a harrowing tale of long hours at work -- as much as 100 hours a week -- and of months of humiliation and mental abuse at the hands of other Scientologists.
But their vivid recollections of hard work and abuse contradict current Church of Scientology statements that the RPF is 'an entirely voluntary' program (Shelor, 1984: 1B).Of course we cannot be certain of the young inmate's age, but it appears that youth is no barrier to serving time in Scientology's forced labour and re-indoctrination program
Saturday, 22 December 2012
And So this is Christmas
The war is not over, and it never will be until Scientology and all other money making cults are told in no uncertain terms they are not wanted in our world, the world is a bad enough place without these monsters that prey on unsuspecting people.
A song for Scientologists:
"I gave them my life... They drained my very soul..."
And another one:
Second Chance for L. Ron Hubbard - I think not.
Narconon shut down
The war is not over, and it never will be until Scientology and all other money making cults are told in no uncertain terms they are not wanted in our world, the world is a bad enough place without these monsters that prey on unsuspecting people.
A song for Scientologists:
"I gave them my life... They drained my very soul..."
And another one:
Second Chance for L. Ron Hubbard - I think not.
Narconon shut down
Friday, 21 December 2012
Sponsor a Podcast
L. Ron Hubbard mentioned in the beginning, but only to bring attention to it being a museum.
Touches briefly on the census and religions, a small reference to Jedi's, no mention of Scientology.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
The Time IS NOW!
Ex scientology kids, the time is now. Get your stories off to the Supreme Court, and make sure the Hodkins do not get victory.
All of you know, just like I do this is the biggest farce in history, a wedding in a scientology chapel being bonafide, just like a death of a loved one in a scientology chapel being bonafide, are you kidding me?
Isn't marriage supposed to be sacrosanct? I have been married twice myself, I do not intend to make a third one,most marriages in scientology tend to be multi numbered, including LRH, but of course LRH had a third marriage, but not a second one, he was a bigamist.
The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard
I have three Mothers, the one that bore me, the one that acted like a Mother and the one that wanted a Mother for her child.I don't know any of them, I have not seen any of them since 1960,1969,and 1974 respectively.
The first one as far as I know had nothing to do with scientology at all. The second one, Valli, was closely related to scientology via my Father, the third one was a definite scientologist until her dying day, I am still not clear as to whether or not she is dead, just info from a daughter, my step sister that she had chronic emphasemia and had, had several strokes and was now a vegetable, this from three years ago.
Valli, top by window and me, front left. Found in an attic recently. A birthday party.My 5th.By the time I was six, we were at St. Hill, in East. Grinstead.
My third Mother, Lynne Fields at St. Hill in the late 60s.. Married to Derek Fields, accountant for Narconon and Criminon in recent years, both scientology front groups
At st. Hill in the 60's a question of Faith.
A Faith for Sale:
Louisa Hodkin is trying to make it legal in the UK to have marriages performed in the scientology so called "churches, are you going to let her get away with this heresy?
You gotta have Faith! I know Louisa's face, it's one of pure blasphemy, get writing ex kids, I intend to do so,please join me.
Her Father is the one that sends Cease and Desist letters to all anonymous "terrorists" in the United Kingdom, you know, those ones that wear V for Vendetta masks and peacefully protest all over the world.They, the scientologists hand out videos to local businesses saying terrorists are coming to town.And what do you actually get, an ex CMO ( Commodore's Messenger from the Apollo's early days) and a young man that doesn't like the way scientologist's behave.
But never mind all of that, we have a planet to Clear, and we will do so religiously.
All of you know, just like I do this is the biggest farce in history, a wedding in a scientology chapel being bonafide, just like a death of a loved one in a scientology chapel being bonafide, are you kidding me?
Isn't marriage supposed to be sacrosanct? I have been married twice myself, I do not intend to make a third one,most marriages in scientology tend to be multi numbered, including LRH, but of course LRH had a third marriage, but not a second one, he was a bigamist.
The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard
I have three Mothers, the one that bore me, the one that acted like a Mother and the one that wanted a Mother for her child.I don't know any of them, I have not seen any of them since 1960,1969,and 1974 respectively.
The first one as far as I know had nothing to do with scientology at all. The second one, Valli, was closely related to scientology via my Father, the third one was a definite scientologist until her dying day, I am still not clear as to whether or not she is dead, just info from a daughter, my step sister that she had chronic emphasemia and had, had several strokes and was now a vegetable, this from three years ago.
My third Mother, Lynne Fields at St. Hill in the late 60s.. Married to Derek Fields, accountant for Narconon and Criminon in recent years, both scientology front groups
At st. Hill in the 60's a question of Faith.
A Faith for Sale:
Louisa Hodkin is trying to make it legal in the UK to have marriages performed in the scientology so called "churches, are you going to let her get away with this heresy?
You gotta have Faith! I know Louisa's face, it's one of pure blasphemy, get writing ex kids, I intend to do so,please join me.
Her Father is the one that sends Cease and Desist letters to all anonymous "terrorists" in the United Kingdom, you know, those ones that wear V for Vendetta masks and peacefully protest all over the world.They, the scientologists hand out videos to local businesses saying terrorists are coming to town.And what do you actually get, an ex CMO ( Commodore's Messenger from the Apollo's early days) and a young man that doesn't like the way scientologist's behave.
But never mind all of that, we have a planet to Clear, and we will do so religiously.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Sandy Hook School Massacre - Newtown, Connecticut
You might ask yourself what has this got to do with scientology? It is a tragedy of undefinable magnitude, and this is where scientology enters onto the scene, preying on the grieving, the helpless, the most vulnerable time of their lives in the wake of such devastation and scientology ministers turn up with "the way to happiness booklets", promoting scientology and L. Ron Hubbard.
Just when you think it can't possibly get much worse, it always does.
L. Ron Hubbard on targeting the most vulnerable in society for recruitment into scientology...
"Every day in the daily papers one discovers people who have been victimised one way or the other by life. It does not much matter that the newspapers have a full parade of oddities in terms of accident, illness and bereavement occuring at a constant parade before the eyes. The essence of "Casualty Contact" is good filing and good personal appearance. One takes every daily paper he can get his hands on and cuts from it every story whereby he might have a preclear. He either has the address in the story itself or he gets the address as a minister from the newspaper. As speedily as possible he makes a personal call on the bereaved or injured person. It is probable that he will find on the first day that they are overly burdened with calls, since they have been a subject of the public press and he may find that in two or three days, interest in the person has cooled off to a point where his own appearance will admit of an actual interview. He should represent himself to the person or the person's family as a minister whose compassion [sic] was compelled by the newspaper story concerning the person. He should then enter the presence of the person and give a nominal assist, leave his card which states exactly where church services are held every Sunday and with the statement that a much fuller recovery is possible by coming to these free services takes his departure.
A great many miracles will follow in his wake and he is liable to become a subject of the press himself. However, in handling the press he should simply say that it is a mission of the church to assist those who are in need of assistance. He should avoid any lengthy discussions of Scientology and should talk about the work of ministers and how all too few ministers these days get around to places where they are needed.
Some small percentage of the persons visited or their families will turn up in his group. Thus he will build a group and naturally from that group he will get a great many individual preclears."
[LRH, PAB 28/2/56]
"A fruitful source of HAS [Hubbard Association of Scientologists] Co-Audit is casualty contact. This is very old, is almost never tried and is almost always roaringly successful, providing the auditor goes about it in roughly the right way. Using his Ministers [sic] card, an auditor need only barge into any nonsectarian hospital, get permission to visit the wards from the Superintendant, mentioning nothing about processing, but only about taking care of peoples [sic] souls, to find himself wonderfully welcome. Ministers almost never make such rounds. Some hospitals are strictly against this sort of thing, but its [sic] only necessary to find another. Its [sic] fabulous what one can get done in a hospital with a touch assist and locational processing.
Don't pick on the very bad off [sic] unconscious cases. Hit the fracture ward and the maternity ward. Go around and say hello to the people and ask if you can do anything for them. Now here's how auditors have lost on this one. They omit the following steps: They fail to leave a card with their Ministerial name on it with their phone number. They fail to have a telephone answering service. They fail to tell they people they snap away from deaths [sic] yawning door that they can have more of this stuff simply by calling in. They get so involved in the complexities of medical (ha!) treatment and are so outraged at some of the things they see going on that they get into rows with medicos and the hospital staff. And they also pick unconscious patients or people who are halfway exteriorised [i.e. dying] already. This is a pretty routine drill really. You get permission to visit. You go in and give patients a cheery smile. You want to know if you can do anything for them, you give them a card and tell them to come around to your group and really get well, and you give them a touch assist if they seem to need it but only if they're willing. And you for sure make sure that there is someone on the other end when they ring up. Giving them a schedule of your HAS Co-Audit will avail much. I've got a book scheduled named the "sick person" as a working title that will make good fodder for this. But your statement, "the modern scientific church can cure things like that. Come around and see." will work. Its [sic] straight recruiting!"
[LRH, HCOB 15/9/59]
Anonymous on Volunteer Ministers
Just when you think it can't possibly get much worse, it always does.
L. Ron Hubbard on targeting the most vulnerable in society for recruitment into scientology...
"Every day in the daily papers one discovers people who have been victimised one way or the other by life. It does not much matter that the newspapers have a full parade of oddities in terms of accident, illness and bereavement occuring at a constant parade before the eyes. The essence of "Casualty Contact" is good filing and good personal appearance. One takes every daily paper he can get his hands on and cuts from it every story whereby he might have a preclear. He either has the address in the story itself or he gets the address as a minister from the newspaper. As speedily as possible he makes a personal call on the bereaved or injured person. It is probable that he will find on the first day that they are overly burdened with calls, since they have been a subject of the public press and he may find that in two or three days, interest in the person has cooled off to a point where his own appearance will admit of an actual interview. He should represent himself to the person or the person's family as a minister whose compassion [sic] was compelled by the newspaper story concerning the person. He should then enter the presence of the person and give a nominal assist, leave his card which states exactly where church services are held every Sunday and with the statement that a much fuller recovery is possible by coming to these free services takes his departure.
A great many miracles will follow in his wake and he is liable to become a subject of the press himself. However, in handling the press he should simply say that it is a mission of the church to assist those who are in need of assistance. He should avoid any lengthy discussions of Scientology and should talk about the work of ministers and how all too few ministers these days get around to places where they are needed.
Some small percentage of the persons visited or their families will turn up in his group. Thus he will build a group and naturally from that group he will get a great many individual preclears."
[LRH, PAB 28/2/56]
"A fruitful source of HAS [Hubbard Association of Scientologists] Co-Audit is casualty contact. This is very old, is almost never tried and is almost always roaringly successful, providing the auditor goes about it in roughly the right way. Using his Ministers [sic] card, an auditor need only barge into any nonsectarian hospital, get permission to visit the wards from the Superintendant, mentioning nothing about processing, but only about taking care of peoples [sic] souls, to find himself wonderfully welcome. Ministers almost never make such rounds. Some hospitals are strictly against this sort of thing, but its [sic] only necessary to find another. Its [sic] fabulous what one can get done in a hospital with a touch assist and locational processing.
Don't pick on the very bad off [sic] unconscious cases. Hit the fracture ward and the maternity ward. Go around and say hello to the people and ask if you can do anything for them. Now here's how auditors have lost on this one. They omit the following steps: They fail to leave a card with their Ministerial name on it with their phone number. They fail to have a telephone answering service. They fail to tell they people they snap away from deaths [sic] yawning door that they can have more of this stuff simply by calling in. They get so involved in the complexities of medical (ha!) treatment and are so outraged at some of the things they see going on that they get into rows with medicos and the hospital staff. And they also pick unconscious patients or people who are halfway exteriorised [i.e. dying] already. This is a pretty routine drill really. You get permission to visit. You go in and give patients a cheery smile. You want to know if you can do anything for them, you give them a card and tell them to come around to your group and really get well, and you give them a touch assist if they seem to need it but only if they're willing. And you for sure make sure that there is someone on the other end when they ring up. Giving them a schedule of your HAS Co-Audit will avail much. I've got a book scheduled named the "sick person" as a working title that will make good fodder for this. But your statement, "the modern scientific church can cure things like that. Come around and see." will work. Its [sic] straight recruiting!"
[LRH, HCOB 15/9/59]
Anonymous on Volunteer Ministers
Friday, 14 December 2012
The Beast that IS CULT
Only he didn't did he?
L. Ron Hubbard and the drug link
How LRH Destroys Scientologist's Ability to Think
The Total Freedom Trap
Granddad Banned from Teaching Grandson Scientology Methods
The five-year-old has complex problems and is under the care of eight specialists for issues with his behaviour, learning, language and gross motor skills.
The Federal Magistrates Court was told of concerns the boy would be subjected to trialling of his grandad's "treatments" if he were left in the sole care of his grandparents.
The court heard the grandparents had only recently repaired their fractured relationship with the boy's mother after an "intrusive and abusive" upbringing.
She said she was bullied at school and underwent two years of "emotional release therapy" at the hands of her father using Scientology methods, including "reliving her birth".
The grandfather told a court-appointed doctor that he would not "treat" his grandson until he was about 14.
He claimed his techniques had cured his son-in-law of perspiration, "which was his mother's transmitted in utero".
The doctor said the grandfather had poor personal boundaries and an idiosyncratic belief system he had "imposed on the mother in the past, to the detriment of her mental health".
Read more here:
"It is important that the state and different authorities do more checks," Salles said.
He said sects can pose a particular problem as many of them operate across borders and have deep coffers from which to fund the move into education. He cited Scientology and Jehovas Witness as examples.
According to a report that aired on Swiss TV in French on December 9, 2012, Scientology is shrinking in Switzerland. Here is the report with English subtitles:
Scientology Shrinking in Switzerland
Program: Mise au point
Host: Pierre-Olivier Volet
Journalist: François Roulet
December 9, 2012
Host: Is Scientology going downhill? Scientology arrived here from the United States 30 years ago. It has regularly stirred controversy, and some observers say it's only a matter of time. The bad publicity will eventually lead to Scientology's demise in Switzerland.
François Roulet produced this investigation.
Scientology Sunday service: "We of the Church believe that all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights. That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their ..."
Narrator: A Sunday service for Scientologists in Geneva, the equivalent of a liturgy or a mass, except that the readings aren't from the Bible, but from the writings of this man, the founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
Scientology arrived in Switzerland more than 30 years ago, but rumors say it is not faring well and might even be nearing the end of its rope.
Francine Bielawski: (Scientology spokesperson for French-speaking Switzerland) The rumors are false, like many things that are said about Scientology. It is easy to ... Anyone can come see if Scientology is really in decline.
Scientology Sunday service: "Nothing in Dianetics and Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation. "That is all." L. Ron Hubbard, founder
Narrator: In Geneva, the movement claims it has 250 active members. But on this day, we tallied those present. They were 19.
Scientology video: Scientology is a religion that has methods to help you find answers to the questions in life. You have a body, a mind. You ARE a Thetan. Scientology offers you techniques to increase your abilities and attain your full potential in life. For the subject matter of Scientology is you.
Narrator: Scientologists call them "ideal orgs," giant churches in city centers that are supposed to symbolize the movement's strength. There was Berlin in 2007, Tel Aviv this year, and surprise! The next of these Scientology megacenters is due to open in Basel next summer.
Patrick Schnidrig: (Scientology, Basel) This will be the entrance. We will open this up here. That will be a waiting room and reception area. And we'll put up panels. This will all be for the public who have no idea ... It'll really be used to show and to open [sic].
Narrator: A showcase building over 4,000 square meters, an investment of at least 10 million francs. But will the 4 stories of this building really be occupied? Will this gigantic course room be filled?
Patrick Schnidrig: We've had a lot of contacts through the Internet, people who went to see what Scientology is. First they visited our sites, then they came here and asked us. So we'll have quite a lot more people coming than before.
Narrator: In Switzerland, Scientology claims it has 5,500 active members and is steadily growing. But other observers say that L. Ron Hubbard has 10 times fewer disciples. Those who have left the movement even speak of a continual decline. One of them is Ruth Dridi. She worked for Scientology for 5 years in Zurich before slamming the door on the organization. This was at the end of the 1990s. Throughout her time in Scientology, she saw only 7 new members arrive.
Interviewer: In Basel, Scientology is opening a large center, 4,000 square meters. How do you interpret this?
Ruth Dridi: (ex-Scientologist) I think it's just marketing, because it's always one of the things about Scientology. They want to do big things, with everything looking very nice. Glamour. But behind the scenes, it's another story. They really don't know how they are going to pay the bills and all that. It's really ...
Interviewer: You're saying that the Swiss organization doesn't have any more money.
Ruth Dridi: I think so, yes. Perhaps some rich persons are helping, but, in the end, I think it will be difficult.
Interviewer: Why?
Ruth Dridi: Because they aren't finding new members, and they can't go on living with only the old members.
Narrator: Decline. This is also what Georg Otto Schmid believes. This Protestant theologian has been very closely observing the evolution of Scientology ever since it first set foot in Switzerland.
Georg Otto Schmid: (Head of Relinfo, Information Center on Beliefs) Scientology has been shrinking. One can wonder if 20 or even 10 years from now, it will simply have disappeared. Scientology is no longer able to withstand a comparison with recent developments in psychology. The gap between Scientology and science is widening, and this makes Scientology appear less and less credible.
Narrator: So is the future Scientology center in Basel simply a fig leaf? A way for the organization to cover up its decline and unite the few remaining members around a new goal?
Francine Bielawski: We are really beginning to feel tight for space, and we need space. Individuals should each have a room of their own where they can work on themselves. It's very important.
Interviewer: But I don't understand. You have fewer people than 20 years ago. How can you feel tight for space?
Francine Bielawski: Who said we have fewer people than 20 years ago?
Interviewer: Many observers.
Francine Bielawski: Ah, thank you, but it wasn't I. Because I told you we've had a constant progression for 20 years. Really. Progressive. We had a great boom between — I repeat — a great boom between 1980 and 1990 and, since the 1990s, constant progression. And the proof is that we feel tight for space.
Interviewer: But a progression of what magnitude?
Francine Bielawski: I can't really give you numbers. This is isn't necessarily the goal. But if we open buildings ...
Interviewer: But you are unable to tell us how you are progressing or how the movement is evolving?
Francine Bielawski: Well, there are statistics that exist and if you look —
Interviewer: But you don't want to provide them to us?
Francine Bielawski: Then I would have to pull out some documents for you. I could tell you about anything you wish, but the documents contain the proof, and I don't have them here.
Narrator: If Scientology is no longer attracting people today, this is because Scientology has remained locked up in the doctrine of its founder. "Dianetics," the book on which it is based, dates back to 1950. L. Ron Hubbard claimed to have invented a new science of mental health, and he united his followers. Until the beginning of the 1990s, the movement experienced exponential success. At that time, Switzerland discovered this new personal development method from America.
Scientologist: It's a test about your abilities.
Passerby: Okay.
Scientologist: Do you have 2 minutes? We'll do it right now. It helps you to know yourself better. It shows you how you are using your potential.
Narrator: After Hubbard's death in 1986, David Miscavige assumed the leadership of the organization. Scientology then played the glamour card, with Tom Cruise as ambassador. But, in Switzerland, the movement was running out of steam. In the personal development market, Scientology is now outdated. Being dogmatic, the organization forbids any interpretation or modernization of L. Ron Hubbard's methods. For example, auditing, Scientology's basic therapy, is practiced today exactly as it was in the 1950s.
Norbert Fran çois: (Scientology, Basel) You have an auditor, the person who is holding an E-meter. This device will send a tiny 0.5 volt current through the body of the lady who is there. This tiny current will be influenced by the minute mental changes — that is to say, the emotional changes in the mind of this person. And this gentleman will be able to read them on the E-meter.
Narrator: To become auditors, Scientologists must study the founder's teachings at length and in depth. Training costs an average of 30,000 francs. It is the cause of countless controversies surrounding the organization. The accumulation of these controversies has definitively tarnished the movement's reputation.
Georg Otto Schmid: Scientology has huge image problems. Almost every child knows about Scientology. When I moderate discussions about the dangers of cults with groups of young people, there are always 2 communities they spontaneously think of: Jehovah's Witnesses, because they knock on the door of our homes, and Scientology. So it is natural that a movement identified as a cult by all children has difficulty recruiting new members.
Caption on balloons: I say yes to life, no to drugs.
Narrator: Echallens, on a Saturday morning. At first glance, this is an association just like the others that do drug prevention work. It tours French-speaking Switzerland all year long to distribute these informational booklets and to speak with the public.
Passerby: ... because you are an association that I don't know about.
Scientologist: We are an association called "Say no to drugs" and our message is to encourage people to say no to drugs, to not touch them and to stay away from them.
Narrator: What this man does not say is that the association is supported by Scientology. The older booklets it distributed contained this quite explicit statement:
"This booklet is published as a public service by the Church of Scientology International. (...) To request a free copy of these booklets or to learn more about the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard concerning drugs, visit or contact"
Narrator: This local councillor wants to oblige the association to more clearly display its ties to Scientology.
Jessica Jaccoud: (Local Councillor for Nyon): I've been doing some research. We don't share the same opinion about the concept of transparency.
Narrator: To her, it is obvious that "No to drugs" is a Scientology recruitment structure.
Jessica Jaccoud: Your documents give a very good summary of your activities.
Jessica Jaccoud: There is a quite clear intent to reach people who may be vulnerable in order to recruit them more easily. The Church of Scientology has difficulty obtaining authorization for stands in markets because today it is criticized and openly recognized as a cult, at least in public opinion, today it uses front-type associations like this one to directly contact the public.
Mario Lepore: (Head of "Say no to drugs") The goal is drug prevention. The goal is not the promotion of Scientology.
Interviewer: [inaudible]
Mario Lepore: Absolutely. If you read our booklets, there is nothing religious or even political, because the goal is strictly drug prevention.
Interviewer: The association says it is secular. But less than an hour after we finished filming in Echallens, we received a call from Francine Bielawski, the spokesperson for Scientology. She wanted to know the reasons for our presence at the "No to drugs" stand.
Given its nebulousness, Scientology is hard to circumscribe. In the United States and in Spain, it benefits from the status of a religion, while in other countries, it is considered a cult.
In Switzerland, it is merely an association, perhaps soon to be a distant memory.
Host: Good evening, François Roulet.
Journalist: Good evening.
Host: This report was produced by you. Scientology's reticence and distrust of television are well known. Did it take long to get the access you wanted, to be able to speak to the persons you wanted to meet?
Journalist: Yes, one must realize that it is not easy to bring a camera into a church of Scientology. Between the moment the Scientologists agreed to participate in the report and the moment we recorded the first frame, 3 months had gone by, 3 months during which we had to negotiate with them over every aspect of the report, over every picture to be filmed in their churches. They are very wary because they know that their organization is controversial. The controversy in Switzerland stems above all from financial issues, conflicts over money with former members who spent tens or even hundreds of thousands of francs
for all kinds of Scientology services.
Host: In spite of everything, you did gain access. You were able to record scenes that had never been filmed before, to our knowledge. The Sunday celebration, if that's what it can be called, is something that Scientologists did not like to show. How to explain this openness?
Journalist: I think they no longer have any other choice but to play the openness card. For 30 years, Scientology's communication policy was a cult of secrecy and closed doors with respect to the media. Scientology's leaders in Switzerland no doubt realize today that this communication policy is a failure, since the movement is declining. They assessed the situation and decided to play the openness card.
Host: Your report shows that Scientology's image has never been worse in Switzerland. We heard Ruth, an ex-Scientologist, who spoke with great reticence. Having been a Scientologist seems to be a label that is very, very heavy to bear.
Journalist: Yes, it's a burden. Above all, it's a label that is practically indelible. Ruth, who was a Scientologist and left the Church of Scientology more than 15 years ago, still carries this image today. For example, while we were preparing this report, just after her interview, we were taking outside shots of the house where she lives, and the owner of the house rushed toward our camera and said: "No! No! Don't film this house!" I think he knew that his tenant had a Scientology past. He said: "I suppose this story has something to do with Scientology. I don't want to have anything whatsoever to do with that organization. I don't want this house to be shown in your report." I find that this reveals quite well the climate of tension that still surrounds this organization.
Host: 30 years ago, when Scientology arrived, no one knew about it. Over these 30 years, an enormous amount of work has been done to inform the public. And, fundamentally, this is having consequences for the Church of Scientology today.
Journalist: Yes, for the past 15 years in Switzerland, the media have talked a lot about Scientology, and there have also been prevention campaigns aimed at young people. As a result, today, nobody is really unaware of what Scientology is, as an organization. In the 1980s, when the organization was going very strong,
people sometimes didn't know what they were getting involved in. Today, this is no longer possible. Ruth, who was in the report, told us that, had she been the same girl in 2012, she would never have set foot inside that organization. We also must not forget that Scientology operates in a personal development market that has become ultra-competitive. There are now all kinds of alternative therapies. Scientology once had a kind of monopoly, perhaps in the 1970s and 1980s, but today it is outclassed by its competitors.
Host: Thank you very much for these insights, François.
Thank You mnql1
Just about everyone in England knows about Coronation Street
A friend of mine brought this to my attention, because as she said "it sounds so similar to what you have told me about", it's not about scientology it's about another cult called Enlightennext.
When she gave me the paper, the Daily Mail Uk, the writer, or at least one of the writer's caught my eye Paul Brachi, he has written extensively about scientology, anyway I will let you read the article and make up your own mind about how this relates to scientology and any other cult. personally I think celebrities are the major problem in our world today, they obviously are very insecure and have more money than sense.
Perhaps if they got their collective thought processes in gear, they might really make a change in the world and stop world poverty, crime and corruption and really help people instead of helping themselves.
Cut from the same cloth:
Scientology Spreading it's tentacles into Domestic Violence out reach program:
PR - Damage Control:
To be continued...
L. Ron Hubbard and the drug link
How LRH Destroys Scientologist's Ability to Think
The Total Freedom Trap
Granddad Banned from Teaching Grandson Scientology Methods
The five-year-old has complex problems and is under the care of eight specialists for issues with his behaviour, learning, language and gross motor skills.
The Federal Magistrates Court was told of concerns the boy would be subjected to trialling of his grandad's "treatments" if he were left in the sole care of his grandparents.
The court heard the grandparents had only recently repaired their fractured relationship with the boy's mother after an "intrusive and abusive" upbringing.
She said she was bullied at school and underwent two years of "emotional release therapy" at the hands of her father using Scientology methods, including "reliving her birth".
The grandfather told a court-appointed doctor that he would not "treat" his grandson until he was about 14.
He claimed his techniques had cured his son-in-law of perspiration, "which was his mother's transmitted in utero".
The doctor said the grandfather had poor personal boundaries and an idiosyncratic belief system he had "imposed on the mother in the past, to the detriment of her mental health".
Read more here:
Swedish free schools open to sects: study
An upcoming European assessment of the Swedish reform that allowed private actors to open schools says oversight is so bad that a sect could easily be spreading its message to Swedish children during school hours."It is important that the state and different authorities do more checks," Salles said.
He said sects can pose a particular problem as many of them operate across borders and have deep coffers from which to fund the move into education. He cited Scientology and Jehovas Witness as examples.
According to a report that aired on Swiss TV in French on December 9, 2012, Scientology is shrinking in Switzerland. Here is the report with English subtitles:
Scientology Shrinking in Switzerland
Program: Mise au point
Host: Pierre-Olivier Volet
Journalist: François Roulet
December 9, 2012
Host: Is Scientology going downhill? Scientology arrived here from the United States 30 years ago. It has regularly stirred controversy, and some observers say it's only a matter of time. The bad publicity will eventually lead to Scientology's demise in Switzerland.
François Roulet produced this investigation.
Scientology Sunday service: "We of the Church believe that all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights. That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their ..."
Narrator: A Sunday service for Scientologists in Geneva, the equivalent of a liturgy or a mass, except that the readings aren't from the Bible, but from the writings of this man, the founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
Scientology arrived in Switzerland more than 30 years ago, but rumors say it is not faring well and might even be nearing the end of its rope.
Francine Bielawski: (Scientology spokesperson for French-speaking Switzerland) The rumors are false, like many things that are said about Scientology. It is easy to ... Anyone can come see if Scientology is really in decline.
Scientology Sunday service: "Nothing in Dianetics and Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation. "That is all." L. Ron Hubbard, founder
Narrator: In Geneva, the movement claims it has 250 active members. But on this day, we tallied those present. They were 19.
Scientology video: Scientology is a religion that has methods to help you find answers to the questions in life. You have a body, a mind. You ARE a Thetan. Scientology offers you techniques to increase your abilities and attain your full potential in life. For the subject matter of Scientology is you.
Narrator: Scientologists call them "ideal orgs," giant churches in city centers that are supposed to symbolize the movement's strength. There was Berlin in 2007, Tel Aviv this year, and surprise! The next of these Scientology megacenters is due to open in Basel next summer.
Patrick Schnidrig: (Scientology, Basel) This will be the entrance. We will open this up here. That will be a waiting room and reception area. And we'll put up panels. This will all be for the public who have no idea ... It'll really be used to show and to open [sic].
Narrator: A showcase building over 4,000 square meters, an investment of at least 10 million francs. But will the 4 stories of this building really be occupied? Will this gigantic course room be filled?
Patrick Schnidrig: We've had a lot of contacts through the Internet, people who went to see what Scientology is. First they visited our sites, then they came here and asked us. So we'll have quite a lot more people coming than before.
Narrator: In Switzerland, Scientology claims it has 5,500 active members and is steadily growing. But other observers say that L. Ron Hubbard has 10 times fewer disciples. Those who have left the movement even speak of a continual decline. One of them is Ruth Dridi. She worked for Scientology for 5 years in Zurich before slamming the door on the organization. This was at the end of the 1990s. Throughout her time in Scientology, she saw only 7 new members arrive.
Interviewer: In Basel, Scientology is opening a large center, 4,000 square meters. How do you interpret this?
Ruth Dridi: (ex-Scientologist) I think it's just marketing, because it's always one of the things about Scientology. They want to do big things, with everything looking very nice. Glamour. But behind the scenes, it's another story. They really don't know how they are going to pay the bills and all that. It's really ...
Interviewer: You're saying that the Swiss organization doesn't have any more money.
Ruth Dridi: I think so, yes. Perhaps some rich persons are helping, but, in the end, I think it will be difficult.
Interviewer: Why?
Ruth Dridi: Because they aren't finding new members, and they can't go on living with only the old members.
Narrator: Decline. This is also what Georg Otto Schmid believes. This Protestant theologian has been very closely observing the evolution of Scientology ever since it first set foot in Switzerland.
Georg Otto Schmid: (Head of Relinfo, Information Center on Beliefs) Scientology has been shrinking. One can wonder if 20 or even 10 years from now, it will simply have disappeared. Scientology is no longer able to withstand a comparison with recent developments in psychology. The gap between Scientology and science is widening, and this makes Scientology appear less and less credible.
Narrator: So is the future Scientology center in Basel simply a fig leaf? A way for the organization to cover up its decline and unite the few remaining members around a new goal?
Francine Bielawski: We are really beginning to feel tight for space, and we need space. Individuals should each have a room of their own where they can work on themselves. It's very important.
Interviewer: But I don't understand. You have fewer people than 20 years ago. How can you feel tight for space?
Francine Bielawski: Who said we have fewer people than 20 years ago?
Interviewer: Many observers.
Francine Bielawski: Ah, thank you, but it wasn't I. Because I told you we've had a constant progression for 20 years. Really. Progressive. We had a great boom between — I repeat — a great boom between 1980 and 1990 and, since the 1990s, constant progression. And the proof is that we feel tight for space.
Interviewer: But a progression of what magnitude?
Francine Bielawski: I can't really give you numbers. This is isn't necessarily the goal. But if we open buildings ...
Interviewer: But you are unable to tell us how you are progressing or how the movement is evolving?
Francine Bielawski: Well, there are statistics that exist and if you look —
Interviewer: But you don't want to provide them to us?
Francine Bielawski: Then I would have to pull out some documents for you. I could tell you about anything you wish, but the documents contain the proof, and I don't have them here.
Narrator: If Scientology is no longer attracting people today, this is because Scientology has remained locked up in the doctrine of its founder. "Dianetics," the book on which it is based, dates back to 1950. L. Ron Hubbard claimed to have invented a new science of mental health, and he united his followers. Until the beginning of the 1990s, the movement experienced exponential success. At that time, Switzerland discovered this new personal development method from America.
Scientologist: It's a test about your abilities.
Passerby: Okay.
Scientologist: Do you have 2 minutes? We'll do it right now. It helps you to know yourself better. It shows you how you are using your potential.
Narrator: After Hubbard's death in 1986, David Miscavige assumed the leadership of the organization. Scientology then played the glamour card, with Tom Cruise as ambassador. But, in Switzerland, the movement was running out of steam. In the personal development market, Scientology is now outdated. Being dogmatic, the organization forbids any interpretation or modernization of L. Ron Hubbard's methods. For example, auditing, Scientology's basic therapy, is practiced today exactly as it was in the 1950s.
Norbert Fran çois: (Scientology, Basel) You have an auditor, the person who is holding an E-meter. This device will send a tiny 0.5 volt current through the body of the lady who is there. This tiny current will be influenced by the minute mental changes — that is to say, the emotional changes in the mind of this person. And this gentleman will be able to read them on the E-meter.
Narrator: To become auditors, Scientologists must study the founder's teachings at length and in depth. Training costs an average of 30,000 francs. It is the cause of countless controversies surrounding the organization. The accumulation of these controversies has definitively tarnished the movement's reputation.
Georg Otto Schmid: Scientology has huge image problems. Almost every child knows about Scientology. When I moderate discussions about the dangers of cults with groups of young people, there are always 2 communities they spontaneously think of: Jehovah's Witnesses, because they knock on the door of our homes, and Scientology. So it is natural that a movement identified as a cult by all children has difficulty recruiting new members.
Caption on balloons: I say yes to life, no to drugs.
Narrator: Echallens, on a Saturday morning. At first glance, this is an association just like the others that do drug prevention work. It tours French-speaking Switzerland all year long to distribute these informational booklets and to speak with the public.
Passerby: ... because you are an association that I don't know about.
Scientologist: We are an association called "Say no to drugs" and our message is to encourage people to say no to drugs, to not touch them and to stay away from them.
Narrator: What this man does not say is that the association is supported by Scientology. The older booklets it distributed contained this quite explicit statement:
"This booklet is published as a public service by the Church of Scientology International. (...) To request a free copy of these booklets or to learn more about the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard concerning drugs, visit or contact"
Narrator: This local councillor wants to oblige the association to more clearly display its ties to Scientology.
Jessica Jaccoud: (Local Councillor for Nyon): I've been doing some research. We don't share the same opinion about the concept of transparency.
Narrator: To her, it is obvious that "No to drugs" is a Scientology recruitment structure.
Jessica Jaccoud: Your documents give a very good summary of your activities.
Jessica Jaccoud: There is a quite clear intent to reach people who may be vulnerable in order to recruit them more easily. The Church of Scientology has difficulty obtaining authorization for stands in markets because today it is criticized and openly recognized as a cult, at least in public opinion, today it uses front-type associations like this one to directly contact the public.
Mario Lepore: (Head of "Say no to drugs") The goal is drug prevention. The goal is not the promotion of Scientology.
Interviewer: [inaudible]
Mario Lepore: Absolutely. If you read our booklets, there is nothing religious or even political, because the goal is strictly drug prevention.
Interviewer: The association says it is secular. But less than an hour after we finished filming in Echallens, we received a call from Francine Bielawski, the spokesperson for Scientology. She wanted to know the reasons for our presence at the "No to drugs" stand.
Given its nebulousness, Scientology is hard to circumscribe. In the United States and in Spain, it benefits from the status of a religion, while in other countries, it is considered a cult.
In Switzerland, it is merely an association, perhaps soon to be a distant memory.
Host: Good evening, François Roulet.
Journalist: Good evening.
Host: This report was produced by you. Scientology's reticence and distrust of television are well known. Did it take long to get the access you wanted, to be able to speak to the persons you wanted to meet?
Journalist: Yes, one must realize that it is not easy to bring a camera into a church of Scientology. Between the moment the Scientologists agreed to participate in the report and the moment we recorded the first frame, 3 months had gone by, 3 months during which we had to negotiate with them over every aspect of the report, over every picture to be filmed in their churches. They are very wary because they know that their organization is controversial. The controversy in Switzerland stems above all from financial issues, conflicts over money with former members who spent tens or even hundreds of thousands of francs
for all kinds of Scientology services.
Host: In spite of everything, you did gain access. You were able to record scenes that had never been filmed before, to our knowledge. The Sunday celebration, if that's what it can be called, is something that Scientologists did not like to show. How to explain this openness?
Journalist: I think they no longer have any other choice but to play the openness card. For 30 years, Scientology's communication policy was a cult of secrecy and closed doors with respect to the media. Scientology's leaders in Switzerland no doubt realize today that this communication policy is a failure, since the movement is declining. They assessed the situation and decided to play the openness card.
Host: Your report shows that Scientology's image has never been worse in Switzerland. We heard Ruth, an ex-Scientologist, who spoke with great reticence. Having been a Scientologist seems to be a label that is very, very heavy to bear.
Journalist: Yes, it's a burden. Above all, it's a label that is practically indelible. Ruth, who was a Scientologist and left the Church of Scientology more than 15 years ago, still carries this image today. For example, while we were preparing this report, just after her interview, we were taking outside shots of the house where she lives, and the owner of the house rushed toward our camera and said: "No! No! Don't film this house!" I think he knew that his tenant had a Scientology past. He said: "I suppose this story has something to do with Scientology. I don't want to have anything whatsoever to do with that organization. I don't want this house to be shown in your report." I find that this reveals quite well the climate of tension that still surrounds this organization.
Host: 30 years ago, when Scientology arrived, no one knew about it. Over these 30 years, an enormous amount of work has been done to inform the public. And, fundamentally, this is having consequences for the Church of Scientology today.
Journalist: Yes, for the past 15 years in Switzerland, the media have talked a lot about Scientology, and there have also been prevention campaigns aimed at young people. As a result, today, nobody is really unaware of what Scientology is, as an organization. In the 1980s, when the organization was going very strong,
people sometimes didn't know what they were getting involved in. Today, this is no longer possible. Ruth, who was in the report, told us that, had she been the same girl in 2012, she would never have set foot inside that organization. We also must not forget that Scientology operates in a personal development market that has become ultra-competitive. There are now all kinds of alternative therapies. Scientology once had a kind of monopoly, perhaps in the 1970s and 1980s, but today it is outclassed by its competitors.
Host: Thank you very much for these insights, François.
Thank You mnql1
Just about everyone in England knows about Coronation Street
A friend of mine brought this to my attention, because as she said "it sounds so similar to what you have told me about", it's not about scientology it's about another cult called Enlightennext.
When she gave me the paper, the Daily Mail Uk, the writer, or at least one of the writer's caught my eye Paul Brachi, he has written extensively about scientology, anyway I will let you read the article and make up your own mind about how this relates to scientology and any other cult. personally I think celebrities are the major problem in our world today, they obviously are very insecure and have more money than sense.
Perhaps if they got their collective thought processes in gear, they might really make a change in the world and stop world poverty, crime and corruption and really help people instead of helping themselves.
Cut from the same cloth:
Scientology Spreading it's tentacles into Domestic Violence out reach program:
PR - Damage Control:
The Tip of the Spear
To be continued...
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